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lilPil! Catarrh, Throat Disease Bronchitis and Asthwa Also dUeasc of the KVK, kak ami IIEajt letroitTiiroat&Lunglnstitute ,M. lilll'OX WILLIAMS, M.J) MC P.„ Propiiator. ' "'r'ü., Ovor :0,(i(yi Cases Treutort in tho I ¦,.. ear. AJ] dlaeuei o( the RetpiStbr? Sï ¦eated i.y MeOloatod Inhalatloiu, combSwiS aqulrcfl wlth proper conMltntlonal rcmediÏÏ ¦roMAfii. Liter and Blood, 4-c. ir T .,?iinle Detroit Throat & Lung Instïtute 25S Wuodward Avo.. Detroit ,MIch. GET THE BEST! LEAD ALL OTEERg ! Every Style & Price. Guarantecd XJnequaled FOE loPERATION. ECOWOMY. IdURABBUTY and WORKIWANSHIP. ¦Improveaients and Convenientes íouni is no otners. lAiways Reüable. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. For Sale in E'ery City and Towa in tlio Unitod Statoi. And by John Fflsterar, [Aim Arbor. 1157-75. w. tremTíX GENERAL. Insurance Agencj omes ftrer Casper Riusey's Groery Sta, COK. HURÓN AND FOCIRTH ST, North British Insnrance Comp'; (Of London and Edinburg) Capital 113,000,000, Gold. Detroit Fire and Marine Ins. Co. Cash AsseU 800,000 Springflold Ins. Comp'y of Mass.. CashAsset.... 100,030. Howard Ins. Co., of New York, igricnltural Insurance Comp'v, WATERTOWN. - - NEW YORK, CaahAsMts 1,200,000. Lgssm liberall? adjotl and premptlf pa: A.F.HANGSTERFER&CO. 30 and 32 Main St. Ice Creara Parlors and Oyster Ocean Restaurant. 'Iheir Celebrated Premiumlce Creara, Water Ices, etc.madí to order on short notice. Pities supplied with Weiding Cakes, Fancy Pyramids Charlotte de Russe, etc. We have in our employ the finest F cy Cake Bakers d Ornamentexs in the state. Malaga Grapes, Oran ges, Figs. Dates, Raisins, Nuts of all kinds kept constantly on hand. We also manufacture our own Candies. Also Propriotor of the Hangsterfer Ice Compauy. Telephone Connection. __, Ferdon LumberYari JAMES TOLBEKT, Prop. Mannisctnrw and Dwür ts SAGIKAW AJÍG-SAWE LUMBEB. Lath and Shingles. W liiTlt all U kIt ni a cali, and "In ¦toet bef ore parchaln eUwnr ALSO AGENT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO. And sells fire bricfc JAMES TOLBEBT, PKOP R ¦ I ! THE ANN ABBOB Savings Bant Xyj" ARBOn, 3ÍICBT0AS. Transacts General Banking Büsío CAPITAL, $50,000. 9 OrgnnluM under the General Banklnü L'r,t(it j8tate. the stockholder nro IndiTldualtT "' .jir Ban additlonal nmount equal to the t0L' "ftf them, therebr crea'inK a Quaranteei"" ¦the beneilt of Depositors of S 1 00,000.00. a Three per cent. interest is allo! SSaTlng Depop'.u of one dollar und np Y, HoordlnK to the rules of the linnk. and Int' „ Bpnanded semiunnuallr Money to Losn ' jf Incumbered real eutnte and oiher good lecw1"' fl DiRBCTons -l'hristlan Mack, W. W. W",,! ¦ Bcal. Villim Denbcl. Wllllam 1 üu BDanlel lliscock, nnd Wlllar O. SrnitU. OFFICEBS. , p aCBaisTi.'.N M-irii, Pres [ W. w . WyBH. Mtf ¦i Chai a uucock, Catuitr. '


Ann Arbor Courier
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