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The agent of the American ('ycloptedia, Prof. Martin, will alwavs be pleased to meet auy one needinga workof thatcharacter, and lie will cali on auy such if notitied by postal througli P. Ö., box 1222. It will pny every man.womiin and child to attend the great handkerchlef sale at D. F. SchairerV, eomiuencing Friday iiiornliig, November 30. This will be a good opportunity to buy your (Jhristmas Handkerehiefs. L adíes. - The Ladies Undergarment Mfg. Co., 9 So. May St., Ohica-ro, 111., wUh to secure a lady agent to control the sale of their new " Duisy Stocking Supporter," in every town and villaje in this section. In the hands of a good agent the '"Daisy" sells as tast as it eau be sliown. Write, with stamps, for terms, whieh are very liberal. Business permanent and worth $50 a monta. Chatham LodGE No. 130.- The regular meeting of tlie order of the Sons of St. George will be held at Cropsey's Hall on Weduesday, December the Ï4th,at 7:30 p. in., and every lst and 3d Weduesday in each montli, when applieations tor inembeiship i'roni Englishnien, their Sons and Orandson, will be in order. Initiation fee two dollars. A. 1. Mdmmerï, President. Grand Opening. - The public are hereby cordially invited to attend tlie opening of our New Art Gallery on Thursday, Dec. (ith, day and eveniíig. In conneclion with a choieu line of paintings and other pictures we shallalso place on exnibition, and for sale, the largest, most varled and elegant assortuient of art novelties ever displayed ia Aun Arbor, eoinprising botli imported and doniestic goods. Please remember date umi favoj" us with your presente. Most respuctfully, AIcMlLLAN & ÜANUAIX, ;i() E. Hui on St. In connection witli the above the opening of my New Pbotograph Pailors will take place on the above date. I now have one of the linest opera ttug rooms in Michigan, and with vastly ncreast-d facilities for ioi ii i tirst-class woi'k. Am nowprepared to please the most fastidious. Student.- are especially invited to view my new establishment and inspect my work. Very respectfully, Sam B. RKVKNAtJGn. STYLES. The closing ceremonies of the Art Loun were witnessed by a number oí' Ana bor people, anil many coininents have been made upon the ancient costumes worn by the ladies present. What a diflerence tliere is between the styles of dresses worn now and a huudred " years henee ! Nowadays when the ladies of Ann Arbor want a new suit they go at once to the Post Office News Depot and. select a neat and desiiable patten fiomWillis Bousrhton's Urge stock of ] can and Freiicli Fasliion Buoks. , So also fine note paper, linen paper, , billet paper, regret and invitation cards, , calling cards, business and letter heads are constantly changinff in style and the latest styles can be found at the Post Office News Depot. Nevvspapers and Magazines are chanjring every day. New cíes appear and dimppear, while the Standard publications go on Improviug with each year. Harpers Magazine and the Century have just beguu new volumes. No better present can be made a Iriend ttian a year's snbscription to a good paper ar magazine. , Before subscribinjí elsewhere culi at the Post Office News Depot and get club WILLIS BOÜGHTON, Proprietor. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY DEC. 3d, '33. FÜS IK A BoarÉi Sclul! WILL BE PRESENTED BV FRANK C.GAYLER'S COMEDY COMPANY. A1 inicio ii, 75, 50 and 35 Cents. Seats on sale at Watts' Jeweliy Store. No extra charge for reserved aeats. Grand Opera House! OXE XIGHT OXliV. DECEMBER 6, 1883. THE WOKLD-RENOWXKD. Clara Louise Kellogg ! SUPPORTED BY siaiior P. rcrranti, JlitN Alta Pcase, Mme. Teresa Carroño, mr. Joint I'. Kliodcs, And other celebrated artlsts, will give one of hr inimitable concertó. AdraisRion. $1.00. 75and 50 cenls. No extra charge for reserved seats. Sale of seats opeu December 4, at Watts' Jewelry Store. 1884r. HARPER'S WEEKLY. ILLUSTRATED. Harper'e Weekly stands at ihe bnad of American illustrated weekly jouruals. Bi its powiion In politics, iw admirable íllüntrationn, lts carefully chosen erial, hort stories, eketches.and poema, eontributed ly the loremoet artista aud authors of the day. U carries inutraction aud euterummcnt ti thoueandsof American homts. lt wlll always be iheaimof the pubilelicr tomake Hinwr's. WceUly the most popalar &r& aitracave tami v newspaper in the world, and, m the purananee "of thil deslLO, to present a constant improve. ment In all thou feature which have RliiHM fr lt the confldence, aympaiuy, ai.d r-upport ut lts larKe army of readers. HARPER'3 PERÏODICALS. Per Var: HARPER'S WEEKLY Í 4 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 HARPER'S BAZAR 2 HARPER'S YOUNO P1COPLE 1 W HARPER'S FRANKLINSftUARELfBRARY, (oneyear. 5S numliers.) 10 01) Fotage Free to all subscriben in the Vniled Rlules ot Canada. The volumes of the Weekly begin wlth the flrst timnber for January ofeaoh year When lo tim" 1 inentloned. it will be uixlerstood that thesuhscrlber wishes to co.nruence wltn U e Niimber nxt after tlie repelptoi order. The"i't elght voHimes of llaiper's Week y in neaiclotli binding, wlll be sent by mail, bindlnB.will besent by mail, postpald, on 'Te'mnfance's' ISSSikl be made by P.stomce MMivOrJer or Draft, (o avold chance of loss. MNewspapesre DOtto co:v thls adv.rtis..ment without the express order ol Harper i BAddr HARPER BROTHERS


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