The city physician for the next six „onttewmbe Dr. Darling. George C. Osius was admitted to citizenm In the circuit court, Monday. geWn mails are received daily at the postoffice and the same number are sent out. , , . The Toledo road now has Grand Trunk coimectioiis at South Lyon, both east and west. _____-_- The Clinton Iron Bridge Company have iist completed a fine iron bridge over the Huron at Delhi Mills. Of the 50,G00 new two-cent stamps, orlered hy Postmaster Knowlton, 9,000 ,vere sold Monday. at the office. There are 15 iron railroad bridges beween Ypsilanti and Dexter, and a doublé raek is soon to be luid to Chelsea. This is the time of the year when the ïxchanges are all talking abeut 'our fair" -what a general success it was or is to be. _____--_. James Murphy was elected Vice-President of the Prohibition Club, on Wednesday evening, in place of J. Q. A. Sessions, resigned. Detroit has had tliree barbers who could shave equally well with either hand, but slie only has two now, for the third is in Ann Arbor. The Fair last week was a success. Owing to the great pressure upon our columns this week we can not give an iccount of it. - With the return of the students come the farmers with their wood. The next tniestion is who will come out ahead on the " dicker." Pleasant news for those who drink water from the town-pump.- the water bas been examined with a microscope nd found full of wigglers. Two new telephones have renently been put in. George Douglass' grocery on State Street, and Mrs. Bennett are the latest candidates for helloes. Judge Joslyn has made au example of [lelinquent lawyers by non-suiting two ases in which the lawyers failud to appear when the cases were called. Daniel Brown a young man 20 years old residing in "Webster, died Sunday, of general weakness. The deceased was a son of Richard Brown of the same township. The members of the Tuesday Morning Club, and all who üesire to become members, are requested to meet at the rooms of the Ladies Library ou Tuesday morning next, at 10 o'clock. Sophie Lyons will have anotlier respite. Owing to the illness of Tbere3a Lewis, the principal witness for the prosecution, the Lyons case will of necessity go over to the Harch term of court. The Central will give an excursión to Niágara Falls and Buffalo and return Oct. 13, for 4,15. Also every Honday and Friday in October to Detroit and return with Art Loan ticket for f 1,40. By the new law the doctors are called upon to put in bids to do the city doctoring. When they were opened Saturday evening Dr. Darling's bid was the lovvest and the contract was awarded to him. The reception Friday night to the studente was well attended by flve or six hundred, who filled the rooms from 8 to 10 o'clock. Music, refreshments and conversation occupied the time in a pleasant manner. The following members of the High I School have been appointed editors of thel Index lor the present term : Rossetter G. I Colé, Elsie Jones, Louise M. Meindermann, I Ernest B. Perry, Francis M. Sessions.l Sara Whedon, Philip R. Whitman, Alza-I la Wilson. The Woman's Foreigu Missionary 1 cety of the Synod of Michigan, met in their tenth anuual session at the Presbytelïan church on VVednesday. This brauch f mission workers is one of the best organizedinthe State. Some $7.000 have teen raised for foreign missions during the past year, and $51,000 during the past ten years. Niue missionaries and cight Bible readers are supported by this society, besides schools in China, Siam, India, Peria and Syria. The offlcers of the present Jear were re-elected. Although it was only a few years ago that we were graduated from the High School, our experience in the methods of suspension was very limited and led us ito aslightbut natural and common error M our last issue. We said Prof. Perry suspended the boys, whereas, strictly speaking, it should have been the principal of the school. While the Board aud thepeoPie consider that it is done by authority of we superintendent, it is the principal who signs the writs. Prof. Perry says he never "as suspended any one, butlie takesthcm ack when they are shut out. M. B. Kelly & Co. offered $20 in dry goods for the four largest pumpkins ex"blted at the fair, and $10 for the next est four. Reports had been circulated wat it would not be paid. Let them now te set at rest for here is the following: , ANS AUBOB, Miei). „ Ve lle undersigned, wish to say , ''0"8h Jour paper that M. B. Kelly & Co. nrl,6 llolnorably and honestly paid the Pnzes whlch they offered at the Washte. . ounty Fair, namely : $20 for the 4 4 ,p8t Pumpkins; and $10 for the next sin8.1! for which we wi8h t0 give ur s'ncere thanks. QE0. A. Peteks, II. N. Hicks. It is a pleasant exhibition of animal intelligence, or a high degree of instinct perhups sooie would say, to see L. Gerstner's roan attached to his delivery wagon come at hisdriver'scall, makingcomplete turna, etc. alone, when necessary, at some distance from his niaster. Joseph Hildreth Carter, a depraved young rascnl of Saline townsliip, was sentenced on Wednesday to the Reform School until he is 18 years of age for stealing a horse in Octoberlast. The boy who is only 13 years oíd confesses that he intended to burn the barns of the man for whom he has been working. ' In glanclng over the catalogue of the Detroit Art Loan we found the following: " 518. Holy Family (school of Murrillo). Manyyearsin the. family of the lender, A. C. Bliss. Ann Arbor." Prof. DePont also has in the collection many of his valuable heir-looms, and Dr. S. B. Parsons has a sketch of three drawings on fungus. A company known as the Egan's Imperial ïruss Corupany having its headquarters at Ann Arbor, has teen organizad for the manufacture and sale of this new truss. The truss is now used in both the medical hospitals here. It has theendorsement of several of our reputable citizens who have tried it, and has eflected some cures. At the Union temperance meeting last Sunday evening, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That we expresa our tlianks to the Washtenaw County Agricultural Society for adhering to that sectlon of the constitution of the society which forbids ganibling and the sale of spirituous iquors on its grounds, and to tlie management for the excellent order maintained during the late fair. Dcath has a way at times of strikiug awfully sudden. Mathew Howard, a gard n er in the Tliird Ward, was hearty and well Monday noon ; at dark he was lifeless. He had been subject to attacks of bilious colic, and previou9ly tliey had been allayed. However this time nothing could save him and he dled about 7 o'clock. He was a warm-hearted man who was distinguished for his perfect ntegrity and honesty of purpose. His surviving relatives are his wife and brothers, Hou Mark Howard, of Hartford, Conn., Judge John Howard, of Prescott, Arizona, Robert Howard of this city, Mary Batum, a halfsister, and his daughters, Mrs. LenaLemon of Hamburg, and Mary. Mr. Howard had lived ia Ann Arbor many years and was well-known. His funeral was held yesterday at the Baptist church where the services were conducted by Kev. Haskell assisted by Rev. R. Steele. Nelly Whedon Webb, wife of Dr. W. T. Webb of Lowell, and daughter of Win. W. and Helen M. Whedon of this city, died at her father's residence on the mornïng of the fourth inst. She was born in Ann Arbor, Oct. 3, 1852, and had a few hours before her death passed her 31st birthday. She graduated at our High School in 1871, after which she pursued her studies under private teachers and a year after attended the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, Mass. On her return from Boston she visited friends at Lowville, N. Y. and was soon oflered the position of Preceptress of Lowville Academy which she held for one year but declined farther work as she was not sufflciently strong for the labor. She was married to Dr. Webb and removed to Lowell, Nov. 30, 1881. SIrs. Webb was a woman in whom abounded the woinanly and Christian virtues, ardently attached to her friends, beloved by all, an earnest worker in the M. E. Church with which she became connected at the early age of eiglit years. Her life was one of activity and usefulness, and a large circle of warm friends mourn her death. The Supervisors met in annual session Honday, and chose George S. Wheeler temporary chairman. The following supervisors answered to their names : Ann Arbor City, lst district- C. Krapf ; 2d district- Patrick O' Hearn ; 3d district- Benjamin Brown; Ann Arbor Town - Frederick B.Braun ; Augusta - Wni. Dansingburg; Bridgewater - Henry M. Palmer; Dexter - Richard McQuillan ; Freedom- John G. Feldkamp; Lima - Marcus S. Cook; Lodi- Egbert P. Harper; Lyndon - Frederick A. Howlett; Manchester- Horatio Burch; Northfield- Patrick S. Purtell; Pittsfield- Henry Paul; Salera- Geo. S. Wheeler ; Saline- Matthew Seeger; Scio - Jacob Jedele, Jr. ; Sharon - Wm. B. Osborn; Superior- Geo, McDougall; Sylvan- James L. Gilbert; Webster - Wm. H.Weston ; York- Alfred Davenport ; Ypsilanti City, lst district - Lee Yost; 2ddistrict- M. L. Shutts; Ypsilanti Town - Albert R. Graves. The political complexion of the board is as follows: Republicans.il; Democrats, 11; Greenbackers, 2; Free Trader, 1. Af ter th ree ballots, Marcus S. Cook (Dem.) of Lima was elected chairman by the following vote: Marcus S. Cook, 13; Geo. S. Wheeler, 19; Geo. McDougall,2; Jno. M.Wheeler.l. IThe chairman announced on Tuesday the Ifollowing standing committees for 1883 : lOn Equalization- Harper, Dansingburg, I Burch, O'Hearn, Gilbert. On Criminal I Claims, No. 1- Purtell, McDougall, Feldkamp. On Criminal Claims, No. 2- Paul, I Wheeler, Osborn. On Civil Claims - Palmer, Graves, Davenport. To Settle with County Officers- Howlett, Yost, B. Brown. On Salaries of County Offlcers- Shutts, Seeger, Weston. On apportionment of State and County taxes- Osborn, Krapf, F. B. Braun. Ou Public Buildings- O'Hearn, Graves, Paul. On Rejected Taxes- Jedele, Seeger, Weston. To examine accounts of Superintendents of the Poor- Krapf, Shutts, B. Brown. On Flnance- Yost, McQuillan, F. B. Braun. On Fractional School Districts- Gilbert, Howlett. Ou per diem allowance -McQuillan, Davenport, Jedele. Chairman Cook and F. B. Braun were elected committee on printing. The proceedinijs of the board are to be printed- 700 in pamphlet form and 4,000 in supplement form. The basis of equalization was flxed at $30,000,000. The election of janitor was made the special order for Wednesday, but was put over to next Tuesday. T. D. Horton, Alexander Boyer and "Jen"' Davis are candidates for the janitorship. The Clerk was instructed to advertise for sealed proposals for medical attendance at the jail. On Thursday Mr. Yost occupied the Chair in the absence of the Chairman. The Board resolved to pay no other fees to officers for traveling expenses than the law contemplates. The amount paid by tliis county for criminal fees would lead one to suppose that Washtenaw county has more than her share of crimtnals. The amount of the criminal bilis from January to Octobcr of the present year is more than $10,000, not including jury and witness fees. The Board are inspecting the court house to-day,