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Wells' "Roiiífli onttorns." Ask for Wells' "Ronjih onOorns." 16o. Quick, complete, peraimtent cure. Coms, wart.-, bnnloni. (Ted iip- a weather vane. - New York Journal. - " l'm haipn lo ttty Dr. Benamts Skin Cure luis curetl my Ectema vf the sealp, of four ytar standing" Jno. A. Andrews, Att'y at Law, Asliton, 111. $1. it dru;gtsts. Bndorsed by physiclans. A íuilt frame - the prison wlndow. - Boston Bulletin. SKiiinv Men. 'Wells' Ilealth Kenewer" rectores liealfh aml vifíor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotenee. Sexual Debility. $1. The flrgt wentlier rejuyt- tliinidor.- Plttsburgli Telejfruph. C'oiiTtncing. Tlie proof of tbe puddlogis nel iu cliewing the strinn;, bilt in liavhij; au opportUnity to test tne article direct. Eberbach & ion the Dniirgists lias a íVee trial lottleof Di-, Iiosnnko's Congti and LnngSyrup lor eacli and everyonewho is atllicted with Cough?, Colds, Asthnu, Ooiuumptlou or any liiing Atlection. Clmieh muslc is not difflcnlt to a clioir. - New 'ork Journal. "Koiiffh on ISafs." Cleun out rata, mice, roacbes, (lies, ant.s, bod-bug8, skunks, cliipiiiunks. gophi'i's. 15c. Drugirists-. The hoise preferí to (line ;.t the tulle doat. - Boston Bulletlu. „,7r''.Dr Mwn'sColeryand Chamomlle Pilis tor the eureof Xeuralgia are a necess."- Dv. (i. 1'. Holman, Cllristtallbarï, a. üü ets. at driirgists. Tl. e ballootl that will not go u,, s „ot good tor ascent. - The Judge. Alraost Insauïiy and Cured. ".Most of the eminent doctors in the Bist, na weli asseveral of the medical faeul'y in New Vork City," wrltesllev P P Shirley, of Chicago, " felled to hajpöut aanglitersepllepsy, whlch began to show signs of turnlflg into insanity. By the good Prorldence of God we tried Sivnarilan JVenine, and it cured her." Tour di uirgist keops it. $1.50. A man don' t have to live lon in Paris to leani the rond to Bonen.- Judge. Decline or Man. Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsk, tmpotenee. Sexual Debility, cúred by " Wells' Health Henewei-." l. A cutavvay jacket is the proper coitumo foran eloperaent.- Boston Bulletin. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Works directly and promptly, to purity and eniich the blood, impiove the nppetite, strengthen the' nerves, and brace up the system. It is in the sense an alterative medicine. Every invalid should give it a trial. When tlieman with thedeep voTcesTnés he ïssure to iet offliis base.- Boston Post.' ; Catarrh of the Bladder. ot Stingingirritatioiijnflammation al! Ki('. ' ney and tirinaiy Complalnts, cnrcd bv ;G "Buchu-paiba." $1. 3 An exchariifc tellsof "a witlowof twen'yiï?''j Twentv-two what Husbandsi - PhiUdelphia Cal). i IfpeopUitroubledwithcolils, woukl take Ayer's Clierry Pectoral before golng te f cluirch or places of entertainment, they would avoidwiigliingr, greatly tothecomJ fort of both speakers and hearers. Public j speakers and singers find tbat the Pectoral wonderfully increases the power and tlex¦ ibility of the voice. What's in a name? Wel), if its a Rus sian name we should answer, the alpbabet . -Burlington Free Press. Thnt Hnsband of Mina Is three times the man he was before he began uslng " Wells' Health Renewer." $1. Druggists. The Chicago girl who wears number tena, is still ablu (o stand considerable xher-size.- Boston Tra veler. IiiFKAr.o, N. Y., Feb 7, 188J. RheumaHc Syrup Co. : Gents- For seven yeaw I have been troubled with rbeuinatism in my ankles and feet, and for months at a time I could not get out of the house. I have tried alinost every remedy I could hear of, but I obtained no relief froni any of them While reading one of the Wayne county apers I read the names of a number of my acquaintances who had been cured bv the use of Kheumutic Syrup. I mmediately sent for some. and after it a short time the pain and soreness left me I snicerely believeyour Hheumatic Syrup is one of the best medicines I ever éaw and I ara coniident it is a great blood punher, as well as a rheumatic remedy. I am truly 3'ours. GuOIiGE VV., 13S Allen Street. "The taan who rides on a railroad train " said Mr, Stebbms, "is not necesaril'v prompted by contemptible feeüns tho' lie be moved by a Iov-cur-motive5'- Boston Post. Catarrh s the seetl of Consumption aml unless taken in time is a very dan-erous disease. Hall's Catarrh Cure ntver fails o cure. Price 75 cents. Sold by Kberbacb & Son. " Is beer a tonic f " Inquires an auxious correspondent; and In our huinble opinión it is, most empbatically- a Teutonic. - í. i . Advertiser. "Bnelinnaiba." Qulok, complete, cures all annoyine Kidney, Bladder and Urinary ÜiseasesT ?1. DruggUt Thcre is nol always honor amongthieves A society reporter is sometliing of a pírate himself ; yet he frcquently atlacks private ears.- Tlie Judge. Evftiybody Knows it. When yoo hare the Itch, Salt Rheuin, , Galls, or Skin Eruptions of a-.y kind, and the Pile?, that you know without being ' told of it. Eberbach & Son, the Drugists will sell you Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy i for 50 cents, willen atfords immediate re' lief. aud is a sure cure for eitlier of the ! above diseases. , The differencc between a single colored í man s moan for his sweetbeart and a west' eni storm is, that one is a dark. lone sigh, ) and the other a dark eyclone.- New York Journal. - , „ _ ji


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