rJHHE PROPRIETORS OF THE CENTRAL FLOUBING MILLS havinr finished the cquipment ot tlieir milis are now ready for all kinds of woik in their line. Graham, fine meal and all kinds of feed are kept constantly on liaml. warranted of good quality and at the lowest rates. Farmers will lind facilities for liaving all kinds of custom work promptly done. We cali especial attention to our "White Loaf " brand of flour as superior to any flour heretofore made in Waslitenaw County, being manufacturad by the latest roller proces. If your grocer does not keep it for sale order direct trom the milis on First Street. 1150-62 R. Ij. AII.ES &_gK Au cloKiiiit (i'im mtin i'liurmiii't'ut ioul preprtiou of Positivo mirii. whlih III fouuil nn arrpptuhlcn mi-dj tüllii most t'aslldioua Hul leut TOyr TAOAN'a AI.AXINiO la co-nposd of V t'ostly }touts Hertis uua Fine l Frenco Brnndy, and is tlie Dlnat tinporlant auU safest reniedy evor liuruducid lulo tbw cuuntry. tur llie treatm-'ia o! Kil complftl1' caused by Xiirr, KUIhcj, BiooU .'t 'JV':U" Trouölts, as 1 ii.liKCstiuu. Blllio.j.snesa, K""1.6, Complalnt, Dliilimes, Hnirt A ff.ctiuuí, MM-j Exbauslion, D.-bility, tc. No one sulftrluï with Slclc Heudncho slumld mil uslne a Lamtive or Calhartlo, it ia atw')"1" fecU lts use is especi.lly adviscd to Ladu. Wemakethisjrimfl assertlon. Aluxiue ha " eqaal tor romplaiutsniemluneil. It houluf0 uaed by every i.iie. In tL-ospuuiifDl d se, M ¦ preventive tf slrkness, by it pnwer In ftl(3lD5 digestión and kreinu the bnwt-is remlar. Try Honce.then siellvuu w ¦ :d vr !) wltnouu All DrugKlsts Bell it I' ...', fl.üU per bottia. W008TER. ADAMS fi GO. :lutom, 0.. U. 8. 1137-1188 e o w o n 1_ Swayne's Pilis- Comfortiusr to the Sii'fc. Thousands die from negleot to properly reat Impure blood, constipation, dyspepsia, malaria, apoplexy, liver, kitlney, leart distases, dropsy, and rheumatieinHut lo the debilltated burdened with sucli serious sic.knesi, we coiiícientiously re,0" ouimend "Swayne's Pilis," which oorUjn nedicinal properties possessed by no other remedy. Sent by inail for 25 cents,, box of 30 pills; 5 boxes, $1, (in stamps). AddressDr. Swayne&Son, Philiulelpluar 'a. Sold bv DruíTirists.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News