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During the month of Oclober, 58,988 bushels of wlieat were niarketed at eiglit elevators and milis in tliis county. Only 03 percent, as many acres of wheat on the grotind this (all as last, and the condition is not so favorable as last, withln seven per cent. J. W. Knight has .old his farm, advertiscd in the Ilerald, Jacob Eieselbau-jh of Freedom. .Mr. Knijfht will retain possession until March. Consideration, $16,000. Scarlet fever sifrns are plentirul about town. Last Fiiday no less thaii flfteen cases were known to thehealth physician, Dr. Shaw, who is very suecessstully treating many cases. DEXTKR. From the Leader. The ladies of the Baptist chnroh have engaed Mr. E. S. Holloway, from Connectlcut, now in Ann Arlioi, tor a public reading December 5tli. Steve Crane and Toni Curtís starfed last week for Xebraska, with three head of blooded cattle, and eight head of blooded sheep, to be put into a ranche owned by Dr. Jeffreys. The stock wus p.urchuged of Mr. Whitaker, of Lima. MANCHESTER. From the Enterprise. John Merker is evidently bound not to beoutdone, for one day lust week in 9!.i holira lie husked 195 bushels of standing t:orn, drew it all and threw all but one load into the crib. The work was doue for Samuel (Jushman in Sharon. Mr. Shean tin; Boston poultry dénier informs us that he has bought and shipped ."j") tonsof poultry tlius farthis season, ])avin; $H,800 for it, and intends to ship 100 tons before he return to the " hub. ' lie has a big squad of men and wonieu at work for hini hore, and parties in nearly all the neigh boring towns arescouring the country buylog poultry for hiin. SAl.INH. From the Observar. Already this f'all up to date of Nov. 17th, E. A. Hauser, ourfrrocerand poultry man, had shlpped 2ö,084 pounds of poultry. Last week he shipped 10,084 pounds, and lias large qnantitiea on hand now which be will ship in a few days. Quite an excitement occurred in our iiiet village Saturday night. One James Dett, of Ann Arbor, and his wife do not Mtni to be living happilv together, and lui ve ppaümodlc spells óf trouble, tears, and siglis. The wife bas been in the cmploy of the family of Geo. W. Lindsey of Ibis place, for a few weeks past, and Saturday the biisband came to see the wife. In the eveniny he came to the house, only the wife and Mr. Lindsey being present. After the bandyingof a few hasty words he pulled a revolver and shot at his wife, the ball passing luit over her shoulder. Mis. Lindsey fainted and the wife fled. Deputy Sheriff Gillen took care of the shootist until Monclay morning when he was discharged. Tlie wife tlien got out a warrant at Vpsilaiiti for the husband' arrest, and tlie exaniination was to have been yesterday, but was adjourned unti next Monday. TI'SII.ANTI. From tlie VpsiUntlan. Everybody isdelighted at tlie unión o the Vpsilanti aiid Ana Arbor societies fol the presentaron ofSt. Paul. A laughüble runaway occurred at the depot Siinday lnwhlcb a decrepit horse tbiMW tbree men and demolished a buggj while goingatabout five miles au hour. The central telephone office [Aun Ar bor] claims to be able to sniell I lie mineral water whenever the two towns are eonnected. Another case to be added to lúe lists ot'recommeudalions. Frank Towler and Willie O'Brien, two lads ot thls city, attemptedw to steal a ride trota Aun Arbor to this city on the Day Express Wednesday at'ternoon, but were canght and locked in aeoach closet by the train men. When the train arrived here the window was found broken and the closet empty. Search was theu made by a gang of men until niidnight without result, andThursday morning it transpired that the boys had successfully juuiped the train near the sas house. From the Commercial. One good way to cure newspaper borrowers is lo caiefully cut out some item on receiving your paper. The borrower's boy will comeafter the paper, and as soop as it is óeen at home he will besent to the office to buy a new one so thut bil folks can reíd the clipped artiele.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News