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joyalYswüjjí B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thfs powder never varíes. A marvel of purlty.strengthand wliolesomeness. Moreecouomical thau tüe ordtuary kinds, and cannot be sold !u competition with tlie multitude ot low test, (ilio't weiglil, ahiin or phosphate powdfirs. Sold only ín cans. Roval, Bakinu Powdeb Co., lOtí Wall St., N. Y. The Preacher's Quiet Habits. Sedentary and studious men sometimes become prostrated bcfore thcy know it. Those who spend much time in close mental work and neg. lect to take enough exercise often find their stomachs unable to do the work of digestión. The Hver becomes torpid. .The bowel's act irregularly.Yj The brain refuses to serve as it once did. Their preaching becomes a failure, and there is a state of general misery. So many ministers have been restored to health by the use of Brown's Iron Bitters that the clergy generally are speaking to their friends of this medicine as thc very best tonic and restorer they know of. It restores thin and watery blood to its proper condition by toning_ it up with the purest and most ányigorating preparation of iron that science has ever made. It is pleasant to take, and acts immediately with 'the happiest results, not only on the parsons, but on other folks as welL 3 Infants and Chüdren Withont Igorehino or Narcottne. What gives our CliiMren rosy cheeks Wiat cures thelr Cerera, maltes thom sleep'Tis üstoria. When Bnbics fret. and by turns Whíit cures their eollc, ki'üa tlieir worms, Itxit Ca.sftria. What cures Oonstipntion. Sour títüinacli, ('.jliis, Indigestión ¦ ltnt iislorlit. Fareivell then to Mor;iliiie Ryrups Castor Oü and PBregoric, ana ' Haiir-i-tiria. Centaur Linim.ent.- An aisolnto curo for R henm at i sm, Spaains, Birrsj, Galls, &c, and an irntantancoiía Pnin-reliever. )S Place to secure a thorough, JarJ ipractical and useful educaT tion' is at tlle RAS VLJCék) RAPIOS Ml IIK.W IMI II i íl. I I. COL.liF.GE. Witte lor Journal. Address C. tí. Swensberg, Prop. Cares of Life. As we come to tbem they are receiveil. boniö with, and passed oyer with no more tlian a thought, if we arein the enjoyment of health, but if sufferlllK with Piles or skin dlsease of any kind they magnlry a htindred fold. Eberbach & Son the Dnirgists, have Dr. Bosanko's Pile Bemedy which is an absolute cure for any affeetton of this kind and is sold at 50 cents. ín a tight place - a Cork. . . .Hard pressed - eider apples Sine die - S. J. T. . . . On the tapis- thecarpettack. . . .Sure pop - Good Champagne The most unkindest cut of all - a two spot. - Life. One of our best citizens would say to the public that he bastrled Ilall's Cararrh Cure, and it is all that is claimed for it. Price. 75 cents per bottle. Sold by Eberbach & Son. The celery orop of Kalamazoo will bring over ;(00,000 this year. Judgiog from the usual market price of celery, Kaiamazoo must have raised several bunches. - Philadelphia Cali. Skinny Men. "Wells' Health Kenewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotenee, Sexual Debility. 41. The man who covered his liencoop with a tarpaulin, so that tlie roosters vrould not see the early mornin's light and lus slnrabers with their clarión, spoke of the contrivance as a crowbar. - Boston Transcript. Wells' "Uough ou Corns." Ask tbr Wells' "Boujthon Gorus." 15e. Quick, complete, perinanent cure. Corns, warts, bunious. "Ves," sald the doctor, "1 wantert that patiënt as a tramp wants rum, bnt I sent liini over to Dr. Tombs just to make Dr. Tombs think I had more business than I coukl handle.'1 - Boston Post. - "1 wouldn't bc without Ifr.Bcnson't Cel trv and VhamomUe püh ifthcy coat $1 .ti pül, They cured me of neuralgia of u yeart ttanding." Joseph Snydur, Paxloil, l'a. SOcta. [)er box, at druggtstg. Ofer you got a rebutation, yoost out lim by der key und lock. He was yoost ike some umbrellu - veen you loofe liim f o don't see him not any more yet. - Jarl Pretzel'a Weekly. - Dr. Bensou's Skin Cure Is without a eer. It consists ot bothexternal and inernal treatment and costs only SI. per Kieknge, at drugglsts.


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