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BUSINESS CAKDS. WILLIAM BI6GS, BUILDER. SHOFi COBiVEK CMÜBCH AND 0RLEA3S ST. A en Arbor. W. H. JACKSOIÍ, DENTÏNT, OFFICE: Over Bacli & Abel's Kntrance fcy t'lrst National "rnk. 732tf WILLXAM HESZ. House, Bitio, t) aaraenial uti FRESCO PkÍNTEB.I [¦aperini!, tílnilnit i'd :iv, nj ;!Kic:nhir snr ¦ irorfc of evpry rtoï-rrintion rinnp in the bfsí i:j;f w and warrsriipd ui irtra 6&tt=fset on. SHOP,NO.4 WEST WASMLTS ST. ¦ AnD ArD.r. ...ic.lmn. 5SU ¦ C. SCHAËBEKLËr Residente, SV South Main Streel .B TBACHBR 01' PianorViolín and Thgoryof MusisJ iDBtructlona given on plan of the Royal Covi-B lenratory of Alusie at Loipsic, Saxony. i-lCÉD BAMI ORD & CO., I FRESCO ARTISTSJ Dealers iu Fine Wall Paper.s, Leather Papers, m LINCRUSTA, Paper Ceiling, 'Deeoratious,H Btore Shades, Uceorative Pieture MoulilingsH auil Cen tres. Estimates given and designs su bniitted for Frescoing ana Paper Decorations. 255 Jeflcraon Ave., DETROIT, Mich. H.K9 HSEOOTed 10 Ui NÜVVDKNTAL ROOMS Oir Jo T. Jcibi' 581lf a lTkínds of blanks I PiUM'EI) B SHOltT NOTICB COÜRIER "jo ROOMS.I Biiok-biiitliii tiiiú'Ulv dono andH ;iinu-i :!! , iiivitiylpnSt :; enrrts 'ívii'íiiiiv """I. i i The Practica] TAILOR & CUTTEeJ Of the hite tlrm of WTN"íANS & BELIRY, has lo jfi csted hs p! i-e f btisines at Xo. 7 HURÓN ST11BETM With a full Une oí SWÏJNGS AXD TROUSERIXGS, 'nJ wuui.lsay to hu olit irieods and new oneijB lli lí thej want a Unoi) Klt and a Nobby Kit ata , Keasonable Piices, cali on him and Ihey 11I beiB sure to eet one. sí OB.Ü, GODFREY & GO., j PAIUTERS, DECOR ATORS, 1 1B7 V lt Grlauolil 8t., Detroit. "M i'iiper Hangings. '!J. Rlegant Ceilini; Decorations. Fine Friezea tn all Wiiltlis. Ilouso Shades and Uollers.fl A nTg vailety uí rouoi auraldlng nnd hooks. FRESCO FAIlTTIlTa-l Wenmteaspecialtyof Store ShadeB and iré willH 'urnlsh estimates and samples of colora on apiilica-H 'wn. Shades ütted to rol) írom top or bottom of t'ieH "Indow on Stationery or Traveling rollers. willB turnish O)uque shading to the trade cut to ni ea s u Si Winans & Stafford! -FINE- Cusiom Tailors. WO. 19 Main St, _OUR- Fall and Winter Stock is very elegant and. complete. Prices as reasonaable as consistent with the high grade oí workmanship. lili f W ijCPIc are aiways on t lie look UUImTL"1"1 'or chances to increase ¦W I JX f their earning8, and in time bef UI come; wealtny; those who do ii.. "not improve their opnortuni"es: remain in poverty. We offer a great chance ) make money. We' want raanv men, women. W., girls t0 work for us rightin their own fr,, A"-v one can do the work propcrlyl J tt.hli fr8t f tart. The business will payl more than ten times ordiuary wages. Expen-1 ïLiUiU íurni8led frce. No one who en- 3ÍS . s t0 Inake nioncy rapidly. You eanB vonr ÏOUr Whole time to tue work. or onlyl tht 8l)arcJn"ments. Full information and allí wat isncededBcnt iree. Address Stinson &¦ w., rortlaml, Maine.


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