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'¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ --- aftanraw BACH & ABEL. Thursday : Clear aud Bright and Imücatiims of Fine Weather for a Few Days. Let Us Gire You a Pointer. We sometimes name items at prices so out of proportion to apparent values that one smiles, says " A misprint," and passes it by. The prices on our coloree! silks for two weeks are nota misprint, allhough it does not seem possible that we could give such value for so little money. Our Colored Silks at 85 cents cannot be matched at $1.10. Our Colored Silks at f 1.17 cannot be dapllcated at $1.40. Our Black Silks at $1.29 can't be approaclied in this city or anv other for less than $1.60. Another large sliipment of Misses' Cloaks received this week. Examine them. Here Is what we can do for a short time on Silk Handkercluefs : This week we will place on sale 25 Uoz. all silk, very large sized handkerchiefs, at the low price of 43 cents; sold at 60 to 75 cents elsewhere. We are supplying Plush Cloaks and Dolmans in all values, from $35.00 to $60.00. Ladies who look around very cautiously uaually return to us and purchase. Our prices are rixed, and the same for every purchaser. This alone would require us to name the lowest price at the iirst. Choice novelties In Neck-wear for the young ladies are offered tliis week. We would like to have an opportunity to show them. We think you will like tlie styles, and don't think you will lind them elsewhere, You will not find a better stock of the still popular than we have taken care to secure. We can give you all sizes from 30 to 40. $2.50 buys them. Ask to see our Germán Jackets, the only jacket in the city manufactuied in Germany. It will wear longer than three jackets made lo this country. BACH & ABEL. PBOPÖSALS FOR WOOD. Sealed proposale for 150 cords of wood fonr feet long, young, trreen, good body or straight hickory, hard maple and Becond growth whi'e or yellow nplaud oak, in riunntities of uot less than ten cordt, will be ruceived by the undersigned nntil the 8th of December, 1883, inclusive np to 6 p. m. The wood to be delivered in the next sixty days after awarding the contract,at the different school houses In such qaantities as directed. The riant to reiect any ard all offers íb reserved. L. GRÜNEK, No. 8 8. Main St. Dr. Feliz Zie Sruxx's A Guaranteed Cure for Gonorrhcea and Gteet. Safe, pleasant and reliable. No bad effects from it8 use; aoee not lnterfere with basines or diet. Price, $2 OU per box, or three boxes for $5.00. Written guarantees Issued by eyery dnïy autborized agent to refund the money if three boxes fail to cure. Sent postage prepaid on receiptof price. Address, J. H. BROWN & CO., Sole Agent, Ann Arbor, Mich. AYER'S Sarsaparilla cores Rlieunaatlem, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Qouk, General Debility, Catarrh, and all dtooniera aused by a tiiin and impoverished, or oonrupted, condition of the blood; expellmg the Meed-poÉBons from the Bvstem, enriching and renevtng the blood, and restoring its vitalizing po wc. Duriktg a long perio'd of unparalleled usefulneee, Ateu's 8arsaparilla lias proven its perfect adaptation to the cure of all diseases oógiuating in poor blood and a weakened vitality. It ís a highly concentrated extract of Sarsaparllla and otber blood-purifying roots comblned with Iodide of Potassium and Iron, and is the safest, most reliable, aud most econoniical blood-purifier and blood-food that eau bo used. Inflammatory Rheumatlsra Cured. ' Ayer's Saksaparilla has aured me of the Tnflanunatory Kheumatism, with which I have sutt'ered for many years. W. H. MooitK." Uuiham, la.( Mareh L', 1882. ' Eight years ago I had an attack of Rheumat mii so severe that 1 could not move from the bed, or dress, without help. I tried several remedies without much if any relief, until I took Ayer's Sarsapaiïilla, by the use of two bottles of which I was completely cured. I have not been troubled with the Rheumatism fince. Have sold large quantities of your Sarsaparilla, and it stil! retains its wonderf ui popularity. Tne many notable cures it has eítected in this vicinity convince me tbat it is the best blood medicine ever otfered totlie public. E. F. Hakius." liiver St., Buckland, Mass., May 13, 1882. w Iaet March I was so weak from general debility that I could not walk without help. Followingthe adviceof a friend, I comnienceu taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and before I had used three bottles I feit as well as I ever did in my life. I have been at work now for two months, and think your Saksaparilla the greatest blood medicine in the world. James Maynard." 520 West 42d St., New York, July 19, 1882. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complaints, Ëryeipelas, Iezema, Ringworm, Blotchos Sores, Boils, l iiiiiiii -., and Eruptionsof the Skin. Itclears the blood of all impurities, aids digestión, stinwi. lates the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality and strengthens the whole system. FREFAltED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co-, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; price 1, six bottles. #f. 1884. HARPEB'S MAGAZIXE. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Magazine beeins its slzty-eighth volume withtlie December Number. It Is tbe most popular illustrated periodical In America and Knglaud, always fiilly abreastof the times In its treatmenlof subjects of current) social and industrial interest, and always advancing its standard of literary. artistio and mechanical excellence. Amongltsattractions for 1884 are; a new serial novel by William Black, Illustrated by Abbey ; a new novel by E. P. Roe, illustrated by Gibson and Dielman descriptive lllustrated papers by Geo. H. Boughton, Frank D. Mlllet, lC. H. Farnham, and others ; important historloal and biographical papers ; short otories by W. D. Howells, Charles Reade, etc. HARPER'S PERI0DICALS. Per Year: HARPER'S MAGAZINE t 4 00 HARPERS WEBKLY 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 1 00 HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE UBRARY, (one year, Si nuinbeyt.) 10 00 Postage Free to all subscriben in the United States or Canada. The volumes of the Magazine begin with the numbers for June and December of each year, When no time is specifled, il will be anderstood that the subscrlber wishes to begin wllh the current number. The last eight volumes of Harper's Magazine in neal cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on thereeelptol Í3.U0 per volume. Cloth cases, for binding. 50 .cents each - by mail, postpaid. Index lo Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical. Analytlcal, and Classlfle J, for volumes 1 to O inclusive, from June,;iS50 to 1880, one vol., 8vo, Kemittances should be made by Postomoe Mouey .Order or Dralt, to avoid chance of loss; Newspapers are notto codt this advertlsement without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York.


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