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jUET THE BEsx, LEAD ALL flBjBi EverySiyleiPri Guaranteed lJneqUalei OPERATIQMj ECONOmy DIJRABSUTYand1 WORKMANSHip ZmpioTementB.and Conveniences feT o others. Always Reiiablp COPULAR EVERYWHErT Tor. Salo in Every City and tL, "in tte United State, And by JI.n i'n.terer, jAnn Arbor. GENERAL Insurance tem ¦ ¦wmi Hiiuu nwuiiul omcm Over Casper Rinsey's Groeery Sta, COK. HDROM AMD FOUETH 8T, North British Insnrance Conip') (Of London and Edinburg) Capital 18,000,000, öoli Detroit Fire and Marine Ins, (,'„, Caih AsseU $600,000 8priugfleld Ins. Comp'y of Mass., Cash AsseU . . . . $1,800,000. Howard Ins. Co., of New York, Cash AsseU.... $1,000,000. Agricultnral Insurance Comp'j, WATEBTOWN, - - NEWYOBK, CaehAsêeta tilOO.OOO. Lomes liberally aijjutd and pnmptl; psu OINSEY & SEABOLTS BAKERY, GROCERT AND FLOUR & FEZD STORE. W keep cortaiit)j on hind. BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, rOR WHOLJSSALK AND RBTAILTRADI. We ibxli aiso keep a eupply of 8WIFT DEÜBEL'S BBST WEnTK WUMT FLOUK, DBLH1 FLOUR, RTH KLOUK BCCKWÜBAT FI.OÜR, COE:N MBAL, FKBD, te, 4cAt wbolesale &nd mtill A renentl ttock of KOCERIES AND PKOVIStOV eonsuntlr on hmnd. wblch wlll beiold on ai re ion ble lermj ai at anj ctüer huuse In tbe dtT. Cnsh pnld for Butter, Kkís, aa4 Connirr Ppm iwisully. tWih)Oda iieltrered to any part of the c tv "hout extra cane. _JT. RINSBT SgABOI.T NEW BREAD & CAKE BAKERY. at A. F. Hangsterfer & Co's, forFresh Bread, Cakes, Pies, Tarts, Boston CreamPuffs, Dough Nuts, Macaroons etc., cali at k. F. HANGSTERFER & COS 3O & 32 Main StFerdon Lumber Yard JAMES TOL.BEBT, Prop., Mnufctarr and Dssler U SAGUïAW GAMG-SAWED LUMBER, Lath and Shingles. W lnTiU all u, (tiTe u ¦ oall, ana iaml "" tock bfora parchaslnc olBewh#re al-o aqemT ron JACKSON SEWER PIPE 09., And sells flre brick. JAMES TOLBEBT, PBOP 'I'. J: KBBCH. gnt. fb. U. 'I THE A ARBOB Savings Bank, XJW AliliOtt, MICHIOAÜ. Transacts Geivcral Banking Business, CAPITAL, Í50.000. Organlzod under the General Hnnklnü Law of tW SUte. the stockholder are Individuáis Hable f an addltional Hmount eqaal to the itock heldW them, therobr crea'lnx a Guárante Fund for the benefit of Depositors of $100,000.00. Three per cent. interest Is allcmed on all SiTlriRS Depop'.ta of one dollar and upwarcH, 0' eording to tho rules of the liank and Interest compounded setut annuallj Money to Loan on ud Lncumbered real entate and oihergoud secnrltr. DlREOTOUa -Chrtstlan Mnck. W. W. Tinos. & ¦eal. WiUittiii Deubel. VV1 Ham i). Harrlma. Daniel Iltscock, and Wlllnr,' 11 Snilth. orno BBS, OKBUTIan Miei, l'res w. v winis, rice-Pr Cuxt Hlcoc,Calll. [tlS-SK


Ann Arbor Courier
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