Will T. Whedon is home tuis week. H. J. Brown has gone to New York city. George Osius has returned from New York. Volney Chapin was about town the otlier day. Dr. Breakey has been conflned to his house this week. Mis. Jennie Whiting of Milwaukee is visiting in the city. Miss Olive Paul has returned froin a visit to her home in Ohio. Mis. A. C. ClarUe of Saline vislted friends here recently. Frank Lansing Webberville passed the Sabbath in town. Miss Kellogg has been visiting Miss Warner of Mooreville. Mrs. C. H. Holland of East Saginaw was in the city this week. Mrs. Moseley of Fairport, N. Y., is the guest of Prof. M. E. Cooley. Dr. C. W. Mead of Dundee was in our city yesterday. He has been ill. Kev. T. J. Pope has been attenditig his conference at Cleveland last week. Kendall Kittredge of the Register moved his family to the city on Monday. Ex-Gov. Ashley was in the city recently after a long absence from home. Hon. H. E. Turner and wife of Lowville carne to Ann Arbor last Friday. James Smith of Salem, Massachusetts, is visiting his brother-in-law, S, Hendrickson. Miss Mil Ier formerly eraployed at S. Hendrickson's store now clerks for Willis Boughton. Rev. R. B. Pope was in Grand Rapids this week attending a meeting of the trustees of the l'etoskey camp grounds. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. U. Robison and Mr. and Mrs. V. R. PeeK of Grass Lake, have been visiting friends !¦ the city this week. Miss Carrie Hewett of Ypsilanti, and Fred Travis of Ann Arbor, visited and took dinner with ye humble scribe on Sunday. - Saline Observer. Mrs. Dr. Lynch and Miss E liza English visited at Detroit last week,and also spent a few days at S. W. Clarkson's in Ann
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News