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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powder never varíes. A marvel of pu rity,strengtüand wholesomeness. Moreeccm omical than the ordlnary kinds, and oanno bfl gold In competition with the multltude o loW test, short welghl, alum or phospliate powders. Sold only In cans. Roïal Baking Powdek Co., 10U Wall St., N. Y. RAYMOND'S VACATION EXOURSIONS ALL TBAVEUNÜ EXPENSES ÏNCLUDEI). The Srasi Winter Trips to CALIFORNIA, Lsivisg Beatón Cct. 18 asi Sec. 27. Two months' sojovrn al the elegant Hotel de Montey Monterey, Cal.; sixty-flve daye atlditiona elther there or at eiglit other desirabie wintir re sorte, includlnx San Fraucisco, Santa Harbara Santa Monica, Sao Gabriel, San Diego, Rivereide Coltonsnd Merced, according to individual prefer ence, with ampie time lor further travel and slht eeeing ; tbe outward Joarney by the Southern Ronte, with halts at Chicago. Kansa CitT, Santa Mouica and Los Angelee, and the homeward on by the Central ün ou Pacific Line, with n stop a Salt Lake City. t5Send fur deecriptive circular. W. RAYMOND, 240 Washington St., 1146-66 HOS TO V il ss Danghters, Wives, and Mothers. We eniphatically guarantec Dr. Maiclii si's Catholicon a Feniale Remeily, to cure Female Diseases.such as Ovarinti trouble? Inflamniation anti ulceration, Falling ani Displaoeinents or hearing down feeling Irregubirities, Barrenness, Clmngeof Life Leucorilioea, besides many weakriesse springing fmm the above, Hke IIei(Jiche líloating, Spinal weaknoss, Sleeplessness Nervous debility, Pal pita tion of the lieait etc. No cure, No Pay. For sale by drug gists. Prices $1.00 and $1,50 per Bottle Sendto Dr. J. B. Marchl&l, Utiea. N. Y. for pamphlet, f ree. For sale by Eberbaol & Son, Druggists. TIITD BEST KIDNEY and LIVER MEDICINE NEVER KNOWN TO TAIL. CURES all Diseases of the Kidneyg. Liver, Bladder, and i: rí nsiry Organs ; Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, Bright'g Diaease, Pains in the Back, I.oIiik, or Sido ; Retentlon or Non-Retention of Urine, KervouH Diseascs, Feraale Weakneggeg, Excegges, Jaundlce, Billougneag, Headache, Sour Stomach, Dygpepsia, Constipation & Fileg. HUNTSREMEDY CURES WHEN ALL OTHER MEDICINES H'Al L, as lt acts dlrectly and at once on the Kldneyg, Uver, and Bowelg, restoring them to a healthy action. HUNT'S REMEDY is a ïaf e, sure, and speedy cure, and hundreds have been cured by it when physicians and friend3 had giren them up to die. Do not delay, try at snee HÜNT'S KEMEDY. Send for Pamphlet to HUNT'S REMEDT CO., Frovidence, R. I. Prlceg, 75 centg and 81.35. Large siie the cheapest. Ask yonx drnggist for HUNT'S KEMEDY. Talte no other. wUnfaiung t ForailSkinV f BEMEDY suchas Ol SE ASES! iTETTER.ITCU SORES. PIMPLES, ƒ VRYSIPELASJ WRINGWORM TOF GREAfrcilREFOR ITCMHGPIIES Symptoms are moisture, Btingin, itchinp:,worseat Dight; leemsas if pin-worma were crawling about the nctum;tho private partsarooftenallretej. Asa pleaiant, economical and positive cure, Swayne's OlHTHlllTil auperior to any ar l icio in tbe markot. 8old hy dniggista, or end 60 ets. in 3-ct. Stampa. 3 Boxai, (1.25. Addresa, D. Swatne & Son, Phila., Pa. 1129-1180


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