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Still at the head- hairbrushes. -Boston Bulietiii. gTT. NEWÜm 144 JVoorfward Ave., Detroit, Wkolesals and Retail Dcaler3 in Musical Merobandise of all kinds, general agent for the celebrated PIANOS OF DECKER & SOW, H&RDMAN, DTJNHAM, AND MARSHALL & WENDALL, ALSO rHB POPULAR ORGANS Wilcosz &: Wlii-be- AND- Taylor 5c Parley. .UÍENTS WANTEI). ïySend for Catalogue and Pnces, 3FJ 144 "Wood-uu-ard Ave., DETROIT. CLU(3 ioAD E ] HuiUiS 'tf&l'í' W - ÜEAjflt! The abovo dcplcts n very pleasnnt f at uro of bieycling as a sport. The club Lavo rkldcn from their licndquarters in the city, to a suburba villageRomc twenty milea away, wliere thoy nwait thu ariival of thu racing meiobcra who weru to ¦tartjuat thirty minutea Ínter. Five minutes more and the two foremost of tho racing men- Fri, on Lis " Harvard," and Yonson on liis ' Yale," appcar in sight. The pace n tremendous: tbc men are neck and neck, and Bodges, the captain of the club, whora you obcnre is leaning on bis H Shadow "ligbt roadster, in the foreround, declares the race a tic. " Whcre are tlie other men? " lic nsks. OIi, behind, soraewherc," is the reply. "Are thcre my 'Harvard'a' or 'Yule'éor Sharluw's ' nmung them? l "Not one." Ali ! tliat accounts for it," aays tbc captal.i. I Ameiicau bicyclers as a body will realizo tho j force of the captain' last remiirk, but the I Hands of new ndera wliteh the conaiug year will I produce, ehould oach one of them realize that E the on ly true eoononiy in cliouíiing a bicycle is to I lic content with QOtbmg toM than tlie very best I that nsoney will procure. Etteb ehould lind out I all lie can about bicycles bcfore niaking bil I choice, and in order to assint enqulrers in their I Hearcli for infonnation, we will,'on recelpt of n I athrec-cent stamp, send to any a-.ldrees, i copy I of our large illufítrated catalogue by return mail. THE CUNNINGHAM COMPANY, The Pioneer Bioycle House of América. ! [EtbUhod 1877.] I Importing Mimufnctur's of Blcyclcs & Tricyde Odd Fellüwb' Hall, Boston, Mabs. CIIAS. V. WAÜNER, Agen', I 21 South Main St„ Ann Arbor, Mich. E l


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