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(1 ! AYER'S , Cherry Pectoral. !' Xo other complaints :uo so Insidious iu thelr attack asthoHeaüe-cting the tliroat aJiil lungs : none so tviiieil with bj the majoritv of toffer. The g ordinary WUgh or ivki, NraltlDg perbttpl íoui a t rilling or uneonscious expoeure, i.-s ofteu am. the beginning of a fatal Blckness. Aveu's OHKlutY I'ei'Tokal ha wel] proven its efticacy in ¦ HwO years' tiglit with throat and hmg diseases, ;m t shuuld be taken in all cases without delay. A Terrible Congh C'urcil. e " Tn isr.7 I tnok ¦ Borsreeold, whlcfc affected my ,_ luns. I had a terrible oough, aml pqimnii njiit after njght 1thont (leep. The doctors gaw iua np. 1 iiel Avkh' Ch KW Y Pectoral, wirich relieved iny latijju. Indaoed sleep, and afforded me _ theresl li'ccss:ir. tor rceovvi ot jny strenglh. By tlu; coiuinued use of the l'i.i 'iokai' a permanent euro was etfti'trd. lam non IK years old, bale and hearty, and aa SHtlutted CBEKHV PBCTOR M.s-ived me. HOBACK lAIlililíOilítlí."' Hocklngluuu, t., July i.-, ii-.2. Croup. - A Mother's Tribute. " WhUe in the country iast winter iny litlle boy. three years old, was laken ill iih croup; it seemed as if lie would die from nraugulatlon. One d( the fanüly siiL'esird the ur-e ol Aw.k's Chihuv Pectoral, a bottle al ulilch wan always kepi in the house. This was trieil in snuill anti frequent doses, and Co our dellffUl in iessthan luüf BDDourthe llttle patiënt as breatblng eaaily. Tile doctor said that Ihe ( IHKKJCV PROTOBAL had laved my darllllg'a lite, l au jou wuuder at ourgratltude? Sliioerely youri, -Mks. Kmma GpDNrv.' US West lL'Sth St., New Vork. May 16. IMS. " I have nsed Avkiï's Ciikkrv PEOTOttAl in my famlly for several years, and do uoi hesiiate tb pronouiiceit ihe most ett'ectoal remedy forcoughs and eolda wehave ever tried. A. .1. CllASfc. ' J.ake Crystal, -Minn.. March 13, U82. " 1 suffered for elght years from JiriineliiMs, and anertryiug many remedies with no raosen, 1 was oured by the nw ut Avkiï's Cuerky PicrroitAL. JosEfa Wiua." Byhalia, Miss., April 5, Us-. "I cannot say enough iu praise of Ayf.r's UBKBRV PECTollAi. bellevlng as 1 do tlmt but for its use I should lolifc' since have ,ü„d from lung troubles. E. Bkaödo." Palestino, Tewis. April 2ï, 1883, No ease of an atfecrlou of the throat or lungs exista which oanaM be gratly relieved bythe use of inafl Chkhuv PbCTWRAI, and it will a!irais rum when the disnaae is DM ulready bevond the iuutrol of niudicine. PBSPASXD KV Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowel!. Mass. Sold by all Dmggista. tVGRËÜT ¦ PRÖBLEJVL TAKE ALL THE Kidney & Liver Medicines, BLOOD Pmïfiers, RHEÜMATIC Remedies, Dyspepsia nd Indigestión Cures, Agrie, Fever, And Billious Specifics,' Brain & Nerve Force Revivers, Great Health Restorers. Iu Short, take all the Kost qualltles of all ttiese, aud the bestqualitles of all the best Medicines of the World and you will flnd that Hop Kittcr have the best curatlve qualitles and powers of all concentra ed In them, and tbat they wlU cure when imy or all of these, slngly or comblned, fall. A thorough trial will give poMt ve proof of this. ) Placo lo secure a thorouifh, VJZ&s v practical md useful etlucain,i;mi, OOIiLBttë. Wrltefor Jourmil Aüdress O. . üwensberg. p,,,,,, Notlce to Credltors. OTATE OF MIUHIGAN.C.mnty of WBhtcnaw,s pNotice íshercby given.that by an order of ihi'ProbateUmrUortheCounty of Washtenaw.made on the twelfth day of November A. I).183,six months Irom fiat date were aliowed lor creditors to present their clums aaí.iDKt the estáte of Malbew Howarri laie ofsaid coiinty, deceased, and th-it all creditors' of satd deceaseJ are requii ed to present i liei r claims tosaid Probala Conrt, at the Probate Office In the v.ity of Ann Arbor, for exaniiiíatiou and allowaocs on or befare tho twelfth day of May next and thal ucb claims will he heard before sáid court' SE THesd";vh' the xV'mi áay of rnfT. and on Monday, thu twelfth íiny of Msy, next ut ten 0 dock n the forenoon or each r said dvn Dated Aun Arbor, Novcinhcr 13 A I) 1HK3 WILL1AM D. HÁRHIMAN.' lHO-lia Judae of Prolate. Estufe of olive Jaiui Wtafllcw. STATKUK M1UUIUAM, oounty or Waslitenaw se. At a session of the Probate Court for the County 01 Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Offlce. In the Citv ol' AnnArbor,onWednesd)iy,tlie founet;nth day of November in the year one thuuaand eltfhl hnndred and eichty-thn-e. Present, Wilüam D. Uatrllnun, iludx1' ot Probate. Iu the matter of the estateof Olive Jane Winslow deceased. Simon Winluw executor of the lat will and testament of i-aid deceased, comes into court and representa that he is now prepared to render hls final accouut as sneb executor. Thereupon it is ordered,ihatVedneedr.y,the nineteemb day of December nwet, :it ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned lor auralnlng and allowinc sucli accouut, and tliat, the dertsees, legatsei and heirs at law ol said decensed, and all other persons interested in said estáte, ure requireri to appear at a seosion of said court, then to be imld n ;t the Pro bateDftlco, in the city of Ann Arbor, II eaidcoutity and show cause, I iny there be, wi.y the saln ac count shonld Bot be nllowad. And it Is lurther ordered. thal suid executor Rive notice to the persons interusted in i-aid estáte o: tlie peudency of said accunm, and the hearlns thereol. by oaoslnc copy ol ihis order to be i.uh llshed in theAnn ArborCoaritivi newspapei printed at-.d olronlatlng In inld county. three acoeulve weeks previous to Maifl day ol' hearin" (Atruecopy.) W1LL1AM D. H ARRIMAN, WM. G. DOTY, Probate Heg" ter! f { uímá


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