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Utah Patchwork

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Jalt Lake lierald. ïherc is a youug lady hcro who has been working cighteen months on a ijidll. There are about 30.000 pieces in it now, and it U not vet completad [ha quilt ia regulated by her beaux. VVhen shc began, hor heart was chirrup to her of someboJy, and the quilt grew wonderfully fast and all the colors won briglit. After a while her friends noüecd a ehange in her face, Üiat liei work progressed less rapidly, and tha nombro sliades werejbeing inlroduoed in the wonderful creation. After a few weeks inore the work stoppen short.liki grandfather's cloek, and waslaid awaj for six weeks But one morning, afteraball, thougi tlie lady danced late, she was np brigin and early, the negleeted quilt waf brought forth, the somber tints were al unstitcted, more brisrht colors were produced, and the quilt grew rapidlj nnder her dc-ft hands, it sïiown like wreath of beautiful ilowcrs under hei eyes, and the song in her heart took 01 the tone of the lullaby which the nioth er'bird sings in her nest. But this, too, stopped after a while. The som ore hues were recalled, anc overy bright square was embossed witl a dot of brown or sable, until the efteci was that of a half mourning robe. Tin a ncw lover oatne, a gravs and thoughl fnl looking gentleman of mature years. and for a ïortuight the work went on ir. silenee, until a I order of old gold surrounded the quilt. So it has gone or ever since: sometimes progressing witl wonderful speed, then, like Penelope the work whieh was wrought with day had been oblitcratec' with teap by night; sometimes it had been laid away for a week at a time. The reporter saw the yoiing lady al work a few days ago. The quilt was nearly complete, ouly a few patehes remaining, and meanwhile thero was a look of resolve around the mouth, and a lovelight in the eye of the young lad- ivoiulerfully suggestire of a feeiing in her heart that there was to be no inore ditchiuo; of the train and no more washonts: that everytking was runuing oo fast schcdule time, and that she was alrcadv- preparing to whistle down brakef on a young man, aad henccforth to bt !iis conductor for llfe.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News