In Memoriam
At a meeting of the employés of the various printing offices of the city of Ann Arbor, held on Friday evening last, a committee of three, consisting of R. Shaimon, J. B. Sauuders and K. J. Morton, was appointed to draw up and present a seriesof resolutions at an adjourned meeting to be held Saturday evening. The following was the result, and were adopted by a uuaniuious vote : Whereas, By the sudden and to us mysterious action of an all-wise and farseeing Provldence, we are called upon to niourn the loss of our former fiiend and employer, Rice A. Beal, and VVhereas, We feel, that in his removal his employés have lost a true and valued friend; the working class generally, an irnest watcher over their interests ; the vorthy needy a sure source of relief; the rgunizers of all good and useful agencies willing and generous contributor; the ity, one of its most prominent and enterrising citizens; and the State, one whoin ve doubt notcould have filledanyposition u the gift of its people, with honor to himelf, the State and the country in which we live; and Whereas, We, the employés of the late eceased, together wltli our co-laborers, lie printers, pressmeu and book-bindcrs f the city of Ann Arbor, in conference ssembled, deern it a duty we owe to the ïemory of Rica A. Bbal, as one of the irincipal advancers of "The Art Preservaive " in the county of Washtenaw, if not n the State of Michigan, that we as a body, five expreasion to our feelings of regret at ïis uulooked-for and much lauiented dearture; theretóre, be it Resolved, That we, as employés of the various printing and binding establishments of the city of Ann Arbor, attend he funeral of the late Rice A. Bbal, in body, on Sunday afternoon next; and be it Resolved, That we extend to the family nd relatives of the deceased, our sincere nd heartfelt sympathies in this sad hour f bereavenient; and be it further Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing )reambles and resolutions be published in he city papers; and a'so preseuted to the atnily ol the deceased. R. Süannon, ) J. B. Saunders, Com. E. J. Morton. ) At a special meeting of the Board of Diectors of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank onvened by the request of its President, u consequence ot the decease of our felow'associate, Hon. Rice A. Beal, whose udden demise we feel to be a personal loss, he following resolutions were unaninously adopted: Resolved, That in the death of Rice A. 5eal this Board of Directora loses a member upon whose sound judgment and wise ouusels it has long been accustomed to ely. Rising as he did from poverty to afluence by his energy and unusual busiíess ability, honorable and honest la all ïis financial dealings, he was emiuently itted for the position to which the stockïolders of this Bank have unanimously lected him aunually for the past ten years. Resolved, That we extend our sympahies to the wife and family of our deceased associate, and as a last tribute to his memory this Board of Directors will at. end his funeral in a body. Resolved, That a copy of the above be presented to the family of the deceased, and that they also be published in the city apers.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Rice A. Beal