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isears are very plenty in Muir. Brockway Center i? going to have a new school house. Probability that the Michigan and Ohio railroad shops will be located at Battle Creek. The town of Fife Lako is crowded for school room, and is grcatly agltated over the matter.J Senator White of Ludington has removed to Duluth, whero he wil] engace in tbe practioe of law. E. R. Sinirnons, an old resident and pioneer of Oakland county, died In Pontiae a few days ago, aged 85 ycars. The first doruicile erected on Mackinat Island has been demolished. A mark on the timber shows that it was built In 1729. An effort is being made at Adrián to organlze a building and loau associatlon for the benefit of men with llttie or no capital. Within the last few nionths Barnev Clinton, living cear Birmlngbam, has lost three valuable horses, besideshaTing a horse stolen. It is considered probable that the Detroit and East Saginaw land offices and land 'listrlcts will be Consolidated iuone in the near future. Pples are being put up and wires stretehed to connect Dowagiac, Nile6 and Cassopolis with the southwcstern Michigan telcphone circuit. Honry C. Chaphu, of Jackson, was found entangled in a barb wlre fence, dead. Domestic troubles and loss of money made him despondont. Lansing feels that the state fair ought to be permanently loeatod there. Arn't there a few more little villes in the state who tkink the ame way. Bad Axe ciüzens believe they have a bonanza in the shape of crude petroleum, which has been discovered within a quartcr of a mile of that town. Thos. Babcock, emyloyed iu Eddy's mili at East Saginaw, feil some distanee the other morniDg, fraclured his tkull acd cutting out his left eyes. George Cornell of Parshailville, Livingston county, is proud because he has a hen turkey which has laid 135 eggs the past summer, and is still at it. Julia A. Moore, the "Sweet Singer of Michigan,,' says she has so!d -4,000 volumes of her ' pomes." And Julia really expects people to believe thi6 stuff. Robt, Cupples, who cut his throat over his wife's grave at Tecumseh eome tliree weeks ago, has fiuce died froni the t-ffecf-6 ef his self-iDillcted wounds. Bishop Gillespie, of the Episeopalian diocese of Western Michigan, has wrltten an open letter expressing his üisapproval of datcinj; and card-playing at church socials. From an acre of reclaimed marsh land at Three F.ivers thera bas been raised in the past season over $1,000 worth of vegetables, onlons and ceicry being the leading articles. Thomas Fox, an aged farmer of Ma rengo, died the other day from the effects of a drug administered by two villains, who robbed him, while he was returning home froin Marshal), The circuit court of Saginaw county ís so presstd with business that the lawyers of Saginaw City are urging the desirability of having a superior eourt to relieve the circuit court. Jackson county people who went to Dakota are returning and all agree that "My Michigan" offers better inducements than can be found in the blizzard-breeding territory of Dakota. Hoy Swaney of Hudson had the honor of being the first mail agent that made the through run f rom Portland, Oregon, to Helena, Montana territory, on the Northern Paciflc railroad. Aheni of imporicd Holsteins recently purcha-od forM. L. Sweet, of Grand Rapids, and upon which tbere was au ocean transportation insuranee of tS.COO, will soon be brougbt west frora New York. Thero is a worthy man kt Decatur namc(' Oeo. Bennett, 74 years old and bearing the name of "unele," who in the past season lald 54 cords of stone, 50,000 brick and plastered 2,000 yards of surf ace. Christcnsen Miller of Sidney, was killed by an accident the other aay. He v, as a party of tbree coou hunting, when a nephew's gun striking a stump discharged its load into Christensen's neck, killing him iustantly. Bronson, Branch county, suffered from a conflagration a few days ago. Reyuolds fc Williams' plainine mili, saw mi'l and foundry, Brown & McLellan's grist mili, and scveral dwelling housee were totailty deetroyed.involving a loss of over $20,000. The Central Michigan poultry and ]et stock assoclation has recently received an offer from the Grand Rapids society to merge tbc two into one. It is not decided whether to accept or not. The next exhibition will be held at Eattle Creek January 15, 10 and 17. Dr. James E. Pilcher, a former resident of A.drtan, has been appointed a first lieutenantand assistant surgeon in the U. S. army. Dr. Pilcher was appointed from Brooklyn, N. Y 'in which city he has resided several ycars, and is now stationed at Camp Poplar river. John L. Sweeney, who about one month ago shot Conductor Jacob Jh;n East Saginaw, has been released on $o,U0U bonds, his bail having been educed to that flgrefrom $13,000. ü.u nerney of Bay City né Chas. Doran of East Saginaw are hls bondsmen. Mr. Cook, of Morgan, found a lump of copper while repairing his mill-dam ; he also dug up at the same time a petrified stick of stovewood. It was about sixteen incbes long and its kerf ehowed distinctly the marks of soioe ptoneí r woodman's ax. The alterations and additions ia the state public school grouTids and buildings at Coldwater have improved the place vastly in appcarancc and comfort. Work ie now progrcssing on the new hospital, to cost about $5,000 and to be completcd on or before New ïear's day. There is probably no clas of mon, says the Bay City Press, who study the weather more than pllots. Thts year oíd pilota observed that when the sun crossed the line the wind was blowing southerly, and from this they argue we shall have a mild winter with prevailing south winds. The management of the Detroit, Mackinac & Marquettc railroad view with Jfavor the proposition to build a narrow eauge railroad from their line at Newberry to Manietique. lts value, aslde from lumber freights, would be in utilizlng the charcoal lands tributary to the projected branch. ('baríes Peters, 56 yoarsold, was killed at Eldred's milis in Muskegon. He was employed as slab sawyer, and while at work was struck by a knot flying back from the saw. He reeelved a blow under the rigUt ear, icll forward on bis knees and died almost tnstantly. Hls friends all live in Germany. A Kalamazoo woraan on seeing her iiusband go into a saloon where he had so ofteu been before, and rendered desperate by ais excessen, walked in and up to the bar by bis side auü called for beer. As tlicy walked ïome she remarked that if he was going to lades she was goiug right along with him. Little Johnny McClary of Jackson, 8 years of age, was led by childish curicsity to break open a email bol which contained a railroad torpedo. Of cour6e the torpedo ex ploded and it. drove pioces of iron into thie child's forehead, rlght arm and legs. The injuries we reported to bc severe, but not dangerous tolife. The Michigan Central freight depot at East Saginaw was burned the other mornng. All of the onicial books and paper6, besides rauch valuablc freight was destroyed. Ihe loss is about $18,000, ou which there is no ïnsuranee, the company carrying itsown risks. The cause 's supposed to have been rats among the matches. Officials and others interested in the extensión of the Toledo, Ann Arlior & North ern Railroad through Ovvosso, says that it will vitit St. Louis, notwithstauding the flyiuK rcports to the eontrary. From there it may cali at Alma for Mr. Wright's liberal donation of 540,030 from thence on to Frankfort, picking up the largest crumbs in its way. The following residents of Michigan ïave been awarded prizes at the international fisheries exposition at London: Frank W. Clark of Northville, eilver mfdal, for hatching apparatus and adbeslve fish eggs, also diploma for ova. Nr. Bower of Northville, bronze medal for trough for eggs; N. A. Osgood of 3attle Creek, diploma for portable boat. Daniel Root of Hudson, put in about 5,000 worth of new machiuery last summcr for manufacturiag sugar from 6Ugar cane, but the early heavy frosts injurcd hls 40 acre6 of cañe, and a large numbrr of acres belonglng to farmers hereabouts who were raising it to 8ell to him, to such an extent that he cannot manufacture a pound of sugar, but is obliged to make his caue all up into syrup. The Lonawee O'ounty Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company met at Adrián and re-elected ZacUariah Cook, of Raisin, President and Treasurer, and George R. Ellis, of AdriaD, Secretary. The flre losfC3 for the year were wenty-seven in number, the losses and ex)enses irjeurred in which amounted to $1,067,"63: total amountof property insured, $8,521,019. The araount for each $1,000 insured to be raiscd one tw nty-eight The Adrián Times says that David VVilson, who rccentlv died in that city from he effects oí a blonr from a p'.ece of wood weighing 40 pounds, was about town for 34 hours after bcing struck, though he had been counseled by tae doctors to keep quiet. Ie Hved fuur dayfe after receiving the injury, and a post{mortcm examination revealid that his skul! was fractured, and the anterior porion of the rlght hemlsphere of the brain was destroyed. David B. Weightman, William J. Geveke and üeorge F. Weak, of Wyominp, have commenccd suits against the Grand Rap ds & Indiana railroad company, laying damages at $10,000 each. The bill of complaint sets forth that on July 31, lbS3, the thrce were riding in a wagon; when a point was reached near where the railroad crosses the highway, a Grand Kapids & Indiana engine carne alone and the CDgineer blew the whtstle so vlgorousy as to scare the team. They became unmanageable and ran away, throwing the men out and bruising tbein so bally as to confine them since to their residence. Lan&ing Republicrm: Governor Begole has retained Wm. P. Wells aad James Romeyn, both of Detroit, as counsel in the Wilson case which he is now trying to get before the supreme court ior deeislon. An appllcation will be made asking that an order issue directing the attorncy general to apply for a mandamus. It is reportí d that the attorney general will take such actlon without an order from the court. This will compel Dr. Wilson to show cause whv the mandamus shall not be issued, and thus the whole questionbe brought bofore the court at the January term. Ex-Senator Isaac P. Chrlstiancy and Speaker Sumncr Uoward are counsel for Dr. Wilson. Tbo gentlemen in charge of the United States Fish Ilatchery at Alpena have not been able to get but very little fish spawn vet. Tuis year the trout are later than usual in spawning. The trout spawn will be taken to the Northville hatchery. The whiteflsh will not commence spawning for some time yet. In fnct but very few white are caught at present, and the only place where they are caught is between North Point and Ninc Mile Point, a new trap net flshiqg ground. The great white tish trap net grounds in Thunder Bay have met with poor success so far, as the fish do not offer to come into the bay this year. The gill-not men catch mostly trout, and are having goed lifts. Quartermaster General Shakespeare has issued a circular rc.ninding all Interestod partieeandthe public g.nerally that men enlisting from Maren 6, 180a, to November 10, 1863 in any Michigan regiment, company or battèry, except the lOth and llth caralry, 13th and Hthbatteries and lst colored Infantry, are entitled to $30 state bounty. Men reenlist ng In their own regimentc (after two years, serTlce) irom November 11, 1863, to Febraary 4, 1864, ure antltled to $50 state bonnty Men re-enlistlng from Febraary 5, 1864, to May 15, 1864, In aay regiment, eompany or battery, 11 applied on the 300,000 cali and properly credited, are entltled to $100 bonnty. Men enlistlng f rom February 4, 1865, to April 14, 1865, anc properly croditod are entltlfd to $180 state bonnty. Some months ago two ehildren oi Mrs. Elizabcth Goodchlld, of Detroit, was 6ent tothc State PuHle school at Coldwater, upon order of Jndge Durf ee of the Probate conrt of Wayne county. Mrs. Qoodehüd applied to Jndgc Hookcr of Charlotte for a writ of habeas corpus to get posscBsion of her ehildren, who decided that the mother conld not be depriyed of them without due noticc, whieh In this csse bad not been giTen, and ordercd the release of the ehildren. The superintendent of the school, through Chas, üpson his attorney, of Ooldwater, llled exceptions to the decisión of Judge.Hooker, and tookïont a eertiorrari to the Supreme court upon the ground that the circuit court erred in adiudicating upon the lightsof the petitioner. The Supreme court aas just rendcred a decisión, sanctioning the decisión of the lower eourt givlng the custody of t he ehildren t o the mother. A Quccr Will Set Asidn tn Part. A decisión in a will case has reoently been rendered lu the probate court of Branch county, and a decree has been is.'ued whlch are rather intereeting. Welcome Hammond died, leaving property In Matteson township, and by the provisión of his will certain legacien and annuitles were directed to be paid and the real estáte was to remain unsold for the period of 100 years, the farm to be rented and proceeds to be applied in making improvements and payiug taxes. and at the end of that pcriod the farm was to be sold iind the proceeds to be divided cqually among the heirs living at the time. The will was probated in 1875 and ha6 been acted upou as valid until very rteeutly, when two sisters of the deceased petitioned that that portion of the will relating to the said real estáte to be set aside. After hearing both pides of the case Judge Reynolds declared that. portlou of the will void and of no effect, upon the ground that the statute declared void in ',ts creatlon evcry future estáte whlch shall suppend the absolute power of alienation for a longer ptriod thau during the continuance of two Uves in being at the creation of the estáte. To beHangcd. Grecnwood and Harding, two ex-convicts who have been on trial at Windsor, Ont„ for the murder of Willlam Maher of Detroit, were eonvicted, and have been senteneed to ue hanged December 12, next. The particjlars of the crime are .bout as followB : The prisoner8 were formerly inmates of Jackson prison, where they met Tom Maher, a son of the murdercd man. When they were recased they concoctod a écheme to get some money from Tom's father by telling him they could.get Tom out of prison. Harding said he was an employé of the prisou, and told such a plausible story that the old man and his brother-in-law, Patrick Keogh, accompanied the strangers to Windeor. The four started towards Amberstburg in two cutters, and when near Sandwich 6eparated, Greenwood and Maher diiving anead out of sight of the occupants of tbeothercutter. About 9 o'clock iu the evening Maher was brought to the house of a colored man near tbe mineral springs by two straugers, in an insensible condition They said they had )icked him np on the road. The 6trangers were not identifled by the colored man, but it was assumed that they were the prisoners. Maher was taken to a hotel near the jail,wliere ie died the next day without regaining consciousne? s. A post mortem examination was made, but no poison was fouDd, although the heory of the prosecution was that the deceased had been drugged. Greenwood and Hardns;e Bed, and were arrestcd at Louisville, Ky. They returned to Canada without a requi6ition and their Srst trial resulted in a disagreement of the jury. Their second trial resulted as above mentloned, and the extreme penalty of he law pronounced upon them.


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