S5OO REWARD! VTE wiil pav the nbore rrwsrd for any cue of Liver Complalnt' Dypepii, Blek Headache, Indigestión, Comtlpation or Co I we caonot cure with Wctt'i Vgettble LiTar I'llls, when the dirpctionre itrictly coniplied with. They re purely vegetable, üJ nevtrWl to giv itUfaction. Bugar CotcJ. Larg boiet, conuinlng 30 pilli, 25 eeot, Fr saU tiy all druggbu, BewaM of couoterftili and imltatloDS. Tb penuiue roaiuifactuml vnly by j JOHN C. H'EST A CO-, 1S1 A Mt W. Ma.liioa St-, Chlcao1 i'nt truü packago Hat by uiail prcjiaiU vu norfpfcof 2 ceiitiUUL
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News