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The circuit court adjourned last week until December 3d. Prof Petcrson has taken 78 seats for his entire class In Telegraphy, for Geo. S. ____ Sfieriff Wallace tookEdward Wilson to Ion ia on Tuesday to serve a term of flve moutlis. t m r Agentó for the Detroit morning papers have been canvassing the city during the week for subscribers. David L. Perkins a religious maniac was sent to the Pontiac Asylum by Judge Harriman on Wednesday. The 400th anniversary of the birth of Martin Lutlier was celebrated in the Lutheran churches on Sunday last. We understand that the Conway - Spencecoinbination has dissolved partnersliip and will not star it through the State. Jfessrs. J. J. Goodyear, C. Eberbach, II. J. Brown and Dr. Prescott attended the meeting of the Pharmaceutical Associa' ton at Lansing, on Wednesday. At a meeting of the Vestry of 8t. Andrews church, on Monday night, the resignation of the Rector, Rev. Wyllys Hall, was aecepted. Mr. Hall will remain in the city. T. J. Keech, superintendent of the Ferdon lumber yard, is building an enorraous shed, for the storage of lumber. It will hold 200,000 feet of lumber, and will take 40,000 shingles to cover it. Reseivcd seats for the Ernma Tliursby concert, on Frfctay evening, November 23d, can be secured at Geo. Osius & Co.'s and at George Moore's on Wednesday, November 21st. Tickets are 75 cents, with no extra charge for reserved seats. A young men's temperance society was fbrmed at St. Thomas' church last Sunday, with the following offieers : James E. Harkins, president; James Duffy, vicepresident; Peter A. Dignan, secretary; J. M. Martin, financial secretary; C.T.Donnelly, treasurer. The following cases from this county ¦will go to the Supreme Court at their next session : Isaac N. Bumpus vs. Mary Ann Bumpus. Orrin Thatcher ys. Nathan B. Hayes and Samuel W. Webber. Amanan Conklln, guardián, vs. Mary Tuttle; and Dunham, Buckley & Co. vs. Julia A. Pitkin. _____ Colonel Sylvester Larned, of Detroit, M. J. Fanning, of Jackson, and Charles M. Jones, of Charlotte, will address the temperance meeting in the City Hall, at 2L o''clock Sunday afternoon, while R. E. Frazer, of Jackson, and Mr. D. P. Sagendorpli, of Charlotte, will hold forth in the same place in the evening. All are arnestly invitcd. Henry Smith, a son of John Smith, of Scio, died of heart disease, Monday night at 9:30. He left here some ten days ago and went to Edmore where he was employed on the steel gang of the railroad, from Thursday until the Monday night when death carne without warning. His body was brought back Wednesday and will be interred at Dexter this ïuorningat nine o'clock. A committee from the Board of Supervisors of Lenawee county visited the Court House last week on a tour of inspection to gather ideas for the new Court House at Adrián. The party consisted of County Clerk Thomas M. Hunter and Supervisors Ira Swaney, H. Holdridge, W. James and W. M. Corbet. Tiiey expressed themselves mucu pleased with the beauty and convenence of the building. The golden wedding of Mr. David L. GaWs, of this city, was observed Tuesday evening by some thirty or forty of the relatives. The five sisters were present, as wereother relativos from Detroit, Port Huron, Saginaw, Bay City and Montreal. Money and presents were left as a reminder of the event which happened fifty years ago in Troy, New York, when the bride was twenty and the grom a year older. ne of the pleasant features of the occasion was the presence of Mrs. Royce who nd witnessed the wedding of long ago. The Choral Union will give a popular concert at the Baptist church, Wednesday evening, Nov. 21. An interesting and Wpular programme will be rendered, and 'overs of music will do well not to miss 'is treat. Tickets of admission have "een placed at the low smn of ten cents, Sltnply to pay expenses. After the concert the members and friends of the Choral Union, and the public, are cordially 'nvited to repair to the basement below and partakeof refreshments, in the shape ¦t crprtm, coffi-e and cake, served by the ;. '4f the Union. At tbe fourth public recital of the class ' dramatic elocution, to be given in High f.1001 Hal1 to-night, at 8 o'clock, the wiiowing program wül be presen ted : ' TAtófeWMC1;!ïr?h OrBan Carleton. Aaelle Mcciellan, Ann Arbor, ., „„ (In costume.) ifyÏÏ'Candesplna's Standard.' Boker. 3 ui. g GeorKe McCall, Delhi. Kllzahmhímiuitcr'8 öuests." Carleton. i „f;'lzablh Iteed Wagner.Ann Arbor. M.ieripraeS,of,Enlerby-" Ingelow. 5 „1 'e Loulse Jaylor, Ann Arbor. uüKtuclldBeemau, Ann Arbor. (In costume.) The costumes will be historically corbet An !ldmisS1011 fec of ten cents will ken at the doorto pay expenses. Refjf 8eats 'Q the gallery may be secured I0r fteen cents. A doctor and a dentlst, of Manchester, while passingPleasant Lake, la Preedom, recently, on a huntlng expedition, saw some fine ducks near the road. One of them crept carefully througli the marsh grass and tired two charges at tlie ducks, and was surprised to see them apparently unliurt. He was about to re-load, when he discovered the ducks to be decoys. The wisdom of the Students' Lecture Association in offering but few musical entertainments this year, and in choosing those few f rom the very best, is evinced by the unusual interest taken in the approaching engagement of the Eimna Thursby Grand Concert Company. Miss Thursby on this occasion will beassisted by Mr. Russell S.Glover, thedistinguished tenor, and ChevalicrAntoine De Kontski, the eminent composer and pianist, whose composition, " The Awakeuing of the Lion," has for years held undisputed sway in the parlors of Europe. The concert will be under the personal supervisión of Maurice Strakosch - a fact which is an ampie guuiantee that cvery detuil will be carefully carried out. The opening of the order of the Sons of St. Cropsey'sHall, on Saturday last, proved in every way a success far better tuan they themselves anticipated. Therewere members from Cleveland and Detroit, who, after going through the opening ceremony, repaired to Mrs. Leonard's restaurant, where a sumptuous supper was prepared. This society is for EnglUbmen, their sons and grandsons, and they will have none but honorable and liuv-abiding citiz.ens in their midst. It is purely a social andbenevolent order, open to Englishmen. The organization is Chatham l.odge, So. 130, and it opened Nov. lOth, 1883, with the following om cers: Past Worthy President, W. H. Hatto; Worthy President, A. J. Mummery; Worthy Vice-President, B. Barker; Worthy Secretary, W. James; Worthy Associate Secretary, W. Cleaver; Worthy Treasurer, W. Biggs; First Messenger, F. Barker; Second Messenfer, J. Tooker; Chaplain, A. J. Kitson ; nside Sentinel, J.Sherley; Outside 8entinel, J. Goodhew. Sunday next, U it please God, I will preach morning and evening on ihe old, abused, diflicult, but most important subject of Temperanee. In the morning I will preach on the Christian church and the Temperanee work. In the evening I will preach on the Difflculties, Dangers and Defects of the Temperanee cause, with special reference to Ann Arbor. I have personally invited every saloon keeper, I think, In this city to be present. With scarcely an exneption they have promised to come and will keep their word. I invite all temperance workers who lmve not other chureh engagements at that hour. I will review wliat I consider merits ajid defects in the work of the churches; in that of the W. C. T. U., and in that of the Prohibition Party. I will teil sonie facts never told before about Reform Club work. I will niake plain clear statements about the recent Conway matten. I will do this as kindly as I may, but without fear or favor. I will take a colleotion at the close for an object that will commend itselfto every oue who has a heart. I give this notice that all may come prepared to respond most liberally f made a good cause, and to refuse a single cent if 1 fail. I desire the presence of no person under fifteen years of age.


Ann Arbor Courier
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