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From the Herald. Fiftj--oue dollars waspaid for temporarjr assistance of the poor ia this town, by supervisor Gilbert. Dexter"s supervisor paid out $-287.28. On Monday last the Chelsea Cornet Band added to its outfit seven new instruraents of the Bei-dan make. The instrumentscost $200 and we undeistand the band owes but $10 on them. The Supreme Court in the suit of Tim. McKune vs Michigan Central Railroad has reversed the same with costs, and granted a new trial. Sawyer and TurnBull are Mr. McKune's lawyers. DEXTEK. From the Leader. The President was appointed a committee to ascertain what streef lamps could be procured for, and the probable cost of lightinjr, and furiiishing material for burning. A very pleasant occasion came cft on the eveiiing of October 8th, at the residence of Mis. (J. M. Britten it being her 67th binhday, when the relatives assembied and made it a joyous time. ADout lorty incnds and relatives assembied yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. J. Mains, to witness the niarriao-e of her youngest daughter, Minnie, to Alvin. I. Boston, of Lima. Tlieguestsbrought a table full of presents, and many good wishes for the liappiness of the voung bride and groom. Ttiey depaited for Niágara Falls, ou the evening train, followed by the customary old shoe. On their return tliey will begin housekeeplng t once on the farm in Lima. MANCHESTER. Krom tho Enterprise. M. Sliean informs us that he has already sliipped 10 tons of' poultry from here to Boston and intends to niake it an even 100 tous before the season closes. A large number of guests assembled at St, Mary's ehurch yesterday forenoon at 10 o'clock to witness the marriage of Miss Libbie, daughter of C. Lehn, to Mr. Will II. Lehr ot' Tecumseh. The Musical Union is booming now in ffood shape. The members are much interested Ui tlieir work, and as many new names have been presonted tliey have ordered a fresh supplyofsinging books. SALINE. From the Observer. Ed. Ilauser ships three loads of poultry tliis week. Can our neigliboring towns beat us on poultry ? The assessed value of real and personal estáte in Saline townsliip for the yëarl882 represeuted the gigantic total of $1.398,-' 985. Charles, son of Horace Parsons, is building an extensive hennery that will cost about $200. Charles b reeds fancy Plymoutli Rocks. In May last there was supposed to be by the otlieial returns, just H.Ü68horses over six months of age, in Washtenaw county; and 10,004 niilch cows; and 9,260 othercattle; 15,060 hogs, and 100,8-10 head of sneep. The dedieation of the new bel! of tho Lutheranchureh in thisvillage will occur on Sundav, November 4th, instead of on öunday, October 28th, as was stated last week. The time has been changed. A large gatliering is expeeted on that occasion, as prominent speakers trom abroad will be present. mum From the Ypsilantlan. East siders are very much elated just now over their nice, new gutters, laid down by the city It niakes a great iinprovement in the looks of the streets. In a test maile to determine the merits of Holstein and Devon cows, as uiilkers 100 pounds of hay fed to the Holsteins produced 28.92 quarts of milk; and the same quantity fed to Devons -ave jo i3 quarts. If the Messrs. Worden are robbed of their business and money it is no sign they cannot live. In fact their wives have taken steps to do a business, and are now preparing for it, which will briiif? many shekels hitherward. We promised not to teil what it was, and we haven't- but we will before long. The " boys " are workwg by the day. Irroin tlic Commercial. Thera bas been ratsed on Geo. Thompson's farm tlns year, l,!00 bushela of wlieat, SOOofoats, anil nearly 1,000 pouiuls of voo[. Wlieat averaged about twentylive busliels per acre. Thieves broke into G, A. Neats" store at the depot Saturday night last, getting for tbeir troublo soma unuer-olotbiDg, boots, and various ollier thitigs to the ainount oí' ibout $20.00. They ained entrence by prying up a back wiulow. Mrs. Ann W. Bassett of Ypsilanti sold l)er place " Kose Cottage " witli four acres in the city to Catharine W, Baker of Wyiindotte. tor $2,000. Mr. and Mis. Baker expect to occupy the place April 1, 1SS4. At present they reside at Wyandotte. The Normal wasvisited last Wed nesday by the state visiting committee, which is composed of ilon. J. W. Baxter, Jonesville; Mr. F rallck, Graad Rapldij Hev. Mr. Éddy, Öt, Clair. The object of the committee is, to malee a report to the Superintendent of l'ublic Instruction as to the condition of the school. From tile Sentinel. The Baptist have about decided to go forward and linish their cburch. We understand the contractor was getllng a lit tle impatient, and wanted toget the jol) off his hands, tliat be mightgtet the money he has backed up ia it, and tend to bis otlier business. Mr. Geo. Stuck of Pittslield who died recently it the lemarkable age of 02 vears, was a pioneer in Iris youth from the State of Pennsylvania to Séneca County, New York, the región know as "bt'tween the lakes," namely the Séneca and Cuyuga lakes, then the extremo borders of civilizatlon. Almost every able bodled man of the settlement was a soldier in the war of 1812, and. though young, Mr. Stuck was ainong them.