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BACH & ABEL. Our third large invoice of cloaks and shawls is now on exliibition. We propose to keep our line full. This is the greatest eflbrt ever made by us, and we have turee imes more money invested than on any jrevious season. Unlimited display of Ottomai), Lyon, Siciliene and Ottoman jrocade Silk Cireularsand Dolmans nicely flnished with SuMlaa Hare. f 18, $20, $30, $35 to $50 eiicli. 20 styles f cloth dolmans trom $6 to $30. Our impork-d Engish Jersey (Joals and New-iuarkets are the rii nest litting garmeiits in tlie world. Fine pïiteh cloaks and dolmans ut $35, $40 and $50. Siickeis trom $"2.0 to $10. Euorinous variety of Mtsrs' and ehildrenV garments. Ten designs Of the best French India Shawls, made in Fianee, prices tor a short time $30. English velvet Beaver and Scotch doublé shawls ure oue of the finest attractions in our store. Doublé shawl&all woi.l. at $5. $(i, $7 and $8. We have the tinest shawls and gaiments froin the best inaniifaclories In ilie country mul evety article sold will be (fUaraiiteed as represented. No fuiiuy business praoticed in ur establishment. No matter vvluit style of garmeiit you want the price is before ynu. That is the amount you are eipeoted to pay, no more, no less. Don't hesitate to eome and examine these goods, any one.f rom the firm to the cash boy will be readier to show tliem than you to look. That is what we are here for. Ladies' cloaking is in brisk demand and none too mucb on the market. We do you an exceptional serviee in this offer. Very nice quality 6x4 cloaking heavy at $1.00. Regular price $2. Diagonal cloaking $2, $2.50 and $3, is selling largely. PUOPOSALS FOK WOOD. Sealed proposals for 150 cords of wond four feet Iouk. yonng, areen, good hody or mrali;ht hickury, hard BDiple nnd eecond Krowtti whi'eor ycllow ujlaijd oak, in qii'inüties of üot lepB than te-i C'rdst wil! be n-cehed by the undeieined nutil the 8ili Qf Uccoinber, 1883, iiiclni-ire up loGp. i. The wood to be deliveied in the nelt slxty dava alter awardinK th" con ract,ai the ditt'erent schoolhouses iü uch qaantiti b at direeted. The rirfht to reiect any ai d h11 offers is -eierved. L. KUNBK.No. 8 S.Main Si. Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The lïev. Z. I. "Wiltls, Trell-knoTrvn cily missionary in New York, and brother of the late eminent Judiï" WUdl of tlie MaKsachusetts Supreme Conrt, Wrltei as fllvs: "TS E. 54A Sf.. AVííí Tork. Mmj Ití, 12. Messrs. J, O. Aveu c C-, Goutleinen : Last, winter I was troubled with a most uncomfort;ible iteliing humor affeetlng more espuoiiüly my limb, whieh itched 80 intolerably at night, anti burnl so intensely, that 1 couhl searcely bear any elothing over tuein. I waa also a suíterer -from a severe catarrh aml catarrhal cougli ; my appetitt1 was poor, and mypystoin a gootl (todl run down. Knmving the value of Avkh's Saksaparilla, by obsorvation of niany Othèr cases, and from perepnal use Informar yeare, I began taking it for the abovc-nanud dlaortlers. My appetito improved almost from the Qrst dosc. Aller a short time tltf fereraiuj itchlugwerealiayedtand all signs of irritationof the sktll disappeareii. My catarrh And eough werE also cureil by the same means, and my general health greatlv improved, until it is nov excellent. 1 feel a hnndred er cent stronger, aml I at tribute these results to the use of the Saksavakii.i.a, which I recommend with all oonfldonoe as the best blood medicine ever devised. 1 look it in small doses three times a.dny, and used, in all, loss than two bottle. I place Lkese iacis at your service, hoping their publication m;iy dogood. Yoxus rcspectfully, Z. P. WlLDS." The above instanc is but one of the many constautly coming to our notiee, whieh prove the perfect adaptability of Aver'h Sarsaparilla. to the cure of all diseases arising from impureoriir poverished blood, and a weakened vitality. Ayer's SarsapariEta cleanses, enricnes, anu sirengmens tiie uilmiu, stlmulaie.s the aetion of the stomach and bowels, and tlierebynables the system to resist andovertome the attaeksof all Scrofulom Diaeases, Ervptims of the Skin, flluumatism, Catarrh, General Debility, and all disorders resnlting froni poor or eorrupted blouU aud a low state oL tbe system. PREPARED BV Dp. J. C. Ayer Sl Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; price SI, six bottles for Í3. Ij CATHARTIC -Best Purgativo Medicine- cure (Joustipation, Indigestioti, Headache, aud all Bilioua Wsorders. Sold every vvliere. Alwuya rt-liaUIo. tg ÊL BQp R3 Bkl ¦¦ L% f &% 1 jm Bi 6 # MTJNN & CO., of the SCIENTirlC AMEHICAM, con. irme to net as Solioitors for l'atenta, Caïeats, Trade Marks, Copyrifrhts, for the United States, Canada, EnKland. France, Germany, etc. Hand Book about Piirents sent f ree. Thlrty-seven years' experience. Patents obtalned thruueh MUNN 4 CO. are notlcei In the scientific ameeican, the largest, best, and moet widely cireulated scientiflc paper. 13.20 a year. Weekly. Splendid enpxavlntrs and interestlnti Information. Specimen copy of the Scipntific American sent frie. Addres MÜNN CO.. SclKNTlirio Amehican Offlce. 2ül Broadway, New York. THE CANDY PACTORV! J. Wm. Hangsterfer Prop. NO. 5 HURON STREET, Opposite Court House, and mm stous kg. 3s state strest Opposite the University. FRESÏÏ CANDIES of all KINDS MADE EVERY DAY. Clioice Mixed Cundy - - 12c lb Clioice Braken Fruit Candy - l-rc lb Chocolate Cream Drop - 20c lb Cahimeli 25c lb Fine French Caudy - - - 25c ld And all otlier Candles iu proportional low prlces. J C"(3 I J - ii ¦ Isooranl m manu, 1162-12Ü0


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