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ne nu term ot tho state agricultiiral college closed November 12. Rev. Theodore Nelson is the new president of Kalainazoo college. Work has been counnonoed on the Michigan, Indiana and St. Louis road. Pontiac is greatly .igitateil over the frequency of incendiary in that place-. Michigan grangers are devotinginuch time to the diseussion of the tariff questlon. ïho Michigan saltassociation shipped 188,050 barrels of salt during the month of üctober, Wm. C. Riohfleld, ex-sheriiï of Calhoun couEty, died at nis home near Marshall a few days ago. Said there will be a considerable fallingoil in the numbor of loga harve3ted ia Alpena this year. Schuyler F. Seager, a prominent lawyer of Central Michigan died of typhoid feyer, at bis home in Lansing. Caro boasts that $90,000 have been expended in that place the past season in business blocks and dwelllngs. The werk of laying the foundation for the new asylum for insane crimináis at Ionia will begin in a few days. CapL Heber Squires of Grand Haven, one of the best known men on the lakee, died in Phiiadslphia a few days ago. Additional failures are reported from Kalamazoo and Grand Kapids, growing out of the failure of lumbtr merchants. The corner-stone of the new Presbyterian church at Sagiuaw City, was lald the other day withappropriatc ceremonies. The llthannual meeting of the American Public Health Assaciation was held in Detroit, auring the week biginning Nov. 12. Thomas Comden, living eight miles northwest of Stanton, was killed by a falling tree, the other evening, while alter the eowe. A wedding took place in A.ddison, Lenawee county, a few days ago,in which both the contracting parties werc over 80 years old. The Detroit, Bay City Alpena railroad is completed to Rifle river, thus connectiug the road with he Michigan Central at Wells' station. A newspaper pressman named William Bashan was found dead in bis bed at East Saglnaw the other morning. His age was 23.g The sorguum made this year in divers parts of Michigan is much pcorcr in quality thau herctoforc, on account of the earlv frosts eariy l rost 6 Prof. Cook wants all interested parto bear iu iniud the annual meeting of the state bee association to be held in Flint on the 5thand6th of Decunber. The Detroit Art-loan building will be ,urned into a roller skating rink, with a skatng 6pace 98 by 1 25 feet, and a balcony eapablc of accommodating 1,090 spectators. Midlaüd Sun: "Duke McKenzie, convicted of assault with intfeDt to comtuit mur der, wai eentenccd to two ycars hard labor n the State l'enitentiary at Jaekson." Louis LaFleur, the robber whoie-, cently escapcd from the Ionia house of correelon, has been Saranae. He was crlpplcd by his 2S foot jump from the prison wall. Hubbard Miucr, a substantial farmer Í Byron townshlp, Kent county. was iiistantj killed by a falling tríe whieh he and his son were cutting down. He was 55 years old and earesa v Tife and eight children. John Gregoire, an employé of C. E. 3wis' ruill at Bangor, was struck hy a flyinc bol, just below the right ear. Both sides of he jaw were broken, necessitating tbe removal Gf the greater part of the bones. The Cleveland gentlemen who have made arrangement to buy the property of the Grand Rapids Street railway rompanv have already ordered 20 new cars and a large quantity ot iron for the extensión of the lines. A Danish immigrant who passed through Adrián bound west the other day had a blanket which he had brought from Denmark, and on which were ncatly woven portraits of Garfield, Arthur and Hancock. Ira Angel, a young married man of Gaines township, Kent couuty, committed suicide the other morning by shooting him6elf through the head. He was hit on the head sometime ago by a falUng tree and his brain was affected. The Sanilac Jeffersonian says: A eandldate for a teachera certifícate at tl.e late examination, in answertotne question : "Wliat normal training have you had" answered: "No moral training." Another locatcd Chicago on Sasinaw bay. William Hatfield, sent from Barry county in January, 1881, for iryear8 for an assault with intent to rob, escaped from prison at Jackson the other af ternoon by gettlng into a box, being carried to the depot and there emergiug and breaking for the woods. The local election in Detroit resulted in the election of S. B. Gruminond th Republican pandldate for mayor, John B. CorJiss íor city attorney, and Alex. A. Sacnger, Republican, for clerk. The Democrats elected treasurcr, councllmen and a majority of the aldermen. About a year ago Peter Stogren had lils leg crushed in a wheel at Hall Davies saw mili in Muskegon. He brought suit for (30,000 damagcs, and the case has just been iecided, the jury rendering verdict of 120,)00 for the plaintiff. Defendants will appeal Hiram Hall of Battle Creek, was at]" empting to cross the railroad track in that place as a passenger train was approaching, tfhenthe engine struck him, breaking his ¦ight arm, left leg, and smashing his head all pieces, scatterlng his brains all over the ;round. A barn belonging to Martin Willy rf Flint, was totally destroTed by flre recently. pair of valuable horses, a large quantity of lav and grain, and farm implemtnts were consunied. The lire caught from a spark from the engine oí a threshing machine. Loss eetimated at about $2,000. Charles Benson, wliile working iu the lamber woods in Manistse county, was killed by having a tree fall on htm. He was & native of Norway, 25 years old and unmarried, butleaTes several relatives ia this country. He had a brother drowneJ in Lake Michigan about a year ago by falling ovci board from a taf. The inquest on the body of the infant of Eliza Lungershauseu, was concluded before Justice Tucker at Mt. Clemens Thejury found that the child came to its deatli by reason of nwphice administered by its mothc-r when in a eondltlon of mental depreesion equivalent to irresponsibility. The woman wil] not 1-c prosecuted. At Ithaca the other evening, Charles Wilson, the 18-year-old sou of the pastor of the Methodist church there, puta revolver (srhich he says he snpposed was empty) against bie sister'sneck as she 6at attheorgan plaving. In some way tte revolver was discharged and the young lady, whose age was twentytwo, rlropped dead at. her brother's feet. Three boys who escaped from the reform schooi in Lonsing were found at Flint in an east bound freigbt car. They had with thema uantity of: sugar, cauned eoru and üthergoods, and were evidently bent on ha ving a good time, when a policema came along, handcuffed them and lockcd them in jui), from whence they were returued to Lansing. It is now shown that the convicts at the state prison who eeeaped while on their wav from the coal minos to the prison were attended by a single guard, who had 30 men in line and was not armed. Furthermore, it has not been customary to arm the guards detailed to take that gang to and from their work out8ide the walls. Hereafter the guards are to b'e aruied, however. Prof. Webb. a Michigan man, has received letters patent for an invention which is destined to work tiuite a revolution ia primary teaching. It Is known as the Child's Sentence Builder, and consists of a small rack and a large number of words printed upon strips of cardboard, and so arranged that they may be inserted into the raek so as to f orm various Fentencee. Lorenzo S Ferguson, n dissipated carpenter, is in jail at Ka'amazoo, for the murderof Barney Cunningham, an eccenWc but snppo6ed-to-be wealthy tailor of Schoolcraft. The aocu8ed was with him the night of the murder. Ferguson has lived in Kalamazoo county many years. He went to town from Schoolcraft, and was partially iatoxicateil when arrested in a saloon. From all along the coast come reports of damage and disaster by tlie wind storm of the llth iast. Much valuable sbippijg was distroycd, and other property as wel!. The life 6aving crowa at tbc various stations die efLectual work, and it is O'.vinc to the eificieuej of the various corps, that the day ií not mem orable for the nutnber of its fatalities. The ealeon thi day wasone of the worst of the season. The Postónico department has ordered that from and aftel Deeoir.ber 1 the number of the mail route from l'onttac to Caseviile be and remain:24,06+,and that service be renderec over the line of the Pontiac, Oxford and Pt Austin railroad, from Pontiac, via Oxford, Drvden, Imlay City, Arkdale, North Branch, Clift'ord, Kingston, Cass City, Gagetown anc Borne to Case-yille, 100 73-100 ms. and back, C times a week. C. F. Sizer, of Adrián, eoutractor for building the Chapman hotel at Spring harbor, noar Bcyue City, and a plasterer namec James Slater, feil from a eeaffold in the fourth story throtigh the open etairway to the base ment and sustalited wbat are thought to be fatal fcternal injuries. Tliey were picked up insensible and no hopea are eutertaincd of the recoven of Slater. Eider Barry of Cliiylou, 1euawec county, has turned that liltle hamlet eompletely inside out. fhinkiug that too much poor whisky was being sold tiiere, he sent in a carefiilly prepnred list of uames to the saloon keeper, and forbade him to sell auy intoxicating liquors to any individual whose name appeared on the same, and wuere the trouble comes in is in the fact that nearly all of the persous named in the ligt are members of first families. Vassar Times: -'Samuel Heil raised from five c:ea of land tbis year 131 bU6hels of wbeat frorn the light sandy soil of Ellington, as it is called. And John Stoll raised from twelve acr-6 that he plowed with one horse and eultivated the ground and put in hls wheat with the ame hor6e, and harvested and tnreshed 170 bushels of wheat. He is an old man 62 year.! of age. Thcre are thoasands of acres of the jamo kind of land here for sale on roiisonablt1 torms." Dr. Henrv Jones of Houghton is imder arrest, charged with malpractiee and misconduct. The complainant is Miss Mary IIuber of Hancock, who states that in May, 1882, Dr. Jones was called to treac her for sore eyes. When he visited her he dtagnosed a female difflculty and treated for such complaint. In the eourse of time he made indecent proposals to her, and assaulted her Beveral times Ui such a manner aso rcsultin making her an invalid. She lays damagos at $10,000. The doctor furnishcd bailin the sum of #1500 to appear at the next term of court. Western Michigan readers will be particalarly interested in the announcement that at a recent meeting of the stockholders of the Crescent mining coinpany. held at Salt Lake City, Utah, the following were chosen dl rectors ior the ensuing year: Edward P? Ferry, John J. Da'y, Arthur Brown, Chester II Withey, David C. MeLaughlin, Harvey J. Hollister, Charles E. Olney, James M. Barnett md Lewis H. Withey. The directors elected üic following oflicers : E. P. Fcrry.prcsident ; JohnJ. Daly, vice president; W. S. McCormlck, ireasurer; C. H. Withev, secretary. Rsv. Dr. Miles Bronson, who for over 40 yèars w M a missionary in Assam, India, aied in Eaton Rapide, a few days ago, aged 31years. Dr. Bronson was educated at what [s bow Madison universitv, Hamilton, N. ï., and in October, 1830, he sailed for India as a missionary of the American Baptist missionary unton e was flrst located at Sadiya, Assam, nd In 1S40 began amission at Nowa;ong,where he spent the moet of bis more than 40 yeara of missionary life. He there established an orphan asylum and normal 6choo!,whieh had a number oL years of prosperity. In 18T4 he removed to Uowahati, where he aleo did much good. A few years ago the infirmlties of age compelled his return to thls country, and he removed to Eaton Ranids to make his home with his daughter, the wife of Rey. J. M. Titterington, the pastor of the Baptist church of tbat place, but uoiv of Allegan. A Sad . i -lili ín. Freci Bender, a 15-year-old Marshall boy was the victim of a peculiar accident which has since had a fatal termination. He was dreesK an animal just killed at the slaughter ouse and had occasion to haal the creature up by means of a large windlass. He acconi ylisbed it with difliculty, owing to its wcight, and while seeuring the windlaes to prevent the body from dropping it gave way and the handle flying around with a frightf ui velocity struck the back of his hesd. He was not stunncd and picking himself up resumed his work Although he oceasionally complained of a headache nothing was done for him ac il was considered of no consequence and he worked as usual for two days, when he was attacked with congestión of the brain and 6uffercd severely for severjl hours, whtn he died. An examination now shows that the end of the handle bolt protruding from the handle struck the F.kul), piercing the bone and membranes, and drove severa] pieces into the brain nearly an inch. '¦'"uu to Deatli. Superintendent of Fisheiies, O. M. Chase, and six other pereons, two of whom were his a Mackinac boat, were drowned in the bay off Petoskey, while crossiig from Harbor Springs to that place, on the evcning of tlie llth inst. Mr. Chase and his nssistants were engaged in the work of collecting the ova of white fish from the fisheries on Lake Michigan, andi t was while in the performance of his" official duties that he met his death. Supt. Chase came to this state in 1874 or 1875, from Rochester, and bas been activcly identined with the propagation and distribution of food fishes. He was about 43 years oid, and his home was in Detroit, at 472 Congress Street east,near the fish katchery. He was one of the most entbusiastic and "suecessful flsh culturists in the United States. He leayes a wife and one son. DETROIT MARKETS Detroit, Nov. 12, 18S3. Wheat.- The market Is very etrong, and rices rule, eomewhat lighter than for several days past. We quote as follows: No. 1 White, $1.05#. @$1.05Ji; No.2 White, %]4 97. No. 2 Ked, $1.06. ' Flock- The local inquiry for flour is quit large, and rates are firm as follows : Michigan white wheat, low grades.. $3 00@4 00 Michigan white wheat, choice 4 75@5 CO I Michigan white wheat, roller process 5 25@5 60 I Michigan white wheat, patents 6 23@6 50 Minnesotas, bakers' 5 75@6 00 Minnesotas, patents 7 25@7 50 Rye 3 50@3 75 Buckwheat 10 00@ Fbed- Inacf ive ; bran is in demand at about $13 50, but for middlings there is little or no inquiry: coarse are nominal at about $14 50(3 15 and fine at $17@liJ. Corn meal $33@24. Cokx - The marktt is somewhat firmer, at ! the same time ís rather quiet. From 5'i to 55 cents are the prices quoted. Oats- Maiket soniewhat neglcctcd even at prices ranging from 33 to 3ü)í cents. POULTRY- The market is fiepressed and unsettled, chicflyou account of the uufavorable ! weat'ier; chickens are pressed at S@10c, and j tuik.-s at 12@13c, but even the iuvoices are slow sale. PROVISIONS- In prices there are no marked c'uanges, and at terms nanied the market seems to hold a pretty lirm position. Especially for srnoked meats. We quote: Mefs pork, $13)12 25; family, $15@15 5; clear, $10; lard, 8@8}iiC for tierces anl Sj-c f or kegs ; 50 lb cans, Sí@Síc; pails, 9i@9%c; hamè, 14%@15c; bacon, lOiSjlOic; ehoulders, 7Ji'@8c; dried beef, scarce ut 45@15'c ; extra mess, $11 50 11 75. Clover Secd, "()bu S 90@ 6 00 Apples, a bbl 2 50@ 3 00 Butter, ij)ib 2!@ 22 24@ 25 Potatoes 45g 50 Honey 19(0) 20 Bean?, plcked 2 10 2 15 Beans, unpiekcd 1 50@ 2 00 Hay 9 00($14 00 ' Straw 7 @ 7 M i