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THE AMERICAN MDIllt! IN 24 VOLUMES. THE STANDARD A1) THE BEST. [t s now nearly twenty-two years since the publication of tbe first edition of Appleton's American Cvclopedia, Jand iu the interval, not only professional scholars, but men of culture generally liave watched with eager interest the progresa of inquiry in cvery clepartment of kuowlodge, and a new book of reference lias beeu feit lo be as Imperativa want. To present a comprehensiva and at the sanie time CLÈAR AND POPULAR EXrOSITION of the progress made in more thau a decade and a half, demanded almost a new work rather than the re-editing of au old one! soraething suited to the circumstances of a busy and active people having but little time to read elabórate and extended treatlses; and requiring, therefore, a literary rather than a scientific treatnient, so as to address itself to the public niind in the MOST ACCEPTABLE AND USEFUL KANKER. This want the new issue of Mie American Cyclopa'dia claims to meet, not by a patching up of tbe old edition, admirable as tliat was for its day, but mainly as a new work, with brief, condensed arricies, not less useful to the student thau to the general reader and so pre-eminently THE CYCLOP-EDIA FOR THE I'EOl'LE. New ideas, new processes and analyses iu scienee and art, changed politlcal and social relations, wonderful accessions to geographical knowledgc made tlie reïssue of THE AMERICAN" CYCLOP.EDIA IN' ITS PRESENT FBOM A NECESSITV, which it meets by a comprehensivo yet popular treatnient of the various subjects up to tlie date of publication by men of emineuce in several departments of learnlng in America, England, and the Continent of Europe. TnE MOST RECENT SCIENTIFIC DISCOYERIES, THE FRESHF.ST RESEARCH, and the bearlng of all on eiviltcation and progress, are fully and clearly presented; and so, to hard-worked men with limited opportunities, like most of these for whorn the CyclópsB-lla is intended, it is a great storehouse of information presented in a marnier as fascinating as that of the most ingenou3 work of fiction The wonderful teiephone, the phonograph American iavenüons, the improvements in telegraphy, the natural history of the parasites which of the late years have betn so destructiye to vegetation, many peculiar to our own country, in tact the whole range of topics, are so di:cussed as to make TnE AMERICAN CYCLOP.BDIA THE EOOK FOK THE AMERICAN PEOPLE; wisely disseminatlng and interpreting, as it does, the results of the vast impulse imparted to the arts, sciencos, and several industries of a busy world. Read what Prof. Putnam, of the State Normal School has to say about Appleton's Great Cyclopaxlia. He has had it in his family for years. He knows what a book is, aneï you know the man, therefore, we sa}', read: State Xormal School, Ypsiíanti, Aug. 14, 1883. I have had in ray library for several years Appleton"s American Cyclopoedia. For Americans and American students it is, in my judgment, better than any other work of the kind. It is a very wide use of the term, a complete library in itself, and supplies a most convenient and complete introduction to the whole field ofgeography, history, biography, literature, scienee and art. For the purpose of reference it is of more value than üundreds of volumes of individual books. Every family and every student and reader ought to have this work. Daniel Putnam, A. M. Professor of Principies of Teaching. State Normal School, Ypsilanti. I fully concur in the above. J. A. Watling, D. D. S., Prcit'i-Mfinr f lint;tl Snnrprv in Professor of Dental Surgery in Michigan University. Prof. J. Mc. C. Martin the general manager tor this great work is in this connty and be will offer it to you on terms so very reasonable thut it is within the reacli of almost every person. The Professor will deliver to you the whole set of books in 24 volumes within live days after he receives your order. Tbey will come to you by express, f ree of charge, subject to your examination. Iftheyare not in all respect as represented you have only to say you do not want them. If on examination you lind every thing correct you will order the express company to deliver them to your house or office and only pay tor two volumes on delivering. Once a month you will be asked to pay for one volume thus givingyou two years to pay lor the set which is in your possession all the time. The payments are so small and the intervals between them so long that you will hardly be conscious of having parted with any money. don't Mies the present opportnnity of securing a set of Appleton's American Cyclopedia. don't Forget the very liberal terms on which it is oll'ered. don't Forget to see the agent and bave him show you this grand storehouse of information. don't Be without Appleton's American Cyclopedia. The agent will leave soon, and you will take up the bitter lamentation too late, too late. don't You know it contains a comprehensivo view of the world trom the earliest authentic history to the present time? don't You know it is fulloffactson the riseand progress of nations? don't Forget the terms on wfctch t ean be bad are so reasonable that every fumily eau easily secure it. THE LATEST, THE CHEAPEST, AND THE BEST. The Latent. - A corps of contributors who liohi the foremost rank in science and literature, both in America and Europe, are employed on this great work the year round, and a new volume is added annually. It never becomes oíd. Henee, it is The latest. The Cheapest. - In the language of a fonner president of Harvard College, " It is a wcll-selcclcil library in üsdf." A ncw volume is added oaeli year, wliich precludes the neeessity pd expense of buving other look.-. Henee lt is Tnn Ciieai - EST. The Best.- It la pcepared by the ablett icriters and scholurs in every departmunt of knowledge. lt ig tlie only complete, new, and exliaustive Cyolopsedla In the Enliïh lanrua;e, and the lailfce of subjeets embraces more than ill other Cyclopcedlaa eomblned, Henee, it is Tuk Best. THE XECESSITV FOK A CVCI.Or.KDIA. Every one that lendg, every one that miiiffles In society, is constantly meeting with allusions to lobjeotiou whicli further informatiou is needed and deal red. In conversation, in trade, in professional lile, on the farm, in the family, questions are continually arising which no man, well read or not, can always satisfactorlly answer. If the facilities tor reference are at hand, they are consulted, and not only is the curiosity gratified and the stock of knowledge Increased, bnt perhaps information is gained fand ideas are suggested that will directly contribute to tlie business success of the party concerned. A good Cyclopsedla sheds lory and honor over every household. Tlieftinilly living without one is sadly deficiënt.


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