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The Miser And The Maid

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For O years a niiserly and eccontrio cbaractcr namod John Williams, but familiarly called "the doctor," haa lived entirely alone in Walden, N. Y. For 40 ears howorked ut his (rade of stone mason and hoarded evory cont of his earnings, lhring oa otherawhenpassible and subsisting ou all torts of refuse when it could bo obtained. He lived rccently in an oíd dilipidatèd stone house, the only inhabitable portion of wkich was tlio garret, lightëd by a small window. Attenipt sftor atlempt wis made by visitors to enter tULs rooin to see kow this ruiger liyed, bul nu oi:c ever sueeeeded in obtaining enterance except a tax-oolleetor named Brndley and a littlc gifl namcd Micnie OJdham, the daughtcr of a poor working man of the villago. Bradley surprised Wilson and sueeeeded in colleetiDg the lirst taxes he had paid in lü years. The Oldham girl was a daiJy and welcorue visitor, as she had been a favorito of Wilson from a baby. She was kind to him and looked after sueh liousekeeping matters as he would permit to be done. Sevoral years ago thü mother of the miser, who supported herself by doing domestic drudgery, bfeeame worn out by old ago and hard wurk. Slmapplied to her son for an asylum and support'. Ho bought her a pair of ehoes and theu walked her 20 miles to the poor house, delivered her over to thfe authoriUea of that institution, flrst taking from her the shoes Bbe died in the almghouse soon afterward and was laid in a pouper's grave. The only other per.son in Iho world to whom Wilson showed any friendshlp besides the OWham girl was an eecentrio pèrson of bis own age name! Howard Kidd; but even tliisman was denied outranco to the quartexs oí tlie reoluae. A few months ago the old sume house was condetuned and torn down to maku room for needed street injprovements. No one would rent him a room. and aftcr wandiring about and sleeping wherever he eould iiiu! abolter for a few weeks, he bought :i miserable hou-i' in an out-of-the way place and reguiped his hermitage. A short time ago he was found dead in liis hut. Ut; had $50,000 ia government honds .wWch he left to his protege, Minnie ();dh:im. Siie is 17 years old. Wilson was atv pieal iniser. Ho was tnlland gaunt, and hi ; e'.othing, if such it might be ealled, was a ntOM ot patohet of all sizes and hues. His hair aud beard wero long and malled, neither shears, razor or eomb having been allowed to toueh them formnny J"eara.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News