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-TwiiróTtiieiiite Rice A. Beal was probated Momrenoon. Reuben Kempf is Bblpplng apples to Dakota, Colorad0' Kansas and Iowa. t tbe White farm west of the city Monday morning a straw ƒ tack btirned down. yuthew Arnold cannot come to lecture „ Í.MI1 Arbor before the latter part of the winter. t m g The Dexter Episcopal chiirch has iuvited Rev. M. L. Stanley to ofiiciate as rector and he lias accepted. More than 4,000 signutures are on temperance pledges in the city but many names are on many pledges. The light froin the fire at Walkervifle, Jlonday nirht was plainly seen about town. It was some forty miles distant. Dr. Geo. Pinkham, a recent resident of tlieFifth w&rd was adjudged an insane criminal and sent to the Pontiac asylum. Quite a nuuiber of our Germán citlzens went over to Saline last Sunday to attend the dedication of the Lutheran Church bell. ______ Since Ilalloween nlght'l scrape old Ben. Franklin has had another bcnefit,and now comes out with bmss buttons and bronze colored fiicings on his coat. The painting of the M. E. church bas been completed by H. O. Emery for $200. The steeple was taken care of by the liberality of Mr. J. T. Jacobs. David M. and Homer P. Finley are going to sell the personal property on their farm. Wednesday, Nov. 21. It is % miles from town and 3% miles from Dexter. A new plate-glass front greatly improves McMillan & Randall's store. Any other of our merchante desiring a f ree advertiseraent has only to do likewise and they will get it. The second anniversary social of Ann Arbor lodge, I. O. G. T. will be given in Cropseys hall next Tuesday evening. The members of the lodge will give a drama, a history, a prophecy and oysters. Prof W. C. Richards' lecture on Oxygen was well attended AVednesday evening by a company which was well repaid by the evening's entertainment. The lecturer's style and thought are intensting as well as his experiments. The Reyer-Crane ditch case in Pittsfield was decided Saturday by the Coramissioners, Comstock Hill, Chauncey Depue and David Wilsey. Their decisión was in favor of putting through the ditch and granting Mr. Green $300 damages. Monseigneur Capel, the distinguished English Prelate, passed through Ann Arbor, Friday afternoon on his way to Detroit. Some of the citizens were at the depot and asked hirn to come and deliver a lecture. He says lie will think of it. The Regents met Wednesday evening and listened to the President's report, ivhich alluded to the attendance of the year, the gifts, the appropriations, the work of the various departments, the policy of the institution and concerning the results of co-education, In most of the churches all over the land the services of next Sunday will be commemorative of the 400th anniversary of the blrth of that "true great man," Martin Luther, who was bom in Eisleben, November 10, 1483, and who lived to work out a most wonderful Reformation. About a year ago an advance agent for a theatrical company borrowed fiye dollars of A. J. Sawyer. He failed to return it and Mr. S. had come to the conclusión the "goke" was on him. However, the other day, he caught the man in town and made hiin disgorge, henee he smiles again. At last the long UU in Lower Town on the Dixboro road has been conquered by the bicycle. Mr. Louis Taylor, teller ot the National Bank, and ye editor succeedd, the fore part of this week, in making the ascent without a dismount. It has teen to Aim Arbor wheelmen what Corey HIU is to Bostonians. Soune six miles out of town in Lodi, at half past three Saturday aflernoon a sad tragedy occurred. A little eight year old 'daughter of Mr. Kline was left at home to take care of her baby sister. She had Ktthend some chips, and while putting them on the fiïe her dress ignited. She fan out into the road, but the motion only fanned the blaze. Her flesh was burned to a crisp and she only lived two hours. At the regular monthly common council meeting Monday nlght $75.00 was voted to the Vigilunt Hose Company for taking care of the steamerj $5400 to Alderman Henderson for 27 days work, and $1,000 "was appropriated for a new eugine house to be built in the SIxth ward on the vacant 'otadjoining the Tappan school. They lso decided to put up lamp posts on the south and west sides of the court house square. Tbe ccleliratioñ of the Four Hundredth Anniversary of the birth of Martin Luther "as been reeommended by the general assembly of the Presbyterian church. In iccordanec with this recomraendatlon Dr. Steele will deliver a discourse at the mornfig service on Sabbath next, on "The Life and Work of Martin Luther." At lle eyening service the subject of bis lecture wil] be, " Luther at the Diet of Worms, wlth a description of the city and the Luther Monument." A plan is being developed that geeras likely to giye the peopleof this v,icnity an opportunity of hearing a greaí masterpiece in music presented In grandor style than has ever been attempted in this vicinHy. It is proposed to units the musical talent of Ann Arbor and "Vpsilanti and put on Mendelssohn's oratorio of St. Paul. By this combination a full chorus of 200 voices would make University Ilall ring as it never did before. The plan is for each musical society to work up the chorusea separately at flrst until prepared thoro'ly, and then, after a few meetings together, to give it once in Ann Arbor and once here.- Ypsilantian. Sonie two weeks ago at Burke's soap factory Jacob Ardner and Charles Heissler were scuffling and boxing, when the former delt the latter a poweiful blow in the chest. He had previously been troubled with asthuia, henee, perhaps, he was the more easily injured in that place. At any rate he died Monday niglit and the coroner's inquest Wednesday showed that a rib had been broken and that an abscess had formed in his breast. Heissler, who was a single man, had been in this country only a few months. Ardner was taken to the jail to await the verdict of the jury, and on its finding he died of pneumonía ne was released. For nine years and inore Mary F., the wife of Ambrose Kearney, has been a Bufferer from a tumor. At that time, in Fort Bend county, Texas, - her native place - she had an operatiou performed for it. However, it was but little abated, and since then she had been a patiënt sufferer. Friday another operation was performed, and It resulted fatally Saturday night. The funeral services, which were attended by a large number of f riends.were conducted by Fatliers Fierle, of thiseqy; LeFebre, of Ypsilanti; Van "Watership, of Northfield ; and the funeral sermón was by Father Walsh, of Detroit. Itwasat the Catholic church, Tuesday, at 9:30 a, M. The University boys have a strong foot ball eleven this year, and their desire to try results with the teams of eastern colleges is likely soon to be gratified, for the faculty has granted tliem a two weeks absence for a trip. They leave on the 20th and return after Thanksgiving. During this time they will play the Harvard, Yale, Colnmbia, and Princeton teams. It is a good thing for Michigan University once in a while to allow these contests, for it always attracts attention to the institution, making its name inore familiar to the ears of meu, and thereby receiving good advertisements in all the large eastern papers. Even if they are beatón, this result, at least, is accomplished.