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M. S. SMITH & GO. THE- DETROIT JEÏÏELERS, Publish Jielow their -.s. 1 NEW Uj Jdctrott - 1 1 vvi ¦arr sr. WEST. O'V i i 1 r éHs CONGfíESS Sr. Q 1 o i 5 n v k k II I LARNED 'O Sr. Q , . Ijl OLD ü[]P I] JEFFERSON AVENUE WOOQBRWGB Sf. AT WATER Sf . . Map of tlie business center of thi city, sliowing the location of thoir eie gant five.story building, which tliey will occupy No vemb9r lst, 1383. Visi oís to Detroit are cordially invited to ook through our new place, whicb vill be found second to no house in :his country in all its appointment3. Umloubtedly the most perfect bicycle now made is the 'Coluinbia.'"- Sdentiflc American. "Go fort-h upon your wheeled horsc. ancl Ü6t to natüre's teacliings.'" THE COLUMBIA B1CYCLES Are made as strong and durable as the best material and most skilled workmanship can produce. ïhey are used by Merchante, Cierto, Ministers, Lawyers, Doctors, Messingers, Collectors and Carpenters. Tliey iurnieh the chcnpeBt and best mtans of HAPID rn A.PIiIT, give tlie rider the healthiest of out-door exercise, and in a word are THE POPULAR STEEDS OF TO-DAY. 'I shall rejnice to see the time when this exirclse shall be as popular among girls and Tomen as tennis and the dance, for the more ully the pbyMcal life of our womaukind is deelóped the "bt-tter for men as well as women." - I)r. Iikhardson. of London, on the Triqcle. "Now good ufütslicn wait on appetite, and hcalth on botli." THE COLÜMBI4 TRICTCíM ís a new mactilnc for general use bj tioth sexos and all nges Ry the addition of the Colnmbia Tricyclo, The PopeMf'o. Co. can claim to furnisb wheels for THE WHOLE FAMILY. For grandfathcr. grandmothcr, fathcr, mother, younj{ man, jouug lady, and even to llttle Jounie aud sissie. Seml 3e. stamp for 3d pa?e Hlustratrd Catalogue, witn priee-list aud full information. THE POPE MA't7FACTURING CO., 5'J7 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Or to OHAS. W. WAGNER Agent. _AnuArbor, Miuh., 21 S. Main St. IOKT WAVNK & JAL'K ON R. K. r-et.oil nuil Imlifitiiipolis Linr Hy Michiitan Centra! Efullroad from Ann Arborto Jackson Traína leavo Ann A rbor as follOTy: Indlaniipolis Expresa ., 8 40 11 m Ft Wayne Aooonn)datitn 6 22 p ni 1 tnctnnmi úintja 1! 1' p ni All trnlns leavo by Chicago time. Procure ticketa at Ann Amor or .lackson. M. I) WOUHFDKO, Oen'l Sup Every Tiive flérchant IN ANN AHHOll Should Advertise IN THK COUR1ER. - - .,11. riMMBMHÍI ¦ '¦'-¦ WANTED ii Great Scha"? Kerzog ificyclopaedia nEt-DGÍous r . By PHILIP SCHAFF, p.uïi'ïrt "biSí. "hoL'ï,"r11l1l!tl.1i1;r.11'"rTi Eivrope. ' ' ¦' ""Wbe completen in n ftw mcffíhi niflf r,"nl,í,'i.."'""". "'¦'"'"'ly. iharcuch, No beteer wor' than ',;i ¦ r vnrrii.iw.. i "-¦i. HelttilveuIítoryXS Addreti, HORACE STAC Y rriJl iw'áliiViin -yWÍ. O.


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