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I AYER'S Hair Vigor restores, with the glosa anti freshness of youth, faded or gray bair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep black, as inay be desircd. By its use liglit l or red bair niay be darkened, tbin hair thickened, and baldness ofteu, tbougb uot always, cured. It cbecíts falling of the bair, and stimulatesa weak and siekly growth to vigor. It prevents and " cures seurf and dandrutt' , and heals nearly every 1 disease peculiar to the sealp. Asa Ludir' Hair Ires8inff, the Vigor ís uncqualled ; it contains neither oil nor dye, renders the bair soft, glossy, ! and süken in appearance, and imparts a delicate, agreeable, and la&ting iwrfunic. I Mn. C. l. BBTCHSB writesfrom Kirbii. O., JiiIij I 3, 1HH2 : " Last fall niy bair comiiit-need fallius s out, and in a short time I became nearly lald. I oseo part of a bottle of Avkh's Hair Vigob, i wbicb Btopped tbe fclliug of the bair, andstarted a new growth. i have nou' a full bead of bair growlug vigorougly, and ato couvlnced that but tor the useot your preparation I should have been entirely bald." J. W. Bowks, proprietorot the. VrArtlmr(Oliio) ' Enquirer, says : " AYBR'8 Haib Vigor is a niost excellent preparation for tbe hair. I spcak of it frommyown experienoe. Its use promotes the growth of new hair, and makes it glossy and soft. The Viooa is also a sure cure for dtuidrulf. Sot within niy knowledge has the preparation -wr failed to give untire satisfaction." Mr. Axci's Kairbairn, leader of the celebrated " Fairbairn Kaniily " of Scottish Vocalista, irrites {rom Botton, Mass., Ftb. , Ikkii : " Ever fiince my bair began togivesilvery evidenceof tbe ohangevMeb nVetingtime procui-etb, I liave used Aykr'h Hair Vigor, and so have been able to niaintaiM an appearance of youtbfulness - a matter of considerable consequence to ministers, orators, actors, and in fact every one who lives in the eyes of tbe public." MES. O. A. Prescott, writing f rom 18 F.Im .11., Charltftlmrn, Mass., April II, IKK says : ' Two years ago atwmt two-tbirds oí ni y hair carne off. lt thinned very rapidly, and I wás fast growlng bald. On using Avkr's Haii: Vioor tbc falling stopped and a new growth conimenced, and in about a month mv hcad was conipletely covered with short hair. lt has continued to grow.and is now as good as before it feil. 1 regularly used but one hottle of tbe Vigor, hut now use lt occasionally as a dressing." We have hundredsof similar testimoniáis to the efflcacy of Aykr's Hair Vigor. Jtneedsbuta trial to conviuce the most skeptical of its value. I'RKPARED BV Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. "" Vital ({uestions ! ! Ask the most eminent phvsician Of any school, what is the best thing in the world for quieting and alia? ing all irritation of the nerves, and curing all forms ot nervous complaints. giving natural, childlike refiesliing sleep alvvays? And they will teil j-ou unhesitatingly "Some torm of Hops!" CHAPTER I. Ask any or all of the most eminent pliysician : " What is the best and only remedy that can be relied on to cure all distases of the kidneys and urinary organs; such as Bright's disease, diabetes, reteiition orinability to retain urine, and all the diseases and ailments peculiar to Wonien"- "And they will teil you explicitly and emphatically, 'liuchti.'" Ask the same physicians "What is the most rellable and surest cure for all liyer diseases ordyspepsia.contipation, indisestion biliousness, malaria] fever, ngue, etc," and they will teil you : Mandtake! or Dandellon ! Henee, wnen these remedies are combined with others equally valuable A compouuded into Hop Bitters' such a wonderful and mysterious curative power is developed which is so varied in its operations that no disease or ill health can dossibly exist or resist its power, and vet it is Harmless for the most frail woman, weakest iuvalid orsmallest child to use. CHAPTER II, " Patientg "Almost dead or nearly dylng" For years, and given up by physicians of Bright's and other kidney diseases, liver eomplaints, severe coughscalled consump tion, have been cured. Wonien gone nearly crazy ! From iigony of neuralgia, nervousness, wakei'ulness and varióos diseases peculiar to wonien. People drawn out of shape from excruciating pangs of Hheumatism, Inflammatory and chronic, orsufforlnir from scrofula ! Erysi pelas! Salt rheum, blood poteoning, dygpepala, indigestión, and in tact almost all diseases frail nature is heir to, have been cured by Hop Bitters, proof of which can be found in every neighborhood in the known world. An fli-gant Ueruan PharnaototlotU prennr. tion of Positlve mirlt. hi, h will 6a, fuuml au uri'i'; ! . ' .. i . ,. , , In l,io .._„ 'ost faslldious l'ullcnt country for tho treatm. „l ol uil comSlulni. Oompialnt, Diabem, Ilêart Att ctlonl mS W008TER.AOAM8rtCi ,ÜNQTON. 0.' U 8. Í e a


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