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Tlie school board lias purchased a set of Applcton's Encyelopedia. Tlie will of David Botsford, of Salem, was admitted to probate on Wednesday. The two cent reduction in postajre does not eftect foreign letters. They still reqnire live cents. Ia Detroit they s:iy more people come to the Art Loan from Ann Albor Ihan from any other town. William Lane was granted a decree of tlivorce on Wednesday, from Florence Lane for desortion. The parlies live in Saline. Tlie will of the late Frederick Schmid was proved in the probate court on Alonday. Frederick Schmid, Jr , was appointed execntor. Mrs. D. M. Tyler who was hurt a short time since by a collision on Main street is slowly recovering and will be able to be out in a few days. Gilbert M. Smith of Ypsilanti pleadcd guilty to :i cliarge of assault and battery in the Circuit Court on Monday and was let off under $100 bonds. In the caseot Kittredge and Eitelbus vs. The T. A. A. & G. T. R. R. for work done in grading the rond, the jury brnught In a verdict Air tlie plalntifl of $477.7. The Michigan Dnitarlan Conference liolds its Autumn session this week at Mt. Pleasant, in connection with the dedication of the new Unitarian Church at that place. The Circuit Judge ordcred a nolle pros, tn be entered in the case of the People vs Peter Beecher, an old tramp arrested in Salem charged with breaking into a school house and barning school books. Amortgage and deed of trust from the Toledo, Ann Albor and Northern Michigan Railway cnmpany, to the Central Trust Company of N. Y., was recorded in Gratiot county last week for the sum of $2,120,000, Rev. Mr. Sunderland will speak on next Sund;iy evening upon the subject: Who are Saved? Or most we believe that men of sucli diverse charactera and views as Darwin, Emer?on, Peter Cooper, Abraham Lincoln and others, none of whotn telieved in the orthodox scheme of salvation are lost? The Toledo and Ann Arbor R. R. have issned a new time schedule taking effect Sunday Oct. 14th. The most important cbange is in the expresa passenger train going noith which now leaves at 5-20 P. M. instead oi' 7.17. Oning to pressure of business we are unable to change the time table this week. Dr. Conway, tue distinguished temperauce revivaüst has been engaged by a joint committee of the Chinches and Temperance societies to carry on a series of meetings, commencmg next Suuday at'three o'clock. The meetings will be held in Fireraan's Hall, and a general time of interest may be expectedThe reportof theSuperintendentsofthe Poor show that $1,903.27 have been expended outside of County House, $7,S59,13 have been expended at the Poor House. The county farm, and buildings valued at 125,000. The farm produced during the past year $2,517.10. 120 male and 56 female paupers were maintaind during the year. The Supervisors are still in session. Tliey talk to somo extent about anewjail, hut it will probably end in wind and the (lisgrace of the prison pen will be continned, What a nice thing it is to have such a careful management of the aflairs of the countyl It is true the county is wealthy Md could easily aflbrd It but tuen we must not throw away money for mere uecencies. Last Saturday night one of the actors 'n O'Brien's Circus named John McMalion proeured an attachment on six of O'Brien'a honél at Ypsilanti for the wages due hiin. A wiït of Replevin was worn out on Deputy Sheriff Wal lace Wno had possession of the horses but the atter was rettled by the pnyment to Mc MahoB of $100 and the costs. McMa" is a son of Patrlck JIcMahon of oharoo and la gaU to be one of the finest uareback riders in the world. The thirty-seventh annual convention of U DelU Kappa Epsilon society which was held in tliis city "Wednesday and 1 l'ursday was a very pleasant affair. Porty-seven delegates representing twentyJour college chapters were in attendance. i 'ie public exercises in the'eveningat Univergfty Hall were nttended by over a thound people. Hon. Samuel P. Hunt and "on.-.Frank II. Huid cach delivered n very entertaiiiing an.l instiuctive address. opeü'i orcliestra furnished the music. The 'Itlegates left on a special train yesterday tor Detroit where thcy held a banquet


Ann Arbor Courier
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