1 PO WO ER Absolutely Pure. ¦ Thls powder never varíes. A marvel of puIrity.strengthand wliolesoineness. Moreecon¦ omical than the ordinary kluds, aud cannot I bc sold in competition with the luultitude ot Ilow test, short weight, aluin or plmsphate I powders. Sold only In cans Roïal Baking Ipowdeu Co., 100 Wall N. Y. Infants and Chüdren Without Morphine or Narcotine. What gives our Children rosy cheeks, WTiat cures tlieir fevers, makes thein sleep; 'Tis Castorltt. When Babies fret, and cry by turns, Wliat cures their colic, kills their worms, But Cftstorla. VWhat quickly cures Constipation, Sour Stomacn, Colds, Indigestión : ¦ i lint Castorla. Farewell then to Morphine Syrups, Castor 011 and Paregoric, and I ƒ " Hall Castorla. I Centaur Liniment.- An abI soluto core for i sm, I frjp-ilm Burns, Galls, &c, and an I tnatentaneons Pain-reliever. ÏRAYMOND'S VACATION EXCURSIONS.S ALL TRAVELING EXPENSES INCLUDKD. I The Graad Winter Trips to CALIFORNIA, Lsiving Beat Oct. 13 and Doe. 27. J Two montha' sojourn al the elegant Hotel del I Monte, Monterey, Cal.; sixty-flve days additional I either there or at eight other desirabie wint. r reIsorta, includini; San Francisco, Santa Barbara, I Santa Monica, San Gabriel, San Diego, Riverside, I Oultonand Merced, according to individual prelerI ence, with ampie time for further travel and slghtI seeing ; the outward jonrney by the Southern I Koute, with halts at Chicago. Kausae City, Santa ¦ Monica and I os Angeles, and the homeward mie I by the Central Un:ou Pacific Line, with a stop at ¦ Salt Mke City. 1 2SSend for deecriptive circular. W. RAYMOND, 240 Washington St., 1146-66 BOSTOX, '1 ss. Fits Cured Six Years i go. "It lias been G years since I was cured of iks," says Mr. W. Ford, of Wirt, Jefferson County, Indiana. " Samaritan JVeroine did it." And it always will, reader. $1.50, at druggists. ' ' This celluloid," obser ved Jenkins meditatively, after he had passed the greater part of two days In tryinj; to get one collar clean, "raight better be called a sell unalloyed." - The JudgeFairpobt, N. Y., March 12, 1SS3. Rheumatic Syrvp Co.: Gents - Since November, 1882, I have been a constant sufferer frora neuralgia and have not knovvn what it was to be free irom pain until I commenced the use of Rheumatic Syrup. I have feit no pain since using the first bottle. I think it the best remedy I have ever heard of for purifying the blood and for the cure of rheumatism and neuralgia. w. b. chase. A Bad Case of Scrofula Cured. Port Bykon, Feb. 20, Ii82. Rheumatic Syrup Co.,Wolcott, N. T.: I had been doctoring for three or four years, with different physicians, for scrofula, as some called it, but found no relief until I commenced taking your Syrup. After taking it a short time, to my surprise, it began to help me. Continuing its use a few weeks, I found myself as well as ever. As a blood purifier I think it has no equal. mrs. william strang. This iá autumn, consequently the weather, to those who live In garrets, must be sort of autumn-attie. - Philadelphia Herald. My daughter has taken the medicine faithfully, according to directions, and her health and spirits are now perfect. Tlie humor is all gone from her face. I wish every anxious mother might know what a blessing Ayeres Sarsaparilla is ia such cases. Young ladies should not forget that Goliath died from the effects of a bang on the forchead. - N. Y. Advertiser. Skinny Meu. "Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, iuipotence, Sexual Debility. $1. Any Torn, Dick or llarry can open a beer saloon, but it takes a "Jimmy"to open a bank. - N. Y. News. Sullerers from the ellects of quinine, used as a remedy for chills and fever will appreciate Ayer's Agüe Cure, a powerf ui tonic bitter, composed wholly of vegetable 8ubstances, without a partiële of any noxious drug. Itsaction is peculiar, powerful, and prompt, breaking up the chili, curing the fuver, and expellingthe poison from the systom, yet leaying no harmful or unpleasant cll'ect upon the patiënt. " The umbrella's raise shuts out the SUD'8 rayi. - N. Y. Advertiser. Catarrh is the seed of Consumptton, and uuless taken in time is a very dangerous disease. Hall's Catarrh Cure never fails to cure. Price 75 cents. Sold by Eberbach & Sou. The paternal achers - the guv'nor's teeth. - New York Life. ?'Mother Swau's Worm Syrup." Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic, for feyerishness, restlessness, worms, constipation. 25c. The bored of trade - retired merchants. -Boston Bulletin. Flies and Bugs. Flies, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats,mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleared out by " Kough on Bats." 15c. All that it is cracked up to be - flour. - New York Life. - Fresh air, exercise, good food and Dr. Henson's Celery and Chamomile pills will, when used together, cure any case of nervousness, sick headache, or indigestión. They strengtheu the nervous systein. 5,000 physiciaus prescribe tlieni. Always goingto seed - Cañarles. - New York Journal. I"Rough ou Rats." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Druggists.
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