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BACH.&ABEL. rimrsilay : Clear and Bright and Indication8 of Fine Weather for a Few Days. Let Us Give You a Pointer. We sometimos name items at prices so out of proportion to apparent values that one smiles, says " A mlsprint," and passes it by. The prices on our colored silks for two weeks are not a misprint, although it does not seem possible that we could give such value for so little money. Our Colored Silks at 85 cents cannot be matched at $1.10. Our Colored Silks at $1.17 cannot be duplicated at $1.40. Our Black Silks at $1.29 caa't be approached in this city or any other forless than $1.00. Another large shipment of Mlsses' Cloaks received this week. Examine them. Here is what we can do for a short time on Silk Handkerchiefs : This week we will place on sale 25 doz. all silk, very large sized handkerchiefs, at the low price of 43 cents; sold at 00 to 75 cents elsewhere. We are supplying Plush Cloaks and Dolmans in all values, from $35.00 to $60.00. Ladies who look around very cautioualy usually return to us and purchase. Our prices are fixed, and the same for every purchaser. Tliis alone would require us to name the lowest price at the flrst. Cholee novelties in Neck-wear for the young ladies are offered this week. We would like to have an opportunity to show them. We think you will like tlie styles, and don't think you will find them elsewhere, You will not find a better stock of the still popular Jersey than we have taken care to secure. We can give you all sizes from 30 to 40. $2.50 buys them. Ask to see our Germán Jackets, the only jacket in the city manufactured in Germany. It will wear longer than three jackets made in this country. H.ICH & ABEL. Epilepsy Entirely Cured. Prof. Irving B. Smith, of Pike, N. Y., mnkes the following statement. "Samaritan Nercine has entirely cured me of epileptic fits," Dr. Feliz Le Brun's C3r a OOTTIRIE.. A Gnaranteed Cure for Gonorrhoea and Gleet. Safe, pleasant and reliable. No bad effecta frem lts use; oes not tnterfere with business or diet. Price, $2.00 per box, or three boxes for $5.(10. Written Kuarantecs lssued by eTery duly authorlzed agent to refnnd the money if three boze fail to cure. Sent postage prepaid on receipt of price. Addrees, J. H. BROWN & CO., Sole Agent, Ann Arbor, Mich. Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Rev. Z. P. Wilde, well-known city niisHlonary in New York, and brother of the late eminent Judge Wilds, of the Hassachu¦ettg Supreme Court, writes as follows : "78 E. tHth St., New York, May 16, 1882. Messrs. J. C. Ayer & Co-, Gentlemen : Last winter I was troubled with a most uncomfortable itching humor aifecting more especially my limbs, which itclied so intolerably at night, and burned so intensely, that I could scarcely bear any clothing over them. I was also a sufferer from a severo catarrh and catarrhal cough ; my appetite was poor, and my system a good deal run down. Kiiowing the value of Ayer's Sarsapaiti i.i.a , by observation of many other cases, and from personal use in fonner years, I began taking it for the above-named disorders. My appetite improved almost from the flrst dose. After s short time the f ever and itching wereallayed, and all signs of irritation of the skin disappeared. My catarrh and coagh were also cured by the same means, and my general health greatly improved, until it is now excellent. 1 feel a hundred per cent stronger, and I attribute these results to the use of the Sarsaparilla, which I recommend with all conüdence as the best blood medicine ever devised. 1 took it in small doses three times a day, and used, in all, les than two boules. I place these facts at your service, hoping their publication may do good. Yours respectfully, Z. P. Wilds." The above instance is but one of the many constantly coming to our notice, which prove tho perfect adaptability of Ayf.r's Sarsaparilla to the cure of all diseases arising front impuro or iinpoverished blood, and a weakened vitality. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cleanses, enriches, and etrengtheus the blood, stimulates the action of the stomach and bowels, and thereby enables the ystem to resist and overeóme the attacks of all Scrofulom Diseates, ErupHons of the Skin, Itheumatism, Catarrh, General Debilita, and all disorders resulting from poor or corrupted blood and a low statu of the system. 1 iti.n BY Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mass. 3old by all Druggists; price $1, slx bottles for $3. -Best Purgativo Medicine- cure Constipation, Indigestión, Headache, and all Billou Disorders. Sold every where. Alwuy reliable.


Ann Arbor Courier
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