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Tccth extractad without pain. - In 18 veáis oí experience in the use of :rs lor cxtracting tccth I nevcr have been able to do so,as 8ueccssfully as I can now wlth iny new Gas or Vitalized Air Appnratus. It works to peii'ection and teeth are extractcd without pain. With iny loHg expelience I teel that 1 iini olfoling iny custODiers au anacsthelicthat istia fe and reliable. W. W. Nichols. office over .loc T.Jacobs, Anu Arbor, Micli. HavlQg taken pO8808lon ol' iny plalllllg. tnill again, 1 ani prepared to do plairing, scrol sawlnjr, mouldtiyr, sash, doors and blind?, and all work in my line, would be pleasecl to see all of niy old custoniers and maiiy new ones. II. Kkapp, 11G2-(m Detroit Street. The Annory Hall Aeademy of Dancing tor Ü$3 84 has au opening social on Fiiday eveuinr, Oet. Oth, 1888. The elass in dancing for ladtas and gentlemen beglna on Friday evening, Oct. 13, at 7 p. m. H. Guanuer, ilanagcr. Tlie systcm adopted by M. S. Sinith & Co., the leading Detroit jewelers, soine four yeari aincc, ot' markinf{ every artiele on sale in their establishment in pluin lignres. and of adherías; strictl y toone irice, for all corners, has proved so satisfactory to the house and their patrons, that the Messrs. Sinith & Co., declare that tliey would rather retire froni their business than return to the old "banter"systein, under whieh one customer pays in excess of a tair price tomakeup for ulsceuntsglven to another. The one price systein is peculiarly adapted to the jewelry trade, for the reason that most patrons are ijjnorant of real values. Whenever it bccomes apparent that the skilled buyer can pinchase at no lower figure than the novice - that all are treated alike - there can only follow the most satisfactory resulta to dealer and patrón. A house like that of M. S. Sinith & Co., whieh is lil'.ed with the richest and most artistic examples of bijoiteterie and vertu, can on this plan ester to the best trilde, and the proof of the popularity of the system of strictly one-price and wares niarked in plain ii;ures is tound in the enonnously increased sales of the house since the systein was adopted. - Detroit Post and Tribune. (s Place to secure a thorough, ¦Cr-J .practical and usefnl educaSfY? yf X tion. is at the ( vLds&Jv) RAPIOS HICHI4.AK OM 1ÍKIK I VI. lOIXK.I.K. Write for Journal. Address C. O. Swensberg, Prop. CLEARING OUT SALE of a larse assortment of Harey Flowering Sluiiliw. at ooo fourth tlieir value, at TOMS'S GREENHOUSE, Millcr Aveuue, Ann Albor. Aluoalarge assortment of Hardy Flower llootM The fall bei ng far the best seasou lor .ehgmov.1.. Your. tgdfc "oscar o. sorg, OFFEHW PAINTS, OIL, LEAD, and WINDOWCLASS LOWKK THAX AX V OTHER PAIXTER IX THE CITY. GO S. IMLA-IIN" ST. liDonmil Jfi DRDG STORE, m. FAMF0R8ALÊ 80 ACRES, ('T acres tiraber) three miles from Ypsilauti. üooa buildiugs, orchards, etc. TERMS VERY BEASÜNABLE ! Callón, oraddress WARREN WOOLSEY, - AT - FAR8OX BKOS. Factors. Vpsllantl. 1162-05 RAYMOND'S VACATION EXOURSIONS. ALL TBiVELINO ÏXPENSES INCLUDED. Tas Sriid Winter Trips to CALIFORNIA, LmtIüï Beitoa Oct. 18 isd Dee. 27. Two montts' sojourn at the elegant Hotel del Monte, Monterey, Val; sixty-flve days addmonal etiher there or at elght othcr deairabie wlnt.r reiorU including San Francisco, Santa Barbara, 'nta Mouica, San Gabriel. San Diego Hiverside, Coïtun and Merced, accordir.g to individual preferenco wHh ampie time for forthcr travel and elghtein-; tlie butward Journey by tne. Southern Kontè wlth halts at Chicago. Kansa City, banta Monica and loa Angeles, and the homcward one l,y the Central Union Pacific Line, with a stop a Salt I,ke City. . Send lor descriptiva circular. W, RAYMOND, 240 Washington St„ n46,j BOSTOX, MASH Itching Pilcs-Sjmptoms and Cure. The symptoms are moisture like pers piration, intense ïtcliinjr, increased by scratcliing, vcry distressin?, particul.irly at niíílit, seeins as if pin-worms were crawling in and about Mie rectum; th nrivate parts are sometiraes attectect. 1 allowed to continue serious resulte may follow. "Swaync's Olntment' is a pleas ¦,nt sure cure. Also for tetter, itch, sal rhcum, scald bead, erysipelas, barbera itch, blotebes, all scaly, crusty Y n dis eases Sent by mail for 50 cents ; i boxe for 1 25, (in itampa). Address, Dr 8wvne & Son, l'hila.ielphia, Pa. Sol by Druggiste. Tliercfoie, well does Asathonsay: "O this alone is even God deprived- the pow er of makiníí that which is past, never t have been." Ciitarrh is tïteseedof Consumption, an unless taken in time is a very dangerou di?sue. Hairs Cutarrh Cure never fad roTure. Pril 78 cents. Sold by Bber bach Sí Son.


Ann Arbor Courier
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