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I HUNT'S Vgj I REMEDY THE BEST KIDNEY ano LIVER MEDICINE NEVEB KNOWN TO FAIL. HÜNT'S BEMEDY has savcd from lingoring disease and death hundreds who have been given up by physicians to dle. HUNT'S BEMEDI cures all Disease of the Kldneys, Bladder, Urlnary Orgaus, Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, and Incontlnence and Ketention of Urine. HUNT'S KEMEDY encourages sleep, reates an appetite, braces up the system, aud renewed health is the result. HUNT'S BEMEDY cures Patn in the Slde, Back or Loine, General Debillty, Female Diseases, Dlsturbed Sleep, Los of Appotite, and Bright's Dlsease. HUNT'S BEMEDY quiekly induces the I,iver to healthy action, removing the causes that produce Bllions Headache, Dyspepsia, Smir Stomach, Costiveness, Files, &c. By the uso of HUNT'S BEMEDY tha Stomach and Bowels will speedily regain their strengtn, and the blood will be períoctly purifled. HUNT'S BEMEDY is purely vegetable, and meets a want never bef ore f urnished to the public, and the utmost reliance maybe placed in it. HUNT'S BEMEDY is prepared expressly for the above diseases, and has never been known to fail. Ono trial will convince you. For sale by all Druggists. Send for Pamphlet to HUNT'S BEMEDY CO., Providence, B. I. Pries, 75 cents, and ?1.25 (largo size). Wells' "Roiigh on Corns." Ask lor Wells' " Roiih on Corns." 15c. Quick, complete, permanent cure. Ooms, wart?, bunions. "Yes," said Miss Penn, " I re.jectei) Mr. Ilogjc. Nice felloiv, but I couldn't have the announcementof my marriasre appear in the papers under the headline noggPenn." - " 1 liad SaltRlwAtm for 19 ycars. Four packagcs of Dr. Benson's Skin Cure entireli euredme." P. P. Lavelle, Merced, Cal. f i. at. drugglsta. A Texas liunter stalklng deer flred at one and the shot frlghtened another. The two backs started on a wild career, collided with great force, and foll dead. The hunter captnred the meat. ".Skiuny Men. "Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sexual Debility. l. A Hartford paper alleged that tome statesmen take twenty drinks a day, and tlie following morning its office wasfilled with public rúen who desired to know if the paragrnph sliould be consideed a personal attack. As a purifier, Ayer's Sarsaparilla acts directly and promptly. A single bottle will prove its merits. Many thousandsof pcople are yearly saved f rom dungerous feversbythe exercise ofa little timely care in properly cleansing the system by tlie use oL tliis remedy " Yes," the tall, tl.iu passenger admitted, " a crying baby is indeed a sore trial. But then j-ou must remember that tlie baby cannot swear, and when a human being is being dandled up and down on the loóse end of a two-inch safety-pin, il'= eot to do something, and f it can't swear it must hollej." And the jury was only outtwo minutes and came in with a verdict for defendant.- Burlington Ilawkeye. "Itough on Rats." Clears out rats, mice. roaches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Druggists. Qnery: Can Faith and Hope be called Sisters of Charity ?- Life. Avoidtheliarsh, irritating.giïpingcompoundssooften soldas purging medicines, and correct the irregularitics of the bowels by the use of Ayers Cathartic Pilis, ¦which are mild and gentle, yet thorougk and searching in their action. The dentist is tlie only man wno is happiest when lie is down in the raouth.- Life. Decline of Man. Nervous Weakness, Dyspcpsin, Impotence, Sexual Debility, eured by "Wells' Health Kenewer." $1. Why did those Jersey Flats tar and feather that organ? To give it a higher pitch, of course. - Exchange. Savannah, N. Y., Maroh 3. 1Í83. RJieumatic Syrup Co. : Gents- I have been a great sufferer till within a few months, for ten years with that worst of all diseases - rheumatism. At times I have been wholly unable to attend to my business, and fbr eight weeks was conliued to my chair, my only relief from pain being while some one of my family rubbed my limbs. At the same time was covered with scrofula. I had tried every treatment and every kind of medicine recommended, to no pnrpose, and was completely discouraged. Haviug heard a friend praise Eheumatic Syrup, asa last resort, I procured a bottle, but with little hope of receiving benefit. After taklug two boules, to my surprise, and need I say delight, I experienced a decided relief. Contiuuing its use, after taking tour bottles, 1 flnd myself perfectly cured, and to-day am as well as ever in my life. Of the sores which covercd my body, only the scars remarn to testify of the eflicacy of the Rheumatlc Syrup. As a blood puriñer and a rheumatlc cure, it has no equal. Dexteh Hogan. WhO saya that it is unhealthy to sleep in feathers? .lust look at the spring chicken and sec how tough be is.- Kxchange. Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging irritationjnnainmation, all Kidney and Urinary Oomplaint.s, cnred by "Buchu-paiba." $1. Every man has a right to an opinión of his own, if he goés to a lawyer and pays for it.- New Orleans Picayune. One of our best citizens wonld say to the public that he has tried Hall's Catarrh ! Cure, and it is all that is claimed for it i Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by ' bach & Son. It is said that Gladstone gets up at four i oclock in the morning. This contirms ' the rumors of his mental decay - Chi' cago News. Cause and Effect. At times symptoms of indigestión are ' present, uneasiness of thestomach, &c, a noisture like perspiration producing ( ng at night, or when one is warm, cause he Piles. Tlie effect is immediate relief ipon the application of Dr. Bo.anko's Pile temedy, which costs you but 50 cents and Í s sold by Eberbach & Sou. ' - i MAdNETICJfEDICIN. obBRAIN &NERVE F00D.Í A cure Guaranteed in all Cases For Mil and Voimg, ITIale and Femalo MAONETI M IBICIHÏ ; a Briia and Kcrví Tood üaíiiliag and Positivo Cara. Tonen up ihe dfbiliíated ayBtem, arresta all involuntiiry discharges, removes lenta] gloom and despondeney. and restores won. erfiil power lo the weakened orans With ach order for twelve packages, accorapanied with ve dollars, we wlll send our Guarantec to refnnd ie money if the treatment does not effect a cure. t Is the Cheapestand Best Medicine in the marke' Fnll particulartí in Pamnhlet.whlch we malí free to ny address. Sold hy all packaee 50 ents; Six for f 2.50, or sent by mail on receipt of irice. by addressinfr the 1ÍA0NZTIC MEDIÓME 00. Jetroit, Mlcta. Gaarantecs issued in Ann Arbor y C. E. HOLMES. Cook Hotel Block. 1 135-85


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