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GRAND OPERA HOUSE I TÜESDAY, OCT. 16. OnlyUncleTomthfsSeason!l DRAPER'S " Doublé Mammoth The origlnators of all the New and Novel Features, among which are the two most famous specialty "Topsies" living, Miss Kate Partington and Miss Georgia Patuam. 1 r j ƒ f I UVC.SZMI BOLTEB as UNCLE TOM. Two eccentric Marks, the Lawyers, Will H. Davidson and Thomas F. Runa, öix raammoth Siberian Bloodliouuds. Full Doublé Quartette of Male and Female Jubilee Singers and the Mlssissippi Flat lioat Serenaders. TheGreat Realistic KloatinglceScene Orand Allegorieal Transforniatiou Scène, Eva in Heaven. POPllAR PRZCES. General Admlssion 25, 35 and 50 ets. Reserved Seats 50 ets. Admissiou for Chlldren 25 ets. NO MORE! NO HIGIIER! OPERA HOUSE, Friday & Saturday.Oct. 19 & 20 EVERYBODY'S FAVOItlTE. HTfiï ÍÜS as JACQUIHE, Siipported by Mr. Chas. S. Rogerg, and a superb company, in Gayler's comedy drama entitled JA O QUINE PASTE AND DIAMONDS. MISS VICKERS will introduce her famous specialties l.onixi', the Germán Flowor -ii I. Pretty as a Picture, aud a choice medley of the latest production. Admission, 35 and 50 cents. Reserved seats 75 cents, to be had at BUks & Son's Jewelry Store without extra charge. MARKLEY- EILERS- At the residence of the brlde's parents in Toledo, October 2, John Markley of Ann Arbor, to Clara Eilers of Toledo. WEBB- Mrs. W. J. Webb of Lowell.daugl"ter of W. W. Whedon of the First ward died October 4, at the age of 31 years, of blood poisoning. ELA- Mrs. Abigail D.Ela of the Fifth ward dled October 4, at the ase of 70 years and 5 mos., of typhoid fever. BEAL- Rice A. Beal of the First ward dled October 3, at Iowa Falls, Iowa, of acute pneumonía, at the age of 00 years, 8 mos. aud 13 days. BROWN- Daniel Brown of Webster dled October 7, at the age of 20 years, 9 mos. and 4 days. of general weakness. Son of Richard and Catherine Brown. Mathew Howard of the Third ward died October 8. at the aee of 08 years, 7 mos, aud 2 days of billous colic. Having taken possession of my planing mili again, I am prepaied to do planing, scrol sawing, moulding, sasli, doors and blinds, and all work in my line, would be plcased to see all oí' my old customers and many new ones. H. Kuapf, 1162-65 Detroit Street. The Appleton's Cyclopedia which wei advertise in another column, is a library S of information not simply valuable butg necessary to any one who reads, speaks, i writes or thinks on important questions. h In many respects-it ia the best one Anier-g icuns can consult, and it certainly is a K fort to be able to have it at hand ready forï consultation at any time. Good Carpenters wauted at 19 Orlean street. Box 1243. The Armory Hall Academy of Dancing for 1883 84 has an opening social on Friday evening, Oct. 5th, 1883. The class in dancing for ladies and gentlemen begins on Friday evening, Oct. 12, at 7 f. m. K. Granger, Manager. CLEARING OUT SALE of a large assortment of Harey Flowering ShruliH, at one fourlu their value, at TOMS'S CREENHOUSE, Mlller Avenue, Ann Arbor. Also a large assortraent of Hardy Flower Kool s. The fall belng far the best season lor ,„ch remováis. Yours tglfo TOM8 "ÓSCAR O. SORG-, " OFFER PAINTS, OIL. LEAD, and WINDOW CLASS LOWKR THAX ASY OTIIER PAIKTEK IX THE CITY. 6 O S. CIlsr ST. 1 Ui-j -65 __ Irainl m Diitsnu, A 1 162-1200 . I FARM FOR SALE 80 ACRES, (27 acres tlmber) three miles frpra Ypsllanti. I ( Oood buildings, orchards, etc. TEBMSTKYRÏASÜÏABLS! Call on, or addresa WARREN WOOLSEY,! - AT - P4.R8OX BROS. Factory, Vpsllantl.l 1162-05 I Ilchiii!? Piles-Symptoms and Cure. ThesymP&W are molslure llke pers-l niration intense itchlnft increased byl '.tchin" very distressinü, particularly I TS, temí as if pin-worms were c rawfi g m and about the rectum; the nrivatenartsaie sometimes aftected. If ?ilowedto continue serious resulb raay foUow "Swayne's Ointment" is a pleas„ re cure. Also for tetter, itch salt Heun sSld head, erysipelas, barbers' tch blotches, all scaly, crusty skin dise' ès Sent b'y mail for 50 cents; 3 boxes SSrtlJtB (in stamps). Address Dr Sw'avne & Son, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists. I