AN ELEGANT PLACE. The Cloak Ilooin or the Dry Goods Establishment of Bach & Abel. n ¦ nt.i .si inC Place' for the l.mlii - If the ladies of Ami Arbor would be surprised and charmed with the beauty of all thiit goes to make up adornmeut of persou and would see the fabrics apon whicli fashion has set its seal and spend an liour plcasantly they need but visit the dry goods establishment of Bach & Abel at the corner of Main and Washington streets. These well known dealers have recently added to their store a Cloak Room, which is used exclusively for the exhibition of ladies' cloaks and which is fllled with an immense stock. The room isone-half aslargeasthestore anddirectly above it. A fine b russels carpet, handsome wall-paper and an immense minor give the place an inviting appearance, white sofas and easy chaira make it a pleasant place for ladies to spend an hour or two. The crowded condition of our columns tliis week forbids an enumeration of the many lines of goods kept, but a few of the most desirable are tnentioned. In the neat and close fitting Jerseys a large assortment can be found, ranging trom a light one for $2.50 to the heavy I winter Jersey for $20.00. Light coloredj walking coats, half ulsters anti ulsters to satisfy any one for $3.00 and upward. The stock of black walking coats and ulsters is also large and correspondingly clieap. Dolmans, handsomely trimmed with fur and astrakhan range in price f rom $8.00 to $50.00. In the next depaitment we come to are a line lot of what will be the most popular garments tliis season- the Russian Circulars. These are trimmed with fur and astrakhan and made either of diagonal goods or Ottoman and Sicilian silks. The cloaks made of Ottoman and Sicilian silks and satina are usually trimmed with fur and are very tastily gotten up. The plain circulars are also to be found at prices ranaing from $12.00 to $40.00. But by far the finestgartnents are the elegant plush oioaks, some of which are worth $100. In addition the line of ladies' cloaks, there is a f uil stock of children's goods- something not oftenj found in a place of Ann Arbor's size.j The Cloak Room is now open to visitorsj and daily visited by many ladies who arej attracted by the fine display. It is well worth a visit, and thosc who are acquainted with Messrs. Bach & Abel and their obligingclerks.knowthatthey are always welcoined whether or not they desire to purchase. Feliz Lo Brun's and Gr A Guaranteed Cure for Gonorrhcea and Gleet. Safe, pleasant and reliable. No bad elfccts fromite use; does not interfere with bnsiness or diet. Price, $2.00 per box, or three boxes for $5.00. Written guarantees iesned by erery daly authorized agent to refund the money if three boxea fail to cure. Sent postage prepaid on receipt of price. Address, J, H. BRÜWN & CO., Sole Agent, Ann Arbor, Mich. AYER'S Sarsaparilla ccres Rhmimatism, Neuralgia, Itheumatic Gout, General Debility, Catarrh, and all i dtanrders aused by a tliin and inipoverished, I or eoriTipted, condition of the blood; expellhig í the Mood-iwteontí from tbe system, enriohing i and renewfng the blood, and restoring it vitall izing pwer. [ Dturtttg a long period of unparalleled usefulIne66, At Ws Sarsapakilla bas proven its ï perfect adaptation to the cure of all diseases j E origiaating in poor blood and a wtakened vitality. j ¦ It is a highly concentrated extract of I P parilla and otber blood-purlfying; i oot -., I combined witli Iodide of I'otaftBium and ïmii, and is the safest, most reliable, and most economical blood-puritior and blood-food that can be used. Inflammatory Khenmatiam Cured. "Ayeb's Sakhaparilla has eured me of the ïnflammatory Kheuniatism, with whicli J have sutlered for many years. W. H..1ookk." Dorham, la., Slaroh ü, 1882. " Figlit years ago I bad an attack of Rheumat i mu so severe that I. could not move f rom tbtí bed, or dress, without help. 1 tried several remedies without mueb. if any relief, astil 1 took Ayeu's SAR8APAKILLA, by the use of two bottles of which I was completely cured. I havo not been troubled with the Kheumatism since. Havo sokl large quantities of your Sarsapakilla, and it still retains itswonderful popularity. The majiy notable cures it has effected in this vicinity convince me that it te the best blood medicine ever olfered to the public. E. F. Harius." Kiver St., Buckland, Mass., May Vot 1882. u Last IVTarch T was so weak from general debility fchat I could not walk without help. Following the advioe of a f riend, 1 coinmenceu tuking Aykr's Sahsaparilla, and before 1 bad used three bottles I feit as well as I everdidinmylife. I have been at work now for two months, and tbink your Sarsaparilla the greatest blood medicine in the world. Jamks JÍAYHARD." 5l!0 West 42d St., New York, July l'J, 1SH2. Ayer's cures Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complaints, Kryslpelas, zetna, Kingrworm, f.ioi. h. s, Soreg, Boilut, 1 'umors.aiid Eruptionsof the Skin. Il cW-ars the biood of all impurities, aida digestión, stinni. lates the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitalifey and strengthens the whole system. PRBPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. I Sold by all Druggists; price Y1, six buttles 95.
Ann Arbor Courier
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