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TO ALL THE WORLDj The Founts of Wisdom Opened Up Through America" Highrtit E ual Work- Apploton's Cyrlopcdia. I Of all the ilesires which anímate the I heart of mankind none are more laudable 1 than the insatiable thirst for knowledge. I The fact that this western world il wants! to know" all the time, cyerywhere aiidj about everything, has led to the f ui ad vanee in the arts and sciences which S so mark each year of the present century. 1 This constant, ceaseless desire to probe theï hidden mysteries of nature, this restle.ssï ambition to solve the deepest secret whieh 1 ages have so zealously gunrded, the 1 cea&ing ambitiou to penétrate that which I has always been deemed impenetrable, toí solve that which none heretofore dreamed 2 of solving, tends to make us of to-day turn 1 to each avenue of knowledge and to testl all the sources from which information K may be derived. To the earnest seekerl after knowledge the necessity of some 1 densed and succinct record of that which I is already imperative, andto none more 8 than the student does the invaluable aid i of such a complete and accurate encyclo-fl pedia appeal more strongly. Those who 1 have the satisfaction of constant reference g to "Appleton's " need no remiuder that in H thisvthey have the highest attainable 1 ard,that each and every article is 1 ly complete, and that its accuracy has 1 er, and indeed can not be questioned. S This work represents the workof years ot'fi study by the leading minds of the world, 1 and covers every conceivable topic. It is indeed difflcult to conceive of anyi one who does not feel this daily need of E the world's history, but its value is readily i apparent to those who have in the J hold those " animated Interrogationi points." By its ald any difficult question can be 3 promptly and correctly answered, and it is i doubtless a safe assertion that childreni growiug up witli daily opportiinity of ac-l cess to this tree of knowledge, will comeS to mature years with adegree of J tion not obtainablein auy otlier way. ¦¦¦¦ The terms upon which you can jet this great work are so easy that it is within J the reach of aimost every person. The entire work, twenty-four volumes, comes 1 to you within live days after giving theH order. On receipt of it you are only ask-fi ed to pay for tvvo volumes. Ouce in al month some one will ask you to pay fora one, thus giving you two years to pay for 1 it, and in your possession all the time, js No interest, no note, nothing that can in a any way disturb your iiuances. It would f seem that after subscribingfor your home f newspaper, your next duty would be tol subscribe for Appleton. li the matter 1 should strike you in that form you will 1 please send postal or cali and seej. H.l Slipper, general manager for Appleton & 1 (Jo. You can find liim at the öt. James, I Ann Arbor. Always bear in mind thatS the book can never be had at the bookl stores. Sold only by agents. The tiinu'j to get is now. Winter Excursión to California. The Pacific coast is fast gaining favor f as a winter resort. The southern half of I California possesses a winter climate that S is not equalled in any part of the globe 1 for salubrity and equality of temperatura, i At Monterey, Santa Monica and else-I where on the coast, surl-bathing is 1 ed in during all the winter iuonth. I Messrs. Raymond & Whitcomb will takel out two parties to California for the j ing season. One will lea ve Boston, Octo-j ber 18th, and the other December 27th. I Two months will be passed at the elegant and fashionable Hotel del Monte, 1 rey, the most luxurious watering-plaoe I hotel in America, and then Santa Barbara, I San Francisco, or any other places of attraction and resort, may be visited, according to individual clioice. A circular, giving full details of thesr novel trips, may be had by addressing W. Raymond, 240 Washington street, Boston. Literary Notices. The English Illustrated Magazine, a new venture, comes to usfrom MacMillan & Co., New York, bound in a very attractive cover, and throughout a neat piece of work ty pographieally, with not a few finely cut wood engravings. A pleasing feature of this magazine are the ornamental jriezes and inltial letters introducing articles, not prefaced with cuts illustratiye of the matter following. The designs of these, and dates of drawing, are given a place of mention just below the table of contents. Algernon C.Swinburne, Grant Allen, William Black, T. H. Huxley, and Charlotte M. Yonge are among the contributors to the initial, (October) number. Subscription price, $2.00 per year. Single numbers, 20 cents. RÜPTURË - " EGAN'S IMPEBIAL " w Btamp for circular and queBlions to be nnpwered whtn we will eend you a Trusa OM THI(. SO NOW USES IN ANN ARBOR. 50 Out of which are 6 permanent curea already. Each perron is referred to in our circular. Approved of and ueed by the BEST MEDICAL MEN OF ANN ABBOB. If your case is a SPECIAL ONE, cal] at the ofllce ndbeitted. Office in hamilton Blek. Aildn-ns, EASf'M ITI II It I M THISS CO., Box 2288. Ann Arbor, Midi. 1 HÜNT'S 1 BEMÍEBY P THUS BEST KIDNEY ano LIVER MEDICINE NETEB KNOWN TO FAIC. HÜNT'S KEMEDT has saved from lingerlng diaease and death hundreda who havo been giTen up by phyaicians to die. 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