University Items
Regents meeting is called for this evening at 7:30. The University hospital is already crowded with patiënte. Tlie two new boilers for the Univeisity were unloaded this week. The Argonautcame out last Saturdny in a new tlress of brevier type. The Chronicle has a surprise in store for lts readers to-morrow. The McMillan Shakespearean library is ulso receiving additions froui Kngland. Miss Sarah Beal and Miss Wilson are the internes at the University hospital for this year. Henry Haskell, law, of '83, was admitted to practice in the circuit court, last Wednesday. There have been added to the library 191 volumes of Germán works on musie and the natural sciences. Nearly a dozen of '83's membors are in the city this fall. Quite a number have work in the Uuiversity. J. V. Baird, pharmic 'S3, has been appointed instructor of chemistry at Lehigh University, Pennsylvania. J. W. Ewing, '64, and J. T. Emory, '80, we note are on the Michigan School Moderator, one of our exchanges. Alfred Schanz ot the senior class has been appointed assistant to Prof. Langley of Alleghany college, Pennsylvania. The Yale foot-ball team has expressed a desire to make an appointment for a match game this fall, with the University team. Ingalls street is a short one, but it feels proud of having more professors living on it than any other in town of twice its length. The foot-ball is again kicked on the campus ball grounds. It is strange lawn tennis is not more indulged in by those of leisure. The literary faculty show a decided determination to limit the ambition of the undergraduates by cutting down the number of their electives. Returniug students flnd Ann Arbor has been considerably iuiproved during the summer both in the erection of new houses and on old ones. The 37th convention of the Delta Kappa Epsiloh college secret society meets with the Omicron chapter iiext week. Their headquarters are at the St. Janies. Two Japanese gentlemen have entered the University, one in the law departnient; the other in the medical. They are T. Fizikawa and W. II. Shiritizi. Prof. M. E. Oooley with the additional facilities in his department for accommodating students, and with financial aid in prospect for offering fnrther advantages there, has good reason to rejoice. The annual foot-ball game between the freshman and the sophomores took place on Saturday. The game was drawn at the close of the third innings on account of darkness, witli the score of 2 tor '87, and 1 for '80. Dr. Harry Kasselman has received an appointment as assistant to Prof. Obetz, professor of surgery in the homcepathic medical department of the University. An excellent position for study in that branch of his profession. The senior class is having a serious time in allotting the senior spoils. Three Argonaut editors have resigned beeause of the unholy alliances made in the class, and each side will refuse to observe class day it the other side is victorious in the cluss election. Kev. Dr. Jacob Cooper has presented to the general library bat to lovers of ancient books will be a rare prize. It is a Polyglot Bible in eleven languages, and in eight volumes. It was pubüshed in London in 1057. The binding is genuine vellum. Dr. Cooper will be remembered as the prospective successor of the late Dr. Cockcr.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News