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-TjTu. ,.. „.oiu.HhJnextMomlivy. yig Festlwl to-bt at the M. E. „ttfiozeu out of Ypsilanti In reet mercliant reta and sells ríght from liis Florida range ie ïpsilanti Commercial, and Senti,1 object to the general atloption of standard timej ,__ A certain city doctor does not sleep well o'nigbts on account of thiugs Hkely to come out on him. At the " Jug-breaking1' entertainment Saümiay evening at Fireman's Hall the txercis ís begin at 7 o'clock. Reserved seats for the Minnie Hauk concert can be secured at Osius & Co. 's and at Geo. Moore's nest Wcdnesday, December 12. John Webber.out on suspended sentence on charge of assault and battery soiiie time since, wasgiven six months Monday by Judge Joslyn. Prof. Winehell will lecture at the Unitarian churchnext Sunday evening on the subject, "The Theism ofEvolution: or, Is Evolution Godless? " Resolutionsof respect were passed by thestudents of the School of Telegraphy lut week for the decease of J. E. Pratt, a memberof the college. Douglas Beahan and Frank" McDonald were tliis week sent to the House of Correction for four months, on the charge of stealing students' overcoats. The taxes are being paid in and the usual nuinber of grutnblers are turning up. Thisyearthetreasurer says it isprincipally in the fifth and sixth wards. íí'Xt week come Musonic electious as lows : Moujiy night, Waehteuaw liupter ; Wedneaday night, Fraternity 1 md Thur day, Golden Rule. The L? trance art loan held rWj and ¦ i urday was a (inanoial tocceUt but p r taste was shown wlien the picture of the adventurer Conway was put ttiere. A prominent cburcb lay-member of the city informs us that for the past twelve years, continuously, exwpt In two short Slimmer vacations, he has averaged four chureh services every Sunday. There be not manysuch in all the world. For the montli of November, 1883, compareil with the average of corresponding moutlis for the live years, 1879-1883, the temperatnre was higher, the absolute humidity more, and the relative humidity, and the day and night ozone less. M.B. Kelley & Co., dry goods merchants of this city, made an assignment Wednesday night to Edward Duffy, a grocer of Ann Arbor. The liabilitiesare about $4,000, and the assets in the nelghborhood of $6,000, it is thought. With this issue wesend out as a supplement to the CouniER the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of the county at their January and October sessions. It is a complete record of all the business transacted by the county legislature. Conway deniesthe charges against him -says he has not time to niake au explanatlon. It is necessary for his health that lie eat and sleep ; he has time for that. It is necessary for his character that he explain; that he has no time for. It is aljays easy to see wliat some men care for wie most. The sons of' the X'ine Tree State wish to expresa their hearty thanks to the proprietor of the St. James for the excellent bill of fare and careful attention which assist d 80 naturally in making their Thanksgiving dinner a success. Also to J. A. Polhemus for his gentlemanly conduct and prompt attention. Tuesday was pensionen' day at the oimty clerk'8 office. Only oneof thesoldieis of 1812 put in an appearanct for his iuarterly allowance of $24. The gentleman referred to is ninety-three years of aSe and walked into the city from his 'ome in the country. There are several more veterans of this war in the county but for some reason they did not appear. A fellow in the Lower town at the Washtenaw house by hls drinking habits "as for some time been making himself obnoxious to his wife and their neighbors. She has supported him, yet several times 'ibis abuse he has knocked her down with beer boules and cuspidores. At last s'ie has made complaint against him, and if somethinis not done to discourage him "ie neighbors have a mind to take a hand in. Ou Thursday evening last week as John urg and his wife were returning from a I hanksgiving spread at a fiiend's house i. ne country, an accident was met with just tbmsideof the toll-gate, wlnch resulted fj'ther seriously for Mr. Burg, while Mrs Burg came out of the affair with no spe cal injury. The livery horse they were unving became frightened at the suddei Ppearance In the road of a small boy anc "'s expresa wagon, and jumping to oue 8"ie upset the buggy and threw the occu P"ts over an embankment of some 'eiglit' Mr. Burg was brought home witl a usiied foot, but hopes to be able to walk upon it in several weeks. On Wednesday evenlngthe 2Sth uit,, a merry eompany gathered at tlie resldetice of Mis. Aun Johnson, on East Cathaline street, to meet Mr. Graceu aud his daughters, Jessie and Dora, of Uansville, lately arrived in Aun Arbor. The eveniiig was enlivened by vocal and Instrumental multo by the guests, assisted by Mr. Fred. IIei)derson,of Portland. A.mong the oompany were Misses Mlnnie Smith, Carrie Freeman, and Mary Sweaney ; Mis Melissa Crawford, W. T, Johnson, William Sweeney and Gébrge Cox. The Thanksgiving shooting-match at Scliuefen Park drew out a good crowd, and from 10 a. in. to 4 p. in. the tiriug was alniost uninternipted. The prizes were won as follows : lst, John Kempf; ad, 11. Axmbrueter; 8d, Fred Bross: 4th, G. F. Smith: 5th, J. Armbruster; 6th, R. Annbrnster; 7th, F. Urn ft"; 8th. J. F. Schuh ; Vtth, Chas. Kempf; lOth, (. '. H.Manly; '., A. liirk ; 12th, J VValz 13th, J. .; Mtb, J. S. Stevens; lütli, Louis ilz. l . Vuu mi] ¦ itetl i, C. Ste- on tkefli ¦¦ and (ieo.'.'e Apfel : lm . i' "ti.'ig 1,800 . Juimlred ¦ not very constitu" - several ¦ vicinity 'v. Mr and the g -¦ ¦ ' :iothcr ut the sa . time i .. .. HoubleI f"" ¦''! ''. ' ' followii #ell, not v rely, Jutter 'f '¦'¦''' , ¦-¦ I a of apl( . ;.. i irnfc lissiugMr., ' ..ii Muiseli enjfaged shortly wtth a dog in front and ruar. Dog number one was dolng gooi] service on one of the goafs ear#, and a lad standing by, desirous of seeing fair play, seized the dog with a view to belping the goat; but pulliug the dog didu't better the condition of the goat's ear, as we may guess, and boy and log soon found themselves In the glitter, l'hereupou our goat concluded to withlraw, and after retiring a short distance cast one last look upon scènes just left, hen betook hiinself quietly home. Carril M.Coe,now of Columbia.Dakota, vhen in Aun Arbor, was the most daring )ic3'cle rider we have had. Anent a recent local in the CoCRiEnaboutMr. L. D. Taylor and ye editor being the first to climb the Lower Town hill, Mr. Coe vrites: "I not onlyclimbed it, but coasted clown with a running start from the vhite house at the top. Another thing I lave done, and that is to coast from the Observatory down to Remick's." Last light Messrs. L. 1). Taylor, George Ceck, Charles Wagner and the writer, coasted the hill "with a running tart from the white house at the top." Lpropoa of this, we remember another eat HOOemphshed by this gentleman. One day, sonie three years ago, he was een on his bicycle going up the grade of iurou street and alo:g State with a jasket of peaclies in one arm and a big waternielon in the other, propelling and entirely guiding the machine with feet and kuees. We give below a complete list of the )hysicians of Washtenaw county that are registered on the county clerk's books n aceordance with the law requiring Jracticing physicians to register by the 6th lost. The law referred to went into elïect on Sept. (5, 1883, three months' time ein; given for the completion of the egistration. A curious feature of the aw, and evident oversight, is the fact that ïo provisión is made for the registration rf persons who may wish to enter upon he practice of medicine hereafter in the county, or, indeed, in any part of the state ; and in consequence of their not béng registered, these new physicians, if he law is fully enforced as it noiv stands, nust suffer some very unjust things, one such being that au unregistered pliyalcian can nof legally collect adebt contracted by his patients for medical sarvices: Ashley, CalvlD F., YpsllaDtl, regular. Allen, Henry C, Alm Aroor, horaceopathlc. 3ackus, Cyrus, Ann Arbor, regular, ireukey, Wm h'., Anu Arbor, regular, ousteel, Orín S., Ypsilanti, regular, riatwell, Kdward. Ann Arbor, regular. Jhase, K. F., Dexter, homceopalliic. Jhampliu, Henry M.,Clielsea, homCeopathlc. Shamberlaln, John V., Ypsilanti, regalar. Ctiadbourne, O. F., Ann Arbor, regular. Chandler, S. V., Saline, regular. Cliapiu, Samuel, Milaa, regular. Lonk hn. Amarlah. Mauchesler, eclectic. Darllng Cyrenus'G., Ann Arbor. regular. Douglass, R. E., Stony Creek. regular. Dimster, E. S., Aun Arbor. regular. Fitzgerrald. C. E., Aun Arbor, homoeopathic. Fraser, Arcliibald, Ypsilautl, honioeopalliio. FrotUlngham, Geo. E., Ann Arbor, regular. Gregg, John N., Whittalter Station, regular. Gates, Koswell B., Chelsea, Regular. Grory, Conrad, Ann Arbor, regular. Hall, Wm. H., Ypsilanti, regular. Hartley, Scrpliia, Ann Arbor, regular. Herdman, Win. J., Ann Arbor, regular. Hall, Daniel Saline, regular. Jaulson, Alcinous B., Ann Arbor, regular. Jones, Samuel A., Ann Arbor, bomoeopathic. Kellogg, Leverett B., Ann Arbor, eclectic. Kapp, Christian F., Manchester, regular. Kapp, John. Ann Arbor, regular. Kinue, Amasa F., Ypsilanti, regular. Kellogg, Albert C, Ann Arbor, eolectlc. Knapp, Russel E., Ypsilanti, homuíopatliic. Langley. John W., Ann Arbor. regular. Lynch. James A., Manchester, honiteopathle. Lee, John, Dexter, regular. Lupinsky, Hugo, Ann Arbor, regular. "McL,achlan, Donald P., Saline, regular. McAndrews, Helen, Ypsilanti, lioracoopathic Morton, John W.. Ann Arbor, regular. Megan, John W., Augusta, regular. Nichols. Harrison A., Saline regular, übelz. Henry L., Aun Arbor, homiBopathic. Oakley, Francis M, Ypsilanti, regular. Owen, Frank, Ypsilauli, regular. Parsons, Solón B., Ann Arbor, homceopathic. Pyle, E. F., Milán, regular. Pierce, Mrs. N. H., Ann Arbor, regular. Palmer, Alonzo B., Ann Arbor, regular. Pattisou, Wm , Ypsllautl, homceopatliic. Palmer. Geo. W , Clielsea, regular. Post. David A., Ypsilanti, regular. Kichardson, Israel K.,Ypsllan ti, homoiopathtc. Roberts, E. C, Salem, nomoepathlc Smlth. Willard B., Ann Arbor. regular. Shaw, Thomas Chelsea, regular. Smlth, Elias, Whitmore Lake, regular. Sullivan, Thomas . I., Ann Arbor. regular. Taylor, Mrs.O.M.Patton, Ann Arbor, regular. Taylor, Wm., Dexter, regular, l'aylor, John J., Ann Arbor. regular. Taylor, Asher J , Manchester, regular. Untiskercher, C. F., Manchester, regular. Ultes, Chas , Chelsea, regular. Vaughn, V. C . Aun Arbor, regular. Volland, Sophla, Ann Arbor, regular. White, Linus D.. Ann Arbor, eclectic. Warner, Prudence Belle, Ypsilanti, regular. Wright, Austln C, Dexter, regular. Williams, Ashley J., Ypsilanti, regular. Walker, A. L., Salem, homoeopathic. Walker, Jane A., Salem, homceoputhlc. Wllson, Tlios. P., Ann Arbor, homa'opathic. Young, John, regular.


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