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-Bj23aa ForDyspepsla, . ¦alTtfffyT?!! Íl'Ml Costiveness, flW'i i i I hi LCJSick Heiulaehe, u wSSkV rl-.ooa, Jaundice, 4fmi& Iinpurity of tlio ËSÜ%Ê& Sï H'"'1 l'l'verand ?1 f jM tff and all Iiseac.ea ' íS- "' 35t caused by Derangenient of livor, Bovicls and lüdneys. STMPTOMS OF A DISEASED LÏVER. Bad Brcath ; Pain in the Sidc, sometimes the pain is feit under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken tor Rhcumatism ; general loss of appetitc ; Bowels gcnerally costive, sometimes alternr.tin? with lax; the head is troublcd with pain, is dull and heavy, with considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of leaving undone something which ought to have been done; a slight, dry cough and flushed face is scmclimcs an attendant, often mistahen for consumption; the patient complains of weariness and debility : nervous, easily startled ; fcet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation of the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent, and, although satisfied that exercise would be beneficial, yet onc can hardly summon up fortitudc to try it- in fact, distrusts every remcdy. Scveral of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred when but few of them existed, yet examination after death has shown the Ulver to have been cxtcnsively dcranged. It should be nsed by all persons, old and young, whenover any of the abcvo symptoms appear. Persons Travelinpr or Living in Unhcalthy Localities, by taking a dosc occasionally to keep the Liver in healthy action, will avoid all Malaria, Bilious atlacks, Dirziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc. It will invigorate like a glass of winc, but is no intoxicating beverage. If Tou have eaten anything hard ol digestión, or'feel heavy after meals. or sleepless at night, tako a dose and you will be rclieved. Timo and Doctors' Bills ivill bc saved by always Uceping the Regulator in the House ! For, whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughl safe purgative, alterative and toic can never be out of place. The remedy is liarmlesa and does not intertere witb business or pleasure. . IT IS PUKEIY VEGETABLE. And has all the power and eificacy of Calomcl of Quinine, without any of the injurious after efiects. A GovernoVs Testiraony. Simmons Liver Regulator has been in use in my family for sime time, and I am satisfied it is a valuaole addition to the medical scicnce. J. Gill Shorteh, Governor of Ala. Hon. Alexaniler H. Stephens, of Ga., says ; Have dcrived some benefit from the use of Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a further trial. "The only Thing that never fails to Relieve." - I have used many remedies for Dyspepsia, Liver Aflection and Debility, but never have found anythiig to benent me to the extent Simmons Liver Regulator has. I sent from Minnesota to Georgia for it, and would pend further for such a medicine, and would advise all who are similarly affected to g:ve it a trial as it scems the only thing that never fails to relieve. P. M. JamhsT, Minneapolts, Minn. Dr. T. W. 3Iasoïi says : From actual cxperience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in my practice I have been and am satisfied to use and prescribe it as a purgative medicine. JdTakc onlv the Genuine, which always has on the Wrapper the red Z Traile-Marlc and Signature of J. U. ZEILIN & CO. , FOR SALF. B Y ALL DRUGGISTS. The only known speclfio ior Eplleptio rits. "vH l1bo for Spasms and Falltng Sickness. Xervous Vcakness it lnstanUy relieves and cures. Cleane lood and gulckcns slugglsh circalation. Neutra, !zes germs of diseaso and Baves slckncss. Cures [TSKEPTIC SAIDJ i-ly Wotches and stubborn blood sores. Eliminatcs aöils CarbnncleaandScald. f-Pcrmanently and promptly cures paralysls. Tes, lt is a channing _n4 acallhfii Aperient. Kffl Scrofala and Kings Erll, twln brothcre. Changea bad brcafa to good, remoT" Ing the canso. Eouts billons tendencies and ma-tea clear complexión. Equalled by none in the delirium of ícTCr. A channing resolvent and a matchless laïative. It drives Sicfe Headache like the wind. tjp-contalnsno drastio catlianie or opiates. EeUeTM (THE GREAT) the brain of morbld Tromptly cures Ehcamatismbyrontingit. EcBtorcs Ufe-gtTing properties to tho blood. Is guaranteed to cnre all nervouB disorders. ps-Rellablc Tfhen all oplates laU. ae. ircsh'es the mlnd and invigoratcs the body. Caret dyspcpsla or money ref unded. ISeTlymcailhySs la U. B. aad Eope. cyForBalcbyalllcadlugdroggists. (W For Testimoníala and circulara send stamp. The Dr.S.A. Richmond Med Go. St. Joseoh.Mo HALL5S io pnmmflfided bv Physacjansi ""We manufacture a"d7eHtwltIiap08Ítlve Sft rSfsin single i nsiance, toF J C HPNEY Oa, Toledo, 0h lt-ÍÍ8S " "ForsalebyEberbacU _ AYER'S Agüe Cure rcmedv. It contains no Quinine, "" i .¦ WE WABKANT AYER'S AGÜE CUBE mlttent or Clnll Fever, ¦¦ JJJ Immh Aguo, Bilious rever and Livor ton Dr'Zc. Ayer&Co., LoweIJ, Mass.


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