The Ann Arbor Courier
HftU8leavmgAnn Arbor, Eaat and West, Jïldose folio ws: wlU ooino west. „h and Way Maü 8:35 and 10:80 a. m. fflai?Setwen Ann.Arbor and m jacwoa ¦;;;;;_ 8:00 p, m. i"wMa11 ¦oÖÏko'kast': h .nd Way Mali, Nlght Llne,8:0C p. m. ÏSIoSSu an WaL MaiL-lO: a. m., 4:50 p. m. 1 OOISG SOUTH. „7.15 a. m. 1 GOINO NOBTH. ' MAILS DISTRIBUTKD ggstern Mails dlstrlbuted at 8 a. m., 9.30 a. EwrnnMfdFstrliUtedat 8 a. m. and 6:30 mi viail aud Way Mail between Jack, Jr'SH?n" "rtlor dittributed at 11:15 a. m. iiSïlod.So. 6 F. A. M. o „mr communlcatlons held In Masonic HUW VVeduesday eveuiugs ou or before the '"{liSBrothers ffifögfifr, M. w. F. STIMSOy-Sec= - 7 i niT'iie Courier, who have "i1?., at the Probate Court. wiU "iïe requet Judie Harrinian to 1 nd thelrVrintin to this office.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News