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l'aralysls, Mnc ïcars. "After having suflered for nine year witli paralycU," saysMr. Joseph Yates, of Paterson, New Jersey, "Iwaseuredby Samaritañ Nervine." Mr, Yates autlionZes tliis statement Your dfwggist keep il, $1.50. ¦ Out west when a bear gets j„to a liog pen there is trouble bruin for the pifs. - Uil City Derrick. ROCHEiTKR, N. Y., NOV. 16, 1H-L'. Gentlemen- I liave taken but two bottles of your lilieiimatic Syrup, but liave received more benefit trom it tlian f rom íiny and all remedies 1 have tried. I have improved every day since 1 first cotnmenced its use, and I am confiüent that tbere is no case of rheumatistn that the Uheumaüe Syiup will not cure, f the patiënt will adüere closely to the directions for its use, ind use proper care aliotit exposing themselves. Y'ours truly, KKANK K. ARMSTRONO, With Burke, Fitzslmmons Houe & Co. CL.YDE, N. Y. llheumalic Syrup Co.: Gentlemen- I have been troubled with rheumatism in my ankles and feet for over oue yeur. Have tried several remedies, but tound nothing to relieve me or stop the pain. I coinnieiiced taking Hheumatiu Syrup, and in less than two weeks all pain had left me, and to-day I am as well as ever. It is u sure cure for rheumatism. MRS. ALBKUT OHAIIAM. Sad jost ly a policeman with a large Family: "Y'es, l'm a cop, and I've many little copies.'1 - Louisville Courier JouruaL Hundreds of letters from those usinf Ayer's Hair Vij;or attest its valué as a restorer of gray hairto its natural color. As d stimulant and tonic, preventing and often curing1 baldness, and cfeansing and soothing the scalp, its use cannot be too strongly recommended. There is said to be a duty on linpprted nnkeys. And yet Oscar Wilde h;is lil)cd by twice. - Isurlington Free Press. Trial pioves that honesty is the best polcy in medicine as well is in otlier things. Ayer's Öarsaparilla isa genuino preparation, au unequalled blood puritier, dceidedly superior to all others. " She loyes liim still," is the title of a recent novellette. Shc probably wants todo all the talking lierself.- Oil City Bllzzard. Catarrli is the seed of Ooiisiimption, and unless taken in time is a very danjieroiis disease. Hall's Catarrh Cure never fails to cure. Priee "5 cents. Sold by Eberbach ifc Sou. Vlien you lieur A fruíale talking about ivoinaii's lifihts you may know that she has been left by soine man. - MerchaiitTraveler. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinglnir irritatioiijiiflamniation, all Kidney and Urinary (Jomplain'.s, cured by " Bucbu-paiba." $1. A little book just published is entitled " Mow toTalk." A copy should be placed In the hands of every barber in the land. - Isorristown Herald. Cause of Fallnre. -Want of confidence accounts for half of the business failures of to-day. Eberbach & Son the Drnggtsts, are not liableto fail for the want of conlidence in Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, for he gives away a bottle free to all who are suft'ering with (Joiifrhs, Colds, Asthma, Consnmption aud all affectious of the Tliroat and Lungs. " I fill the Bill," said Willie when he got into his inother's preserve closet. "And I footthe Bill," reniarked papa, overtiearing his soliloquy.- MerchantTraveler. Wells' "Rongh on Corns." Askfor Wells' " Ronchón Corns." 15c. Quick, complete, permanent cure. Corns, warts, bunlon8. " Isn't it singular," said a visitor, gazing at Niágara Falls, " that the little moisture that arises from that vast catanict should be mist ? "- Cincinnati Saturday Nigut. DonU Die in the House. " Rough on Iïats." Clears out rats, mlce, roaches, bed-bugs, flies, ants, moles, chipmonks, gophers. 15c. Be careful how you handle matches. "When you strike them they invariably fiare up. Fuse see this. Keep it dark.- Hartford Times. -"As two boxea of Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pilis cured afriend of neuralgia, whom the Drs. here couldn't lielp, PU sendfor somefor myadf." Clifford Shand, Winsor, Nova Scotia. For the boys. Student (to chum) : " When 1 get done 1 alvvays leave the table." Chum : " Yes, and that is all you do leave." - Record. Sknmy Meil. "Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia Impotence, Sexual Debility. $1. The tailors of America will meet in convention at Philadelphia next montli. Wc presume they will meet to discuss meas-' ures not men. - somerville Journal. - A specific, and the only too for all forms and types of skin dlsease, is known the worldoveras Dr. Benson's Skin Cure It is not a patent medicine, but a reliable' certain remedy. Druggists. " Shoot the nose ! " sung out a street gumin, as a man passed wearing a strawberry-tinted proboscis, and quietly into an adjoiningalley the man drew a " pocket-pistol " and shot it.- Philudelplna Cali. "Itough ou Kats." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks gophers. 15c. Üruggists. For the benefit of new students we again insert a refcrence to the three degrees obtainable under favorable circitmtances of course, at Oberlln Collegef ..' Pl,I,L.' an,d A' The flrst stands for condltional y engaged; - the second for positively hitched," and tlie third for actually married." The close of last term witnessed the conferringof the last mentioiied degree upon a goodly number, EXechaneSOnalS & the t fi?.ther Swan'8 Worm Sjrup." Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic, sU jenshtn?S8' restlesaness, ivorms, con' A scienlist says thatin the rnoon a hicktlirough a man llke a minóle ball. That fn ï ti Ü- WesllaI1 nevrgo to themoon to gather hickory nuts. Cares of Life. As wc come to them tliey are received. borne witli, nul passed over with no more tlian a thought, if we are in the enjoyment of health, bilt If sufferinir with Piles or skin dlsease of any kind they magnify a liundred told. Eberbach & Son th ?Dri,gists have Dr. osanko's Pile Reuicdv wtalcli is an absolute cure for any affecUoii ot this kind and is sold at 50 cents. Nature is kind to her children, and i erally provides for their need. A soap ' mine bas been discovered in Dakota - ' Peck'i Sun. - - , Danghlers, WiTcs, and Mothers. We emphatically guarantee Dr. Miirchisi s Catbolicon a Female Hcmedy, to oure h eraale Diseases,such as Ovarían troublee, ïntiammation and ulceration, Falling and iJisplacements or bearing down feeline Iiregulurities, Barren ness, Cbanpe ot Life Leuconbcea, besides many weaknesses sprmging from tbe above, like Headache, JJIoating, Spinal weakness, Sleeplessness, Ncrvous debility, Palpitation of tbe lieart etc. No cure, No Pay. For sale bv drurgists. Pricea $1.00 and f 1,50 per Bottlê. öend to Dr. J. B. MarcliUi, Utica. N. Y fr pamphlet, f ree. For sale by Eberbacb & Son, Druggi8ts.


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