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The results of last week"s state clcotions were such as to give encourajfeincnt to Republicana. Tlie tidal wave whicli last year swept thcm oll' their feet is now rapidly receding, and the prospects of succcss in the neXt National election- a time when it counts the most- are materially brightening. Let us survey the field. Massachusetts last year went Democratie ly 14,000 plurality ; this year their exponent was buried by a majority of 15.000. The dissensions in l'ennsylvania last year ave a líepublican defeat ot -10,000; 'his year harmony givesa victory by -1,000. Iu New York where the eneniy triumphed by nearly 200,000, they now lose the head of their ticket by 10,000, In Ohio, too, a decreased majority gives warning to the supporters of the Democratie party that the tide thev took was not takei; at the flood wliich "leadson to fortune." The people of Massachusetts are especially liappy and subject to congratulatlon that they have rid themselves of Butler. His pluck and perseverance challenged their admifation at first, but when they found themselves the tools of his machinations they realized the disgrace to the .State, and accordingly they arose to deliver the rebjike. In Pennsylyania and New Vork, the union of discordant factions in the party has been a happy one. It isespccially so In the latter State, for there will come the tug-of-war in the nextpresdential strnggle. Itsthirty-iive electoral votes make a prize for a lively contest. So with this turn in the tide the prospects of the party are rapidly bettering.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News