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RHEUMATINE An internal Remedy and a "HZ CU8S ior all kinds üf RHEÜMATIC COMPLAINTS! IrheujatineJ If y ou are suffering from KIDNBF GOHPLAINT8 ! Give Rheumatine a fair trial. You will never regret having done so. Testimonial from Mr. Thomas IÍ. Day, of No, $3, zyrd St.t Chicago, who has been for manu years employed by the Wagner Sleepittg Car Co., and is Tioiv Conductor of onc of the ir cars running between New 2'ork and Chicago. J. X. SüTHKRLAND, Manager Rheumatine Mfg.Co., Niágara Falls. Chicago, June 25U1, 1SS2. Dear Sr- It gives me pleasure to inform you of the benefit your rheumatic cure "Rheumatine" has been to my daughter, who for the past few years has been a great sufl'erer Trom Rheumatistn, at times being quite helplcss. She took three (3) bottles of your pruparation, and I can bear testimony to it sj)et-(ly action in aflbrctiii}r her relief from pain and soreness. 1 luniks to Rhematine, her health ia now quite rcstoretl, Yours very truly, THOMAS H. DAY. See our Change of Testimoniáis every week in Daily Papers. HOL1 BY M. 1RUGG1STH. Wholesale Agents for Detroit and Michigau, MESSRS. SWIFT & DODDS. 1 142-1 193 KT YOUll PROPERTY INSURED BY C. S. MILLEU, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agoncy in the city. Eetablished a quarier ol a ceiitury aKO. Kepreseutiug the lollowing arxtclass eompaiiies: Home Insurance Co., of N. Y $ 7,0(10.000 t'oQtineDIal ineuraiueCo., of N. Y 4,207,206 NiagHni Insurance Co., of N. Y 1,735 563 türard Insurance Co., of l'hila l,132,48(i Oriënt Insurance Co., of Hartford 1,419,522 Commercial Union, of London 12 000 000 Liverpool, Loudun and Globe 3:1,0(10,000 lor Kates Low. Losses liberally adj usted and promptly pald. ,MM, " IV'ille"A ta A week made at home hy the imlnstril y I Ioub. Kcbi im-iiifH now before the pub1 i 11 lic. Capital not needed. We wlll tart I I W you. Men, women, boys and t'irls ) I wanted every whereto work for us. Now t W ls the time. You can work in spare time, or give your whole time to the business. No other business will puy you nearlyaawell. Noone can tail to maKe enormous pay, hy engaintr at onceCoetly outfit and terms froe. Money made fast, easily and honorably. Addrees Tkuï A Co., Port. land, Malui'.


Ann Arbor Courier
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