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Who Is To Die?

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"Stand by to lower tlic boat! shout ed the Captain; and Uien lie muttered glooraily, to himself, "It'i our only chance now." It was, jpdeed. For ttaeo days the l'rench brigSt. Pierre, bomeward bound from the Isle de Bourbon, had fough against as fieroe a galo as ever swept around the stormy Cape of Good Hope. Captain and crew had dono all that men could do to save the ship, but in vain Their only chance now was in taking to the one boat that the storm had lelt them. , , , As Captain Pioard lurned round from ei vin his orders lic found himselt sudSenly face to face with a palé, delicate lady in deep mournmg, who had just come up the after hatenway with her litlle boy in hor arms. Poor Madam Lachaux'.shemightwell look worn and sad. Her husband had gone home, an invalid; her only daugoter had died a few weeks before; and now, just as there seemed a chance ol her home and friendsonce more. Death in his worst fora was hovermg over herself. Captain Pioard broke to her as gently as possible the fatal news that the ship was rinklng. and that their only hope was to take to the sea in a small boat. At tais announoenieut the poormother s sinkly ¦ face grew paler slill. and ín pressed Jier ciiikl coiivulsively ïu her arms. , "Ma'aruselle no fear," said a unge Senegal negro.emergina: from th( haten way at that moment; "old Aottille and Pierrot tke care oL lier and Monsiem Henri too. Monsieur Henri, corue' tj He took the ohild in his arms as he spoke, vvhile a second negro carne up to help the Captatn m lowering Mattam Uohaux inco the boat, whieh was so fleroely tossod ly the surging waves that it was .no easy matter to reach ït. At last the boat was i'ull, and tbev shoved oiT. Hai dly had '„bey got clear of the ship when she guve a violen i roll, plunged torward, rose aain, and then, with' asoundlike disant, tbunder, the in-roshinfi water blow up thedeoks. and down went the dooaied ship headforemost. But thosu in the overloa led boatsoon foiintl that. they had only exchangod om-, danger for another. The husfi wavesthai broke over her every moment, drenchiDg them all to the sliin, ttlleu the boat faster than they eould bail her out; and, urowded together as lliey were, they hitd io room either to row orto make The sailors whispered together and looked gloomily at the ladj and her party, and at last one was heard to muiter: "Better get rid of them that can't worK th;u of them that oan, anyhow." "Our lives av as precipua to us as theirs ave to them," growled another. "If the boat's got to bc ightened, they're the ones to go.1' The Captain, vvho had heard and uuderstood, feit for his pistol, but it was gone. Several sailors were already ou their feet to tlmg the hélpless motlier and child overboard, when the two gigantic negroes stepped between. "Look, see, you men," cried Archille: "you wantlighten boat. Black man heavier than white lady. Suppose you Bwear let madame and Monsieur Heiiri livo, I and Pierrotjump overboard!" It was all overin'a moment. Scaroely had the savage crew, moved in spite oithemselves, giveatherequired pledge, than the brave fellows, kissing teir mistress' s hand and cmbraouig lltue i Henvi witíi a quïet "Good-by, little i mas ter," plunged beadlong ídIo the sea. The heroic saorifice wasïiot made in vain. The bo:it, thus lightened, could be more easüy managed, whilo the gale bewan at length to show signs of abating. On the following afternoon they were seen and picked up by au English sehooner, and a few weeks move Baw Madame Laohaux safe in herhusband's house at Lyons. Three months latot madame and her sick husband were on a vi;t to SaintMalo, the fiesh sca air of which was thought better for little Hcnri at that scason than hot, dusty Lyons. The child and his mother (this time acoompanied by Monsieur Lachaux hiruself) were sitting on a bench under the trees of tho boulevard iacing the harbor, when the lady's attention was attractcd by a few words that feil Trom a ronghlooking raati in a wel!-worn pilot coat, A'ho was talking to a friend a few yards off. "And uow, that they are here," said he, as if íinishiug a story. "I don't know what to do with them, ïor they don't even know wlicrc their mistress "Where did you say you picked them up?" asked his companion. "A bit to the sou'weát of the Cape, hanging on to some broken spars that must have floated off from tbeir vessel when she foundered. When I found out that they were Senegal Kegroes. 1 oflfered to put 'em nshorc there on the way to Frwnoe; but no, they must come homo to tind their mistress, and I can teil you they worked their passage liku men. But how thev'rii to önd her 1 can't think, for they know nothing exceptthat her naiue's Madame Lachaux. "And here she is," broke in the lady herself, stepping up to him. A few minutes later the faiihful Negroes (thu-s reseued as iL by miracle trom the dcaMi to whirii thoy had tlevoted thernselvus) were embracing thei''littl 3 Monsieur Hu:ir" with uproarous cries of joy; and from that day until their dea! ii, "ihirty year.s later, they were the happiest as well as tho bestcared-for servants in the whole south of Franco. Advico to Ooyx.-Tuliiiig ExercUe. H. C. Van Gieson, M, D. in Ilurper's Young Peoulc. Boys who take agivat interest and an a ,tive part in oul-door sports ofton bring needlees illnesg upon themselves by overexertion and want of propercare after violent exi' Atiaek.s of pneumonia or ïnllammation of the langs freqüently oxsour f rom münir vtv warm and then ooollng öff too suddenly. When adont to éngage in a game of ball or any other sport tint requires continuedaotivity; it is best to lay aside the outer garnu-'nt, and put it on aïain when the game U.flnisUed: and ïn&tead of sitting down to "oool off" it is safer to walk"arounil for a whüe. i Lis also dangerou to drink largo ijuantities of cold water v!ic:i vcry warm, as the uystem recieves a shouk whieh may lèad to siokness. ïo go iu swimming after a long walk through the hot sun is also injurious, as tho blood is driven to the interna! organs from the surf ace of the body, cases have boen the causes of tfeath by drowning. It is always safer to walt until the body has oooïed before plungina into the water, whioh is genera h of"a lower temperrvture than tho body Violent exercise takea occasionlv will notdevelop the strength as well as n regular auiount continueil every clay. Ifi boy wishes to develop hia muaoles, let mm ply ball or row a certam time every favorable day. Lethim cease ut tho moment a sonse of weariness or disinclinaüc.n seizes him. Thenèitdayhe will bc able to st:-.nd a littte more exertion. and so dydegrees he will attain to a certain standard, and have a reserve forco of strength that will be the foundation of good health in thh future. It is neeessary that the gTowino body Bhould have exercise. Air and suulight are neeessary to growth, and active out-door spons are the means by whieü tlinir benelits can be obtained, Soon the sunimor vacation wui givc placo to tho restraints of school, i-et boys have all tho out-door exercise thcy oan. Ball-playiog, rowing, horsebaefcridine, swimming, all aro prime factors in musonlar developrnent, and with gare and iudgment in their proper uso will tend to ' stronger and hoaltnier growth. u The world nceds gtrong men as we as wise ones, and indeed the mmd will develop more rapid.y in á sound boüy thait in asicklyone. it is a graiidthing to be able to stand hardship and pnvation in the searoh for truth and knowledge, and any man with good physicai strennhis equal to the task of combatine the World if with it he has the stimulus of a strongwill. Let boys theu seek to build np in their growing days a sound constitution, and lile wUl be more than doubled in ralna to them.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News