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I M. S. SMITH & CO. THE - DETROIT JEWELERS, Publish 15elovv their ám i ík v. , } statL fTR"T y rv1 i!ToREh rf)nous5 ríC 1 Px v "Ofr ST. WEST. sÍÍSN i 1 rx rK 4n. COHGRESS ST. Q I 131 1 51 - tf 1 í OLD 1 I I 5 5T0R è JEFFERSON AVENUE 3Bini Map of the new business center of this city, showing the location of tuoir elegant five-story building, which they willoccupy November lat, 1883. Visitors to Detroit are cordially invited to look through our new place, which will be found second to no house in this country in all its appointrnents. Undoubtedly the most perfect bieycle uow made Is the 'Columbia.' "-Scientflc Ameritan. "Go forth upon your wheeled hor6e, and list to nature's teaehings." THE COLUMBIA HICYCLES Are made as strong and durable as the best material and most skilied workmanship can produce. They are used by Merchants, Clerks, Ministers, Lawyers, Doctors, Messengers, Collectors and Carpenters. They furnish the cheapest and iest mean6 of RAPID TKAN8IT, give the rider the healthiest of out-door exereise, and in a word are THE POPULARSTEEDS OF TO-DAY. 'I shall rejoice to ee the time when this exercise shall be as popular among girls and -omen as tennis and the dance, for the more l'ully the physical life of our womanktnd is developed the better for men as well as women." - Dr. Rkharditm, of Lo?idm, on the Tricycle. "Now good digestión wait on appetitë and health on both." THE COL U MUI A TRICYCLE 18 d "il nmclline for ëeneral se by both sexcs By the addition of the Columbia Tricvcle ftiE Pope Mf'o. Co. can claim to fur'nisb whcels for THE WHOLE FAMILY. For grandfathcv, grandmotber, father, motlier young man, youug lady, aml even to llttle Jounie and sissle. Send 3c. stamp for 3ó-pa;e illustrated Catalogue, with price-list and iull information. THE POPE MASDFACTCR1KU CO., HR Washington St., Boston, Mass. Or to CHAS. W. WAGNER Agent. Ann Arbor, Midi., 21 8. Main St. TjVRT WAYNK & JACKON VL R iet,-oit and ImHanapaliê Line by Mlchlgnn Oentral Rnllro:icl rrom Ann A rbor to Jackson. Train leuve Ann Arbur aa iuiiowlndlanupolis Express ,'„,„ Kt Wayne Aocomoclutlon ? ,, " m Clnc-lnnati Kxpross lï Ï7 , ïï All tralns leave by Uhlcaso time I-rocure ticket at Ann Arbor or Jnckson M. _1_WOOI_FOKI). Gen'ISup Kvery Live líercíiai IN ANN ARBOR Should Advertise IN THE COURÏER. S ,;:_ Vv'ANTED Sreat SchaffHerzog ncyclopadia relboTous r il KNQWLEDGL By PHILIP PCHAFF H Th iTort la tobecomi . ti d in il -.., ,. Ks9fsssdSw Addrcss. riORACESTACY


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News