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ADVERTISING CHEATS ! ! 1 "It has become so cominon to write tlie beginning of an article, in an elegant, interesting marnier, 'Then run it into somc advertisenient that we avokl all such, "And Blmply cali attcntion to the merits of Hop Bitters in as plalu, honest terms is possible, "To induce people " To give them one trial, which so proves their valué that they will never use anything else." "The Bemedï so fuvorably noticed in all the papers, 'Religious and secular, is " Having a large sale, and is supplanting all other medicines. " Tliere is no denying tlie-virtues of the Hop plant, and the proprietors of Hop Bitters have shown great shrewdness "And ability "In compounding a medicine whose virtues are so palpable to every one's observation. Did Shc Dlc '. "No! " She lingered and suffered along.pimng away all the time for years," "The doctor doiug her no rood;" "And at last was cured by Ihis Hop Bitters the papers say so much about." "Indeed! Indeed!" " How thankful we should be for that medicine." A Danghter's Misery. "Eleven years our daughter sufleied on a bed of misery, "From a complication of kidney, liver, rheumatic trouble and Nervous debility, Under the care of the best physieians, " Who gave her disease various names, "But no relief, "And now she is restored to us In good health by as simple a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we had shunned for years befbre using it."- The Parents. Father is Gettiug Well. " My daughters say : " How mucii botter father Is slnce lie used Hop Bitters." "He ia gettine well after hls long suflering from a disease declared incurable" "And we are so glad that lic used your Bitters." A Lady of Ulica, N. Y. Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER was the first preparation perfectly adapted to cure diseases of the scalp, and the first successful restorer of faded or gray hair to its natural color, growth, and youthful beauty. It has had many imitators, but none have so fully met all the requirements needful for the proper treatment of the hair and scalp. Hall's Hair Renewer has Bteadily grown in favor, and spread its f ame and usefulness to every quarter of the globe. lts unparalleled success can be attributed to but oue cause: the ent iré fui 'Jtl 'ment of its promises. The proprietors have often been surprised at the receipt of orders f rom remóte oountries, where they had never made an eíl'ort for its introduction. The use for a short time of Hall's Hair Uknewer wonderfully improves the personal appearanct!. It cleanses the scalp froni all impurities, cures all huinors, fever, and dryness, and thus prevenís baldness. It stimulntes the weakeiied glands, and enables them to push forward a newand vigorous growth. The etfects of this article are not transient, like those of alco holic preparations.but remain a long time, whieh makes its use a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE FOR TIIE WHISKERS Will change tlie beard to a natural brown, or blaek, as desired. It produces a permanent color that will not wash away. Consisting of a single 'preparation, it is applied without trouble. PREPARED BY R. P. HALL & CO., Naslma, N.H. Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. tFOB ALL THE POEMS Scrofulous, Mercurial, and Blood Disorders the best reniedy, because the most searching a: id thorough bloodAyer's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all Druggists ; SI, six bottles, $5. f SI nnn caa be maiio - h Wki I " í - I I ln slx months f-i OijUUU VÜl TUNISON'S MAPS & CHARTS 2Ê ZFor 36 page catalogue, free, if address, H. C. TXNISO.V, JL Jk" Cinclnnati, O., N. Y. City, WVI Jaclcsonville, 111., Omah, Neb. Z8? 1150-62 CWNES 0 PlllS Known to Men of Fame and Science for Remoyins ALL IMPURITIES OFTHE BLOOD. A:!ra:wlo Je1 Brul, Flttust, ud Zfflcltit Cnrt for CONSTIPATION, fjrfcg ta.Sf. DYSPEPSIA.byegiUareand tenderness at pit of stomach, despondency. LIVER B'i'mneai. Mal&ris, Chilla sad Ï - Fevor, causing lorenaw in bck ad T3ÖT also bottom 06 ribs; weariness, irritability, tongiie coated, skin yellow, hot and cold sensations.eyesdull.dry cough.stifled and obstructed feeling, irregular pulse, bad colored stools. APOPLEXY,'t- confusión in head, nervousness, flashes of light befora ejs, loss of niemory. Diseases of Bladder and KIDÑEYS uriIie lark or deposit; -¦" burning, stinging, bearing dowu seasations, frequent desir to unnate, Qneasioess mSamed eyes, dark circles, tfairat. DUpbnm or HFART "¦ pains, uttering or weirht Bear """ ' heart, more o on moving qnickl; Had when lyingunleftside; out of breath on eiertion. HFAnflP.HF dl:1 or êharI' I''11' i" temple, lr..p. ia caued bj waterr fluid. Rhrumatfaiil, Ac, by urio acid in blood. Bowrl 1Irer b oorrupt matter. Wornu by the peiti -old hy ohokinj of the ecretlon. IWATKE'S IMI.IX, bygentl. action, remove, the CAuae, makniR a ermanent cure. Sent br mail fot 25 eenti box of 30 Pilis; 5 boles, tl.OO. (Iii porta, tamps.) Addresj, DR. WAYKt tfe MOlL Plilln.l.ll.l.n.. -„. Sol.l by Druggis ' 1129-1180 G. F. NEWLAND 144 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Musical Merchandise of all kinds, general agent for the celebrated FXAXTOS OP DECKER & SON, HARDMAN, DUNHAM, AND MARSHALL & WENDALL, ALSO THE POPULAR ORGAXTS WILCOX & WHITE, - AND - TAYLOR & FARLEY. U.IMS WAKTED. IST Send for Catalogue and Pricss, „g2 144 Woodward Avenue, DETROIT.


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