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Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of The County Of Washtenaw, At Their January And October Sessions, '83

Proceedings Of The Board Of Supervisors Of The County Of Washtenaw, At Their January And October Sessions, '83 image
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ADJOURNED SESSION. TlIESDAY, .lANUAHV l', J883. The Board of Supervisors met in ad,,ase.s.ionatlloVl.okA.M. Callee! u.orilcr t,y tho ebair.iian. KollcalM. Quorum prewnt. Ubert Perry presentefl c:edentials jlviu" Kis as Supervisor rfSbro,in ,,!;,,. cf J. -I. Hobison, res,„neu On niotiuo, Mr. l'erry was admHted to a seat wïtl. the Supervisors. Satlrfaotory proof ï bef. the 1!o!irdthat .the Tow..l.ip Board of Dextl,r inO appoi'ited Richard McQullWe tb llU u. woancy In the office of Supervisor oenend b, the restguion of Jame. „ , vma.i, on motion Of Mr. Cook, Mr. McQuIUm was recognlzed as the Superviw from Dexter township. The official bonds of the treasmer. Jaoob Knapp.of the Cqanty Clerk aiul I feter n Chaueery, John J. Roluson. of tüe Register of Deeüs, Erastns N. Gilbert, of the County Diain Commissioner, K..V. NordmWj oí the Coronéis, Messrs. Kapp 'umi ïitillivun, were recoivi-d and referred to a special committee, r.onsisting of Jlessrs. Krapf, Harper and Blakeslee. Tlie chairman announceU Albert H. l'erry as oue of the committee on exarnming the accounts of the Superintendents oí the Poor, and 1'. O'Hearn on Criminal Claims Coniinittee. No. 1; also Ricliard H. McQuilltiii on Committee on Finance and on Coimnittee to Settle with County Officers. On motiou, the Board adjourned until 3 o'clock I'. m. Afternoox Skssiox. Koll called. Quorum present. Dr. 15angharu, leave being granted, explained a bilí considered by Mie Board at the October session. Mr. Wheeler moved tliat au additioniil sum of ten dollars be alloweil Dr. Banghkffl. Lost, by tlie followinr vote, tlie aves and uays liaving been called for: Yeas- .Messrs. Foster, Krapf, McDougall, O'Hearn, Shutts and Wheeler. Nüvs- Iilakeslee, Burch, Case, Clark, Cook, DanslngbOIV, Feklkamp. GUbert, Graves, Harper, McQulUan, Perry, Heeger, Wïilsh, Wiilterand Ybst. Yeas, U. Nays, lfi. Tlie report of the Superintendents of the Poor, as Jail Inspectors, was received and read and ordered spread on the Jourïml; on motion of Mr. Graves: To tlie Board of Supervisors of the County of WushU'liaw : Tbe undersigned Superintendents of the Poor of said County, made their senii-annual isitlo the jail of said county Nov. 22, 1882, in aecordanoe with the statnte, and upon exnmlnatlon of the register l'ouud ttmt 221 pergooa had been oommitted to jail sin(-e lay 1';, 1882, for the causes here named : Vagfancy 10 Assaultand butterv 17 Drunk '_ 109 Disorderly 23 I'runk and disorüerly 10 No oífence 2 Jnsane tí üurgiary ; 2 Kuspicion :! Poner; 1 Larceny 14 Adultery 2 Htghway robbery 1 Violatlon of city ordinance 1 sick i liesisting officer 1 'rrand larceny 1 -Utempt tocommil rape 1 I'auper 2 Coniempt 1 Assault with intent to murder 2 ]esertion 1 'rime against nature 1 Tlie undersigned beg leave to report that ihey found the condltion of the jail as to care and eleanlines, much better than at our last annual iuspection in May, 1RS2. We deern itour duty to say thatweflnd the liuildlng, especially the bliek walls, much out of repair and in such condltion as to make tbe building almost useless as a place lor the keeping of prisoners. It should be promptly and thoroughly repalred or ! ures taken at as early a day as practicable to erectanewjail, better adapted tlmn this one ! ever can be for the proper uses of a prison. t'ounty l'oor House. Dec. 5 1SK2. D. B. GRKKNE, L. DAVIS, A. CASE, supmntendents of the l'oor of Washtenaw couuty. Mr. Krapf oflered a resolution in regard to ballots to be lurnished by the ('lerk to be used at the next spring electiüii in regard to building a new jail, whicli, on motion of Mr. Graves, was laid on the table. Mr. Krapf, from Comuiittee on Examination of County Oflicers' Bonds, reponed aaapproval of all the official bonds presented, together with the suffleiency of tlie sureties. On motion, the report of the committee was accepted and adopted. Adjourned until to-morrow morning at H o'clock. MORTON F. CASE, Chairman. Wkdxksday, January 3. Called to order by the chairman. Koll called. Quorum present. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Br. Oouglas, in behalf of the Ann Arlor Gás Company, leave being granted, addreaièd the Board in relation to the monthly payinents of gas bilis by the county, Mr. McDougall, from Criminal Claims Comniittee Ko. 2, reponed the following l'ills, and recommended tlieir allowance i't sums stated : Ihos. Presley, .. 2? S ¦I"!m Custéllo, -- --JÍ f. jeorge S1U, .. W Huhn, constable. 4 m i m V. y HÏ?,f,nor' . - 2 00 2 00 aí;"-:: :::::- W s3 B. Park Ir ' " ? ll() a ""¦ HrlXie, .. g 86 MrS..FrlSb,e; ., Clalined. Allowed. Geo. Guti'kunst, " 1 65 1 65 Caroline Burtli, " i 5 i hs Chas. Ziek, ' 1 t 1 o.") M.Staplish, ' 1 7ö 1 75 Mrs. M. Staplisli, " l 7". 1 75 Frod. Glerbach, " 85 gg ! Hi'tiry Johnson, " sí x.-, Myron Graut, " 4S 48 Samuel Haselsehwerdt, " 4 in Josie Vosburg, 48 48 ('onrad Haselschwerdt, " U 48 Arecpted and adopted. Also bül of Martin Clark. Coroner, witliout recommendatiou. Mr. Yost moved to disallow tlie bill. Mr. Burcb. moved, as au ameiulmeut, to disallow the bill, except the jurors and witnesses. The motion to aniend prevailed by the follBwing vote: Yeas- Messrs. ;iirown, Burch, Case, Cook, Foster, Gilbert. Harper, Krupf, McDougnll OHearn, l'erry, .shutts, Waite, Walsh, and Weston. Nays- Messrs. Blakeslee, Dunsingbure, Feldkamp, Graves Mcuillnn, Beeeer Walter. Wheeler and Yost. Yeas, 13. Nays, 10. Mr. Brown oftered the following: Resolved, That the Clerk !e Instrueted to pay the gas bill for the oounty monthlv, out of the Contiugent Fund. Adopted. The following is the list of jurors and witnesses iu the bill of M. Clark, Coroner : Clalmed. Allowed. Geo. . Cropsey, juror- $ 75 75 E. B. Gidley' __ 7.-, 7s Theophilus Portor, " __ 75 75 Gustav Hermaan, " 75 75 .1. J. Koch, " __ 75 K Geo. Fciiicr, " __ 75 75 ('. Ilauser, witness.. 48 ik Fannie L. Gwlnner, " „ 48 48 Emma Volz, " __ 43 48 Edward Graf, ' 48 48 Mr. Brown ofttired the following resolution : Resolved, That the present Clerk be Instrueted to carry out the resolutlon of the Octoler session, In reierence to dedueting for extra compeiisation to janitor. Lost, by the following vote : Yeas- Messrs. Krown, Case. Clark, Cook, Feldkamp, Krapf, McQiitllan, Shutts aud Yost. Nays - Messrs. Blakeslee, Dansingburg, Foster, Gilbert, Graves, Harper McDousall o Hearn, Ferry, Seeger, Waite, Walsh, Weston and Wheeler. Yeas, 9. Nays, 1.".. A'ljourned until l::0 i'. m. Afterxoon Session. Roll called. Quorum present. Mr. Dansingbura-, from Committee on Criminal Claims, No. 1, reported the following bilis, recomuiending their allowance at suins stated, to wit : Claimed. Allowed. H. D. Martin, dep. sheriff $23 37 $23 37 John Gillen, " 17 10 17 10 Accepted and adopted. Mr. Cook, from Criminal Claims Comruitte Xo. 2, reported the following bilis, and reconunended their allowance at sums stated : Claimed. Allowed. Geo. H. Jackson. dep. marshal $ 6 00 6 00 Willlam Price 48 48 Mary Weinmann, 48 48 Christine Weinmann, 48 48 Sarah Sinke, 4K 48 A. W. Porter 48 48 John Nowlaud 2 40 2 40 C. G. Mlllman 1 44 1 44 Joseph Preston 48 48 James Robinson ._. 48 4H Philip Winegar 48 48 E. B. Gidley 4s 48 Ed. Bycraft IS 48 Henry Schumacher 48 48 Peter Hertenen 48 48 Daniel Swart 48 48 John Collins1 48 48 A. G. Otto 90 90 Frank Vincent 48 18 Della Vincent 4K 48 W. S. Hill IX 48 Thomas Hewett 48 48 Edward Treadwell ."ü 50 Fred. Besemer ."0 50 George Moore 50 50 John Ross 50 ól) Oliver Martin, Jr., 30 50 Jüseph Preston "K) r0 G. W. Cropsey 50 .i0 Wm. McCrary 5 50 David M. Finlay 50 50 Charles E. Wagner 50 50 T. D. Horton 50 50 John W. Walker r0 50 Sarah Hewitt, witness 48 48 Miohael Parker, juror 1 0(1 1 00 E. Chubbuck, " 1 00 1 00 RhaConklln " 100 100 Joseph Goodyear, " ._ 1 00 1 00 Willis Watkins, " 100 1 ( M. Vandawarker, " 1 00 1 CIO Oscar Bivins 7". 75 Ann Werner 75 7."i August Hoffman 75 75 Mrs. A. Hoffman 75 75 Geo. H. Jacksou, dep. marshal- 12 03 12 03 Accepted and adopted. Mr. Walsh, from the Committee on Civil Claims, reported the following bilis, and recoinmended their allowance at the snms stated: Claimed. Allowed. Albert Case, superintendent of the poor $24 00 Í24 00 Wm.Dansinstburg. witness 3 00 .100 Dean & Co., cuspidores 8 00 8 00 John N. Balley, printing for Treasurer 13 30 13 30 A.A. Gas Co., gas lor the court house 41 70 41 70 Dr. S.D. Frederlck. witness 3 00 3 OU P. OHearn, witness 3 00 3 00 W. D. Harriman, postage 20 00 20 00 Accepted and adopted. Chas.R. Whitman, from the Committee on Title to " Old Jail Square,1' maole the following report : To the Hon. Hoard of Supervisors : In relation to the title to the " Old Jail Square." so called, heretofore by resolutlon of the Board referred for lnvestlgation to a committee consisting of Hon. Chas. H. Itichmond and myself, I would say : It appears from the records of the Circuit Court that on January 12, 1857, the Board of Supervisors commenced an action of ejectment against Olney Hawkins to recover possession of the land. The case was tried, and resulted in a verdict in favor of defendant. A new trial was granted June 3, ot the same year, under the statute, and the case was again tried. resulting in another verdict on Maren 12, 18.58, in favor of defendant. On this verdict final judgment was entered Maren 16, 1858, and I fail to flnd any indications that this judgment has ever been set aside. In raj opinión, under tb is state of facts the judgment is conclusive, and it bas been for many years too late for the Board of Supervisors to disturbit. See Compiled La w s, Secs. 6238-9. Mr. Graves offered the followTng : Resolved, That the Committee on Public Buidings be inslructed to estímate the probable costof a new Jail, and report to this Board to-morrow. Adopted. Report of County Tieasurer to and inluding December 81, 1882, was received, filed, and reterred to Committee to Settle with County Offlcers. On motion tlie Boaid adjourned until to-morrow morning it half-past nine o'clock. 0 MORTON F. CASF,, Chalrman. ÏHIKSDAY, JANUAKY 4. Board met as agreed to. Called to order by the chairman. Roll called. Quorum present. Mr. Dansingburg, from Committee on Criminal Claims No. 1, reported the following bilis, and recommended tlieir allowance at the sums stated, to wit: Claimed. Allowed. Thomas Clarken, deputy sheriff. 12 75 812 75 Jas. Hudler. dep. sheriff, 1 93 Ui 3 Thos. Clarken, " 31 07 27 07 Joseph Gauntlett, " -13fi 50 133 56 Accepted and adopted. Mr. Cook, from the committee on Criminal Claims No. 2, reported the following bilis, and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to wit: Claimed. Allowed. E. B. Gidley, constable- 8 70 12 Í35 M M. M. Campbell, constable- 3165 . 26 3o John Wuerthner, witness 85 . Eli S. Manly, constable 48 49 42 77 Garrett Wall, Juror 30 50 Willlam Tuomey. Juror 50 50 Henry Stebbins, " 50 50 James Harria, " - 30 .'i0 I,. D. Alley, " - 50 50 Alex. Dancer, " 30 50 „. _ Claimed. Allowed. SS"1"1 $: Isaac Brokaw, f3 fïï aWÜÉE : ::: Geo. Prat.t, -, SS W. W.T.wer, ¦ # S Jas. II Ka ton, constable::::: 70 70 B. K. Doane, " 47-0 -- OrrWalte " - .1-'i ':' Geo. Stookford. jumr o --' " 2 Leonard ftodman, jtirof " 2 7K ¦" -' Ker' wUr-- J I Dr. Chase, ¦ J Patrick Hoy, fí 2 [li i a p. Buckiin. juror::::;::::: w tsg Alonzo Qpldsmlth. juror____ (o tiu Andrew .1. Leeeh. juror.. m o Geo. Palmer, A. MeMichael, ' j2 Byron HBtchinson, " .L t Lloyd Burnham, " r H.D.Martin, Charles Banks, " 12 Moses Marks, " 5 Wm. Rowley, " Accepted ind adopted. Mr. Brown, from the Committee to settle with the County Ofticers, reponed the Pollowlng; To the Hon. Board of Supervisors : „„Y"ur Coinmittee to settle with the County Orneéis rexpectl'ully report that they have examinad the booki of Oounty Clerk and coinpared thein wllh the books of the Treasurer, and flml Uien, correct. We have also examined the charges in his account as per itemized statement presented herewlth and we flnd a balance due him of two hui idred -" 'V'"ol,'e H."d Z2-m doUara, his oháSge of SIOO.OO ior election work and attendlng county charge1 et' " %MiA !l very Sonable (Signed) B. BROWN, LEK VOST K. MrQUILLAX. Committee. County Clerk' a Itomteed Statement. Washtknaw Countv TO KVKRKTT B. Cl.AltK, IK., Kor election work. procurinK Con Amendments tickets, distributin" blanks' attending county eanvass making returns, recording and tabulating election matten, certiflcates of eleetion matters, certiflcates of election to candidatos, etc , eteV_ _5 100 (XI One term Calendar __ _" jo 00 Postase, express, etc., paid "" 19 95 Kees iu criminal matters 137 7 CR. !!Wlf? By entry fees m (q Yet due E. B. Clark $ 251 12 Report received and adopted. Mr. Waleb, from Committee on CiviJ Claims, reportedthe following bilis, and recommeiKled tlieir allowance at sums stated, to wit : Claimed. Allowed. A. A Gas Co. ? 4440 j 44 40 A. D Urane, justice 16 NI lti 3U John S. rsowland 2 R5 2 85 M. F. Case 4 80 4 80 Dr. W. V. Breakey 3 110 g 00 ?,r-.AB;,ïal"ier - 8 00 8 üo Mat. D losser „ __ 10 80 10 HO W. I). Humillan 1 90 j qo Dr. Batwell __ 10 00 10 00 Accepted and adopted. Mr. Wlieeler offered tlie following : Whereas, The inmates of the county jail arebeing continually incrensed in numbers from the ranks of the army of tra mus that infest the county ; Therefore, Resolved, That the Sheriff of Washtenaw county be, and he is hereby instructed, so far as is practicable, toengagethe prisouers under his care, who are under sentence, in some useful employment, either public or private, ftcóordlüa to tbe provisions made and provided in Compilers seotion 8,027 and S,0iS of tlie ( 'ompiled laws of 1871. Adopted. Mr. Cook dffered the following: Resolved, That the County Clerk be, and he is hereby instructed, to make a contract with the BellTelephone Company for the use of a telephonein theConrt House, tlie county to pay the sum of forty-eight dollars per yoar in full for all charges and expenses for its use. The resolutiou was adopted by the following vote, tlie yeas and nays having been called for : Yeas- Messrs. Brown, Case. Cook, Koster, Gilbert. Graves, Mcyuillan, .lcDou"all ü- Hearn, Perry, Waite, Walsh, and Wlieeler. Messrs. Blakeslee. Burch, Dansinburg, Keldkamp, Harper, Krapf, Seeger.Walter, Wesion and Yost. Yeas, 18. Nays, 10. Mr. Wlieeler ottered the fnllowing resolution : Resolved, That the Committee on Public Buildings shall consist of Conrnd Krapt, I. N. S. Koster, Marcus S. Cook, and tlieir successors in ollicc. Adopted. Mr. Krapf moved that the Board go into committee of the whole to visit the jail. Which was afrieed to. The Committee of the Whole, with Mr. Krapf as chairnian, after some time spent therein, rose and reported as follows, which report was adopted : The committee of the whole would respectfully report that we have visiled the Jall and flnd the building unfit for the use of a jail, and we also flnd the location a very inconveuient and unflt one. Mr. McDoug-all, from Committee on Criminal Claims, No. 2, reported the following bilis, ind recommended their allowance at sums stated, to wit : Claimed. Allowed. Wm. Brainnrd S IB 80 $ IS 80 John Shemeld. 28 80 28 30 A. W. Porter- 1 44 1 44 John S. Nowland 4S 48 C:. G. Millman 85 ¦ m Mtchael Kuebler 85 85 KUS. Manly 174 174 James Schippecasse 48 48 Charles Kantle 48 is John Johnson 48 48 George Heimbacher 's r8 Henry Burgrafl' 5S 58 Paul Schal 1 48 48 Alfred Millard 48 48 A. Krank Hamnterfer 48 48 William Meritliew 80 l0 Iawrence O'Toole .._ (0 60 George W. Cropsey 60 0 George K. Efner (ió 60 Edward Eberbach 60 60 Kred. Rettich 0 60 Betsey Stewart 85 85 Mary Barry 85 S6 Ida Boyer 85 85 C. G. Orcutt 1 06 1 06 Thomas Clarken 96 96 J. H. Eaton 21 55 21 53 Accepted and adopted. Mr. Blakeslee, from Committee on Civil Claims, reportod the following bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to wit : Chiimed. Aliowed. John N. Bailey 1 50 f lü 40 A. W. Porter. 21 00 20 00 Rinsey feSeabolt 5 85 5 85 W. K. Breakey 3 00 3 00 P. McKernan 8 75 8 75 Dr. S. P. Parsons 3 00 3 00 David Woodward. 2 85 2 85 Mr. Blakeslee also reported the bill of J. Croarkin, without recommendation. Mr. Wlieeler moved to lay on the table. Agreed to. Mr. Blakeslee also reported the bill of Dr. Bangham without recommendation. Laid on the table, 011 motion of Mr. Bureh. The questioii tlien recurring on a motion to takefrom the table, Judge Ciano, leave being granted, addressed the Board on the bill, and sundry other bilis in relation to scarlet fever cases iu the village of Dexter. Dr. Bangham's bill was then laid on the table. By Mr. Brown That the sum of $32:!. (17 be transferred from Rejected Tax Pnnd to the Tnsurance Fnnd. Carried. By Mr. Wheeler : That the chalrman appolnt a committee of threeto ttx a uniform rate of compensiition for the taking of prisouers to State institutlons. Carried. The chair ippointed Messrs. Wheeler, Burch and Gilbert as such committee. Adjourned until to-morrow moruing at 9}i o'clock. Fhiday, Jaxuary 5. Board mot pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the obalrman. Roll called. (unriim present. Mr. Kiapf. IVoin Conimittee on Public Buildings, reported the followine: To the Honoralle Boord of Supervisors of Wushtcuaw County : Your Committcc on J'ublu; Buildings, which wérè lnstrueted to'aseertain the cost of :i looaUon and erectlng thereon a um oountyjall, would respectfully report tlmt we liave aaoertalned trom reliahle tourbes that the oost ol the land nd err-cting thereon a new and comfortable Jail, wlll not exceted, the present jatl a uil land included, which we' value frcpiri 11,800 to ?2,000 doliera) the sum ol twenty-flve tliouand dollars S2T,000.00), and we recommend that the aniount uanied be borrowed atan interest, not to exceed six per cent. per annum, and that the same be paid in tiiree equal annual Installmerits.on February flrst each year, with interest accrued on the whole. We would theret'ore olier the followlng resolutions: Resolved, That for a piece of land and erecting thereou a new county jail a uní not to exceed twenty-iivu thousand dollars (825.000.00), Is herehy appropriated, subject to the appruval ol' the lectors of Wiishtenaw county. Resolved, That the question of authorlzing said loan of S2o,00U.0U for the erectlon oí a newjall and grcfmids, be subiuitted to the electors of Washtenaw county, at the next Spring electlon, held on thenvst Mouday of the raooth of April, A. D., 1884, and that the County (Jlerk. of said county be, and be is heroby authorized to furnish the Inspectora ot election of the several towushipa and wards of said county of Washtenaw with proper ballots, aud said Inspectora shall provide ballot boxes for or ayaiiist said loan and tbose electors voting tbr said loan, shalí have printed or written on ballots the words : For the Loan ; and those electora votIng against said loan, shall have prlntcd or written on their ballots the word.s : the Ijiuiii, and that chie cauvass and return Shall be made of such votes, au required by bection 485, Compiled Laws of 1871. Resolved, Thai a Huildnm t 'oimnittee.eonBtstlng of three members, be appointed by this Board, who shall iminediately lin case the electors of Washtenaw county shall vote for said loan of ij25.000.00) adopt such plans and Bpeoincatlons for a nc;w jail as tliey may deem best, provided that the cost ol' said new jail and lands shall not exeeed Uie sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, and suid committee shall have power, and are hereby authorized to atlvertise for, receive and aócept proposals for building aid jail, and iu nll t.hings pertainiii!? thereto, act for and la.behalf ot the Board of Supervisors of VVashtenaw county. Resolved, That the chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the County Clerk. are hereby authorized (in case the electors of the county shall vote for the. loan oí iü - 000.00), to issue the bonds of thé eounty. 'trom time to time. for, such amounts as thè building committee shall deern necessary and proper, lor Ihe construction of said Jail, provided that under n consideratiou or eircumstanres shall the honda issued exceed the sum of twenly-tive thousand dollars or in anv way conllict with the conditions expressed in the tlrst resolution. All of which is respectfully sul)iniitcd. CON RAI) KRAI'K I. JS 8. FOSTKK, M. 8. COOK, (,'ornniitteeon Public Buildiiif;s. The report was received, and on motion of Mr. Gravès was laid on the table and made the special order for 2 o'clock p. ik. Mr. McDougall, f rom Criminal Claims Committee Ko. 2, reported the following bilis, and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to wit: Claimed. Allowed. M. H. Brennau, justice i-8137 80 löfl 30 ,íasj)er Imus, constable ÍH) ;i!t 88 50 C. O. Orcntt, demity sherltt'-;. 2.5 $r 1ÍI 85 D. C. Griffen, justice 41 60 :i7 BS M. T,. Shatts, " 21 10 22 40 E. K. Frueauff, ' 13 16 n oo E. K. Frueauft; " fil 35 ü 10 On motion of Mr. Krapf, the report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Gübert, froni the Committee on Civil Claims, reported the following bilis and recommended tlieir allowance at the sums stated, to wit: Claimed. Allowed. I,uick Bros 5 7r) $ 5 -5 Dr. Chas, ültes, examlnation 5 00 :i 00 Ij. K. Wade. dep. Co. Clerk„_ 28 50 2 50 Louis J. Liesemer, printlng__ {t ir, y 00 Accepted and adopted. Also, from the same committee, bill of J. S. McDowell, without recommoudation. Claimed $20.90. On motion of Mr. Wheeler tbe bill was I allowed at the sum ot $14.1)0. Agrecd to. Olaimed. Allowed. jj.8. McDowell _... $20 '90 $ 14 90 Also, from the same committee, bilis of Justice Griffen and Ihlinfr Brothers for blank books fnrnished tbe County Clerk and Register of Deeds. On motioD of Mr. Wheeler, the bilis of Justice Griffen were returned for proper certifica tes; and, on like motion, the sum of $70.35 was allowed Ililing Brothers, and balance of bill to bü paid when the books are received. Ibllng Brothers, blank books for Kegister of Deeds and County Clerk $70 35 By Mr. Coofc : Resolved, That all Justiees of the Peace in this County, in making out their bilis to the County, be requested to state the name of the offleer. making the arrest, the name of each witness, the time of each wltness, the name of each olticer and his time in each case; also an itemlzed statement of his own bill. Adopted. By Mr. Wheeler: Resolved, That the County Clerk be and is hereby instrneted to purchase, so far as practicable, all stiitionery. fnel and llghts for the use of the court house and jail, and office of the same, by contract, the purehase being made of the lowest responsible bidder, and that he pay for the same, and for bilis now due. out of the Contingent Fund. That he keep an itemized account of ail purchases and disbursements made by him, and submit the same to the Board óf Supervisors at their annual session. Adopted. By Mr. Wheeler: Resolved, That the Register of Deeds be authorized to complete, the index of assignments ol' mortgages in his office. The resolution was not adopted. On motion of Mr. Brown, adjourned until l:30r. m. Afterxoon Session. Board met. Roll called. Quorum present. By Mr. Wheeler: Resolved, That the County Clork be lnstructed to pay for conveyance of persons to State or City, Charitable, Reormatory and Penal institutions on presentation of a proper receipt from the Warden or Agent of such institutiou or prison, at the following rate: From any point on the M. C. R. R. to Pontiac, the rallroad fare and the sum of six dollars and iifty cents (SC.ÖO). From any point on the M. C. R. R. to Adrlan, the rail'road fare and four dollars ($4.00). From any point on the M. C. R. R. to Lansing, the railroad fare and eigut dollars (Ï8.00), From any pnlnt on the M. C. R R. to Detroit House of Correctlon, the railroad fare and four dollars (S4.00). _ From any point on thé M. C R. R. to Coldwater, the railroad fare and elght dollars (88.00). Resolved, That the above rates be In fujl páyment for all claims and expenses in such cases, Includingall cash expenses, per diein. mlleage, hack hire, meals, lodging. and all other expenses of offleer and prisoner, of whatevcr kind or descrlptlon. (iKO. H. WHEELER, HOBATÏÖ BURCH, J. L. GUBKRT, Adop.e,,. 'V'mmilt1Mr. Mclourall, from Committee on on Criminal Claims No. 2, reported the following bilis, and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to wit: Claimed. Allowed. P Winegar, justice Í108 ÍK '. 95 E. Clark, " . J1 ¦ Accepted and adopted. Mr. Dansingburg, from Committee on Criminal Claims No. 2, roported the bilí of Sheriff E. W. Wallace for board, washing and turnkey fees for the ([iiarterending December 31st, 18S2, and rerommended its allowanee as claimed. Mr. Wheeler ofï'ered as a substitute the following: Resolved, That Morton F. Case, Patrick O'Hearn and Qeorne McDoueall be a specia committee toaiidlttheSherlffs bill for board of prisoners at the jail for theqiiarter ending December 31st, 1882. Resolved, That the said oommittee be lostrueted to deduct from such blll al] amouuts iillowed the Sheriff for board and turnkev feesfter sentenee had expired, and to audft ¦uob blll in slrict accordance with the resoliition udoptud by this lioard Octoher 27th, l'SH2. Resolved, Ttiat the Counly Clcrk be Instrueted to pay mild blll at the amount allovved by said committee, by a warrant on tbe Contingent Kund. The substituto was adopted by the following vote, the yeas and nays liavinft been called for: Yeas- Messrs. Blakeslee, Brown. Hurch, Case, Cook, Dansinsburg, Keldkamp, Foster, Gilbert, Graves, Krapf, McQuillan, MeDougall, Perry, Seeger, Waite, Walsh, Walter, Weston, Wheeler and Yost. Nays- Messrs. Harper and O'Henrn. Yeas, 22. Nays, 2. By Mr. Brown: Resolved. That the boy of Sophie Lyons conflned in the Jall with liis mothir be turued over to Supervisor O'Heurn. 9 Adopted. By Mr. McDoujrall: Resolved, That the County Clerk be and hels hereby lnstructed to pay seveuty-nve per cent. of the board bilis of the Sheriff properly chargeable to theoounty, quarierly' when presented to the clerk in an itemlzed' account, uninixed with any other lndebtedïiess, by an order on the Contingent Fund. Adopted. By Mr. Wlieeler: Resolved, That the Senator and Representatives from tbis County lu the State Leglslature be and they are hereby requested to urge upon the Legislature an auiendinent to tbe exlsting laws,providing thut no warrant sliall be issued by any J ustice of tlie Peace excepi in cases of feloii y or lireach of tbe peace oommltted in the presence of tbe arrusting olHcer, unttl an order in writlng allowlnu the saiue be liled wii h such Juslice and signed by the Proaecuting Attorney for llie county, unless securHy for costssball have been tiled with such J ustice. Resolved, That the Clerk of the Uounty be instructed to send a eopy of the resolution to oor Senator and Representatives. Adopted. Tlie hour for the special order havinji arrivcd, the report of the Cominittee on Pul)lic 15iiildings is taken trom the table. Tlie oommittee's report was ainended, on inotioii of Mr. Fostcr, so as to include 'Mhe heating ap pa ratas and uil fixtnres in said jail." Mr. Gilheit moved to further amend so as to piovide that the county will mise tbe amount of $17,000, provided that the city of Ann Arbor will raise the sum of $;!,ooo. Agreed to. Mr. Krapf moved the adoption of the report as amended, which was not agreed to, by the following vote: Yeas- Messrs. Case, Cook, Dansinzbnrg Foster, Gilbert, Graves, Krapf, Mcluillau, Perry, Walsh, and Weston. Nays-Messrs. Blakeslee, Brown, Burch, Clark, Feldkamp, McDougall, O'Hearn, Seeger, Waite, Walter, Wheeler, and Yost. Yeas, 11. Nays, 13. By Mr. McDougall: Resolved, That the sum of SlO.üO be given Louis F. Wade for services on Cominittee on Criminal Claims, and that the Clerk be instrucled to draw his warrant ou the Contingent Kund for the amount. Adopted. From the Committee on Per Dient Allowanee. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors : Your Committee on Per Diem Allowance respectfully report the attendance, travel, per diem allowauce, mileage, and total conipensation of the respective Supervisors for the January Session of 1S)M. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. W. WAITE, Jr., W. H. AVESTON. ERA8TUS W ALTER, Commlttee. Aeeepted, adopted, and ordered paid out of tlie Contingent Fund. Whereiipon the Board adjourncd sine die. MORTON F. CASE, Chairman. ANXUAL SESSION. The Board of Supervisors for the county of Washtenaw met in annual sesslon in the Supervisors' room, at the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the eighth day of October, in the year eighteen hundred and eightythree. Ciüled to order by the Clerk, at 11 O'ciock A. M. Roll called by Supervisor districts, and all Supeivisors present except the members from Ann Arbor township, Lodi, Lyndon, Mancliester, Northfield, Sharon and Webster. On motion of Mr. Graves, George 8. Wheeler was elected temporary chiirin a n. On motion of Mr. Krapf, the Board adjourned until half-past one this after110(111. Afternoon Skssion. Called to order. Supervisors all present, to wit : Ann Albor, lst Dist., C. Krapf. 2d ' Patrick 0:Hearn. " " 3d " Benjamin Brown. Ann Albor Town, Frederick B. Brauu. Augusta, Wra. Dansingburg. Bridgewater, Henry M. Palmer. Dexter, Richard McQulllan. Freedom, John G Feldkamp. Lima. Marcas S. Cook. Lodl, Egbert P. Harper. Lyndon, Fred'k A. Howlett. Manchester. Horatio Burch. NorUitieid, Patrick S. Purtell. Ptttsfield, Henry Paul. Salem, Geoi-jíe S. Wheeler. Saline, Mattbew Seeger. Scio, Jacob Jedele, Jr. Sharon, Wm. B. Osborn. "Superior, Geurde McDougall. Sylvan, James L. (iilbert. Webster, William H. Weston. York, Alfred Davenport. Ypsilanti City, lst Dist., Lee Yost. " " 2d " M. L. Shutts. Ypsilanti Towu, Albert H. Graven. On motion of Mr. Dansingburg, the Board proceeded to the election of a permanent chairman, wlth Messrs. Purtell and Graves as tellers. Result as followi : First ballot, whole number of votes, 24. George S. Wheeler received II) MarcÜK.H. ('ook " 12 Wm. B. Osborn " i Horatio Buroh " - 1 No cholee. Ou moMon, the Board proceeded to a second ballot tor chalrmiui, with the follovving result, to wit: GeorgeS. Wheeler Il Ml S. Cook _- _ 11, George McDougall 2 No cholee. On motion. the Board proeeeded to a tlmd baila; lor permanent huiima.n, ra sulting at tollows tn wit CJeome 8. % hoeler _ g Marous 8. Cook _ j (icolgo MeDougall 2 j MoatlerlnÉ Marcus S. Cook liuving recelved a nm! jovity of all tlie volrs was derlaied innuii imoiisiy elecfed. Mr. Browu moved iliat the claims .,t ''¦ .Shenll'aiid Dt-puty Shcrills be rel'érred to i committee to be known ;,s Criniinal Claims Conimitkr, Nu. 1, inc! & otlier criminal claims to a to be known as Criminal Claims Ciniun.!c.No.2. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Purtell, tlie Ch-rk was requested to telepuone Mr. Whiiman, Prosecuting Attorney, reqjJé'gtW liira to furnish eaeh Crimijisil Claimt Committee of th is Board wiili acopj of tlie revised Fee BUI. Agreed to. Om motio of Mr.,. Gruyes, tiio BoHld adjourned uutil to-monow ,QiDteiM ai d% o'clock, M. s. C0OK'. C'lialrinan. TlKSDAY, OC'TOBER 9. Board met pursuant to adjouriiment. Called to order hy the Cliairman. Roll called. Quorum piesen r. Jouinal of yesterday read and ap pioved. The Chair uiiifunced tüe tollouing Standing Commiitees : UHÏÏïlï: I-Pune.,, Mr.. Osbön"""1 - Paul.Wheélerui.ü venpo'a1"' C'l:ümK--palra"-. imvesand DayoSh'b. H!;.uCouuty HSrSf Un Salarles of (Jornity Oillctírs - Shutt; Ou Apportioument of state and Countv Taxes-osborn, Krapfand F. K. Brauu Paul' BuildlnKs.-O'Hearu.Gralv.s knd WesLneJeeted Taxes-Jeilll'e, Soeger a,ul To Kxarnlne Accounts of Superintendent of tliePoor.-Krapf, Sliuttsauu J!. 1 ÍÓVv n Hraün UanCÜ-"YüSt "'" aiiú k! !h. and"HowTeUOUal ÖCbO1 CWISiH venaTd1'--3'1'1-'.Mr. Wheeler moved that tlie rules adopted by the last Board be adopted as ihe rules of tuis Board uutil otherwise ordered. Agreed to. Mr. Graves moved that the Ohainn;m of this Board and F. B. Braun be sefe'cted as a Committee on Printing. Afreed to. Mr. Wheeler moved that the proeecdingsof this Board be published m pamphlet and supplement form, 700 of the former, and 4,000 of the latter, ie same as last year, and that the of tlie same be Iet to the lowest bidder. Adopted. Mr. Brown moved that a bilí of E.B. Gidley, constable of the sixth ward of Ann Arbor, acted upon by the Board at its January session, and on file in the Clerk's office, be Tecommitfed to Committee on Criminal Claim?. No'f' The motion was lost. Mr. Dansingburg moved that the basis forequalization be fixed at the sum of $:W,000,000. Agreed to. Mr. Krapf moved that the ISonrd visit the Poor House on Friday next at 10 o'clock a. m. Agreed to. On motion of Mr. Wheeler, the Clerk was direeted to furnish the printer with a copy of the Journal, and for such service the Clerk is to receive the sum of $35.00. Mr. Wheeler moved that the election of Janitor be made the special order for tomorrow mornlng at 10 o'clock. Carried. Mr. Purtell moved that the Supenntendents of the Poor be request.ed to make their report by individuáis instead of by townships, to be similar to the report of the year 1880. Adopted. Mr. Wheeler moved that the Superintendents of the Poor be notified that the Board will receive their report on Tuesday next at 2 o'clock p m. Agreed to. The Chair announced as a special committee on conveyance to the Poor House, Messrs. Krapf, O'Hearn, and Jedele. On motion of Mr. Wheeler, the Board adjourned uutil 1}L p. m. Afternoon Session. Ro!l called. Quorum present. The Clerk presented the following communication from the Auditor General : AlTDITOK OKNKRAI.S OkKICE, 1 IjAnsing, Mu-h., September 2óth. 1883. ƒ To the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors ol the County of Washtenaw, Anu Arbor Mlch. : Sik,- You are hereby notified that a State Tax has boen apportioned to the several counties of the state, acoordl ng to the last returns of the aggregate valuation of taxable property thereln made to this ofllce, and as equalized and determlned by theState Board of Equalization at their session iu August, 1881. The amount of State Tax apportionetl to your County, under various Acts of tUe JLegislature, is as iollows : You wlll cause the above to he lald before the Board of Supervisors of your County at their sesslon In October, 1N83. Please ucknowledge lmmedlately the iccelpt of tlus notlce. Very respectfully, W. C. STEVKNS, Auditor General. Mr. Wheeler ofte red tbc following resolution : Resolved, Thut the County clerk be instructed to advertise for sealed proposals irora physicians lor attending prisoners at the oouuty jall and furnlsbing the necessary medicines for tuem for the onsuing year; also to iuclude surgical operations. Adopted. On motion oi Mr. Yost the couit-iooui was granted the Ann Arbor teniperance society for a meeting on Sunday the 'Jlst instant. Adjourned until to-morrow morning ;it 9K o'clock. M. S. ('OOK, Ghairman. WeDXESDAY, OcTOBKR 10. Board met pursuant to adjourninent. Called to order by the chairman. Koll called. Quorum present. Journal of yesterday read mul ipprovetl. Mr. Palmer, from the Committee on Civil Claims, reported the followinr bilis and recommeuded thcir allowance at the sums stated, to wit : Clalmed. Allowcd. ! 1 George E. Frothlugliam, prmting, etc HM M8Í 90 2 D. B. Greene. superinteudent's services - 7 00 7 00 3 D. C. Griffen, Justlce 1 2 S 16 4 George McDougall, special committee, etc, 18 M U 92 5 Wm Danslngburg 8 00 3 00 6 J. L. Gilbert 6 00 ö 00 7 B. Brown. ' ' 8 C. Eberbaoh, hardware.etc. for Court House - 27 17 27 17 9 Lee Yost 8 no 8 Ou 10 J, 1). Htimson - K "8 11 Joslah Cbllds, services with lnsane person 32 'XI 32 00 12 Dr. Charles ültes li 0 00 On motion the report was iccepted and adopted, and, on motion, the claim of D. C. Griffen for services as Coroner on the body of J. E. Putney was disallowed. Mr. Purtell, from Committee on j inal Claims No. 1, reported the follovinr bilis, and recommendcd their allowancu at sums stated, to wit: Claiineii. Allowed. 13 Geo. Palmer, dep. sheriff and constable SU1 92 Ï184 57 14 T. J. Farrell, dep. sheriff- IS 80 18 80 The report was accepted and adopted. The hour for the special order to eleet a Janitor having arrived, Mr. Krapt moved that the matter be postponed until Tuesday next at the hour of 2 o'elock F, M. -Vgreed to. Mr. Krapf moved that the time for receiving the report of the Superintendents of the Poor be continued until Wednesday next at 2 o'clock r. M. Agreed to. Adjourned to 1:30 p. m. Afternoon Session. Board met. Quorum present. Mr. Brown offered the followiug : Resolved, Tbat the committees in making thelr report of claims be requested to ?ive a synopsis of each claim, so that members may vote inore understandingiy on tne inalter. Adopted. Mr. Brown moved that the County Treasurer be requested to furnish this Board an itemized statement of all fine money received by him during the past year. Agieed to. Mr. McDougall moved a reconsideration of the vote by which the bill of Geo. E. Frothingham was reduced $10.45. Agreed to. Mr. Gilbert moved the allownnoe of the bill as claimed. Carried. See correction above. On motion, Mr. Dansingburg was excused for the balance of the week. The Clerk presented the Annual Report of the County Treasurer, which was read and ordered spread upoiv the Journal. Annual Report of the County Treasurer of Washtenaw County, Michigan, 18S3. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Washteuaw : Gentlemen,- I herewith transmit my annual Report of moneys received and paid out by me from January lst, 1883, to September 30th, 1883, inclusive. Also a Statement of Resources and Liabilitles on October lst, 188S. JACOB KNAPP, County Treasurer. Per FRED. H. BF,rSER, Dep. Co. Treas. Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements made by the County Treasurer from January lst, 1883, to September 30, 1883, incl usive : RECEIPIS. Cash ou hand Jan. 1, 1883, W7,81S !K ASS ARBOR CITY. Taxes 12,225 S4 Liquor tax 9,805 95 Delinquent tax_ - 159 85 22,191 ftl FREKDOM, Taxes _ Kil 2S Lluuor tax 198 00 soa 2S YOKK. Taxes 1,438 fifl Liquor tax 462 00 Delinquent tax. 3 ''t 1,903 (11 STATE OF MICHIGAN. Delinquent tax 344 64 Teachers' Institute 161 45 Interest Fund 5 76 AÜGÜSTA. Taxes 1,026 82 Mquor tax 198 00 Delinquent tax 11 82 2,136 64 YPSILAXTI T0WN Taxes 538 74 YPSILANTI CITY. Taxes 2,4.55 11 Llquor tax 3,521 10 Delinquent tax & 11 1 - 6,039 :!2 ANN ARHOK TOWN. Taxes 1MS3 18 scio. Taxes 4,144 50 Liquor tax 198 00 Delinquent tax.. 33 :Ki 4,37.-1 05 HKIDOKWATKi:. Taxes 441 68 Liquor tax W3 5 Delinquent lax 9 1,09! 07 DEXTER. Taxes 2,191 31 LIMA. Taxes-. 3,145 87 Liquor tax 198 IK) 3,313 87 i.oni. Taxen- _ 684 O", Liquor tax 297 00 Delinquent tax 6 13 _ yg jg LYNDON. Taxes ; i,m 08 MANCHESTER. Taxe 4,170 71 Liquor tax 4 35 Delinquent tax 11 54 XORTUl'IKLl). Taxes _ 211 90 Liquor tax... 148 50 Delinquent tax 7 12 367 58 Taxes - - - . g Delinquent tax-.-. ¦ ï ,.„.,! - - - . .(,U 1 1 M , SAI. K.M. T_M Jü " SA1.1NK. Taxes - - - Wj '' Delinquent tax- _____ iusít 1U SHAItON. Taxe'4 - 2.W2 8'-' Delinquent tax . ___a___ ., op, superior. t,,x,s ... ..: ¦1!)1 8YLVA.N. Taxes 8,75} 6.'! Dellmiueiit lux 5 " ---¦,; IVKIISTKi:. Taxos. .... '.218 IHtch Tax-L. - 170 75 HKXTKH V1I.T.AUK. Llquor tax 1"JV' MANCHE9TEK VIJ.I.AOK. Liquor tax I 2,277 00 CI1KI.SKA VILI.AOK. Llquor tax 1,386 (JO York and Augusta Dra!" 08 ¦ Spencer Marsh Drain ' Contingent Funu ;' Delinquent County Tax BZ 9 SA1.1NK VILl.ACK. Llqnor tax_ 5 00 Fine Money !¦ o Primary School Money- ¦ lft-1 _ï '?j Thos. Harvey, Est. of 1,3)6 M28.312 86 DISBUllSEMEXTS. Eastern Michigan Asytai_i lum 'S "] Stenograpner SH J House of Correction ' o1 ANS AKKOK ('ITV. Llauor tax J9JM7 W I'rlmary money 3.891 08 l.ibrary money. 91 20 Delinquent tax .2 1;f JJiBEDOM. Liquor tax_._ -117 01) Prfmary money 758 I Liliiar.v inouey 19 61 . 1,070 %a YOKK. r.iiiuor tax 846 50 l'rimary inouey 7H ¦) Lilrary money 10 : Iellniuonttnx 1 02 STATE OF MICHIOAS. Stilte tax tij 70 Dell- Queat tax ll7 7fi Teachers' Institute at Saline - "5 Witness Fiind "'-! -10 AUGUSTA. r.iquor tax m 00 Primary money 7H2 22 iH'liniiui-iit tas 11 Hü . 8 1,008 04 vpsilanti Tmrs. l'rimary money $ jft'i V Llbrary money 13 21 YPSII.AXTI CITV. Llquor tax S ;S,.123 10 primary money 2,047 7fi Library money . 47 99 Delinquent tax 52 49 S 5,471 85 SCIO. Liquor tax 8 198 60 Primary money;. 1,108 -" Library money , 25 9 Delinquent tax :W 72 5 i;S62 i)5 AKS AKT10R TOWN. Primary money ? 398 97 Library money 9 35 W 34 BRIDOEWATER. Liquor tax S 643 M Primary raoney SS! 41 Delinquent tax 99 S 1,1(17 90 DKXTER. Primary money S 124 71 Library money 9 9i S M 7 I.IMA. Primary money S 473 Si Library money 11 10 Liquur tax 198 0 I f2 43 1.01)1. Liquor tax $ 297 00 Primary money 4ÍU 88 Library money 10 50 $ 7.59 47 LYXBOy. Primary money t 291 "kS MANCHESTER. Liquor tax $ (W 89 Primaiy money 1,001 00 Library money 24 63 I 1,089 ? SÍORTII FIELD. Primary money S 500 50 Library money 1 13 11 Delinquent tax. 7 12 ( aso sa PITTSKIFLTJ. Primary money $ 431 86 Library monev 10 13 Delinquent tax ' 2 85 f 411 84 SALEM. Primary money S 371 60 Library money 8 78 t 3S3 14 SALINE . Primary money. 5 913 77 Library money 8 9.3 Delinquent tax 4 3 S 927 07 SHAROS. Primary money S 507 65 Library money 8 95 Deliuqucut tax 12 41 RU 96 sri'EUIOI!. Primary money S 500 50 WEBSTKI!. Primary money I 324 61 8T_T_-T. Primary money t m 96 Library money 22 52 Delinquent tax _ 5 73 8 089 21 Insurance Fuud $ 19 75 DBXTKK VILLAUK. Llquor tax. S 1,386 00 MANCHESTER VILLAGE. Liquor tax 2,524 50 C____-k Vir.LAOE. Liquor tax S 1,380 00 County Fund 10,790 15 York and Augusta draiu. 443 12 Spencer marsh ilrain 411 84 Contingent 8,491 09 Turors Fund 3,574 40 Delinquent County Tax_. 150 79 Saline Village.Liquortax, 495 00 Poor Fund 6,511 28 Saiary County Offlcers ... 4,274 99 Cash deposited for unknown heirs 4,756 66 Cash on hand to balance.. 7,339 05 S128,3423 Statement of Resources and Liabilities on October 1, 1383 : KESOURCF.S. State Land Offlce Í 21 91 Witness Fund 201 60 State Tax Bids- 183 Otf Contingent Fund . 1,738 56 Delinquent County Tax- 7 80 Cash l-.,095 71 LIAISILITIER Eastern Michigan Asylum $ 2,101 33 Stenographer's Fund 2(18 39 House of Correctiou 2ïvi 06 York lij? 23 State of Michigan ,jk4 86 Teachers' Institute 19 45 Interest Fund ¦ 004 32 Ypsilanti City Hi 74 Sclo 2 64 Lodi f) 13 Manchester . 1154 Northfleld 148 50 Saline 3 75 Ditch tax 100 21 Insurance Fund 157 42 County Fund 110 87 York and Augusta draln. 165 14 Spencer marsh drain 58 88 Jurors Fund 3,350 80 Fine money ¦ 107 00 Poor Fnnd 1:10 74 Ann Arbor City 285 23 Salary, County Oificers Fund 1,008 SS Mary Jane Balie 100 00 Ellza Balie, .Ir., 100 00 Thomas Harvey, Est. of .. 4,566 66 IMjBBB 17 $14,839 17 Thuksday, Octobkk 11. Board met. Cailfld to order by fie Chair. Jïoll cullod. Quorum present. Journal oL yesterday rcad :"1 Pproved. Mr. Braun moved that Ihe iro.:eeliiií of the January seasion of the Board be published with the proeeedinps pf tliis Board. C'arried. Mr. Palmer írom Comuaittóe on Civil Claims reported the following bilis and recominended theiv allowance at ramt 8tated; Claimed. Allowed. 15 J. F. Scliuh. supplles for the .Sheriff and Judge „. ..., ,,- of Probate, W "' 16 M. L. Shutts. H M 17 Chrlstian K. Kapp, R 18 George" K. í'rothingham, 10 W W. Beman, Secretary Board of School Kxaminers„ " " " w 20 w. D. expenses to Cheisea. 2 70 - o 21 Geo. S. Wheeler 8 OU 00 !Li T J. Hulllvan - 3 00 ! W 2i Peter Dressler, witness on inquest. ? 21 Dr. D. A. Post, wilness on inquest 4H " 20 Jacob Lambert, wltness on Inquest ? ln 2I John Terus, witness on Inquest " 27 Kdward N. Prince, -witneK on inquest -t 28 Alfred 8. Lee, witnes on luouest 4" w 20 Charle Manter, wltuess on inquest ¦" 1S : William Beckwith, wit ness on Inquest " " 31 Dr. Wni. Pattison, wilness on icquest s ¦ 33 A. M. Noble, juror ou Inquest ' ' ¦ ;ö H. K. Scoville, juror on inquest 1 W 1 ;0 S4 James M. Chidister 1 50 1 50 ,' Charles Klng 1 S0 1 60 :16 Byron Hutchlnson 1 flO 1 0 ¦XI Wllliam Robbins 1 80 1 r)0 : James M. Forsytue 1 W IV) :i Wllliam B. Clark 1 V 1 :0 40 Win. W. Phillips 1 fiO 15 41 Oeorge H. Jackson 1 S0 1 50 42 Alf. E. Allen 1 80 1 S0 48 Jabez B. Wortley - 1 W 1 50 14 J. I). Stlmson, jail supplies 74 9 71 ló P. S. Purtell 3 00 8 00 46 M. L. Shutts, services iu insane matters 8 00 s 00 47 H. O. Allen, witnes ln Probate Court 3 00 ¦" 00 48 P. O'Hearn, services as Special Committee, etc., 'J 25 9 25 Mr. Howlett was excused for tho day. Mr. l'aul from Committee on Criminal Claims No. 2 reported the following bilis and recommendcd their allowance at sums stated : ('lalnu'd. Allowed. 49 Dr. Asher C. Ta.vlor, witnes $ 2 70 ? 2 70 50 James Bachman, Juror, 2 00 2 00 51 George Strauss, " 2 00 2 00 52 Joseph Beaslcy, " 2 00 2 00 KJ John Wallace, " 2W 2 U0 54 Timothy Fallen, "¦ 2 Ou 2 00 53 Charles Chandler, " 2 00 2 üu j Acceptcd and adopted. Also from same Committee a bilí for $6.25 of H. A. Smith which on motion was disallowed. Mr. McDougall from Committee on Criminal Claims No. 1 reported the following bilis and recommended their allowance at gurús stated : Claimed. Allowed. 56 C.O.Orcutt, Deputy Sheriff. $ 42 70 36 0 57 John Gillen, Deputy Sheriff ' 60 50 50 55 58 H. D. Martin, Deputy Sheriff 9 53 9 53 ¦ m C. G. Orcutt, Deputy Sheriff 199 50 19 50 Accepted and adopted. Mr. Brown moved that no other fees be allowed for ofticers for traveling expenses than the law contemplates. Mr. Harper mored to amend by leaviiig it diseretionary with the Committoe. On which motion the ycas and naya were called for as follows : Yeas - Messrs. Davenport, Harper, McDougall, O'Hearn and Osborn. Nays- Messrs. Braun Brown, Cook, Feldkimip, Gilbert, Graves, Krapf, Palmer, l'aul, Purtell, Seeger, Wheeler and Ycwt, Yeas- 5 ; Nays- 13. Amendtnent lost. Mr. Gilbert moved to lay ou the table. The yeas and nays were called for as follows: Yeas- Messrs. Braun, Cook, Oilbert.Gravcs, McDougall, O'Hearn and Osborn. Nays- Messrs. Brown. Davenport, Feldkamp, Harper, Krapf. Palmer, Paul, Purtell, Seeger, Wueeler and Vost. Yeas- 7; nays- 11. The motion to lay on the table was lost. The vote recurring on the original motion the same was carried by the following vote ; the yeas and nays havlng been demanded : Yeas - Messrs. Braun, Brown, Cook, Feldkanip, Krapf, O'Hearn, Palmer, Paul, Purtell, Seeger, Wheeler and Yost. Nays- Messrs. Davenport, GUbert, Graves, Harper, McJougall and Osborn. Yeas- 12; nays- 6. The Chairman called Mr. Yost to nis place, and asked to be excused for the balance of the day. Kequest granted. On motion the Board idjouined initil % V, M. Aftkrxooií Sessios. Board met. Quorum present. Mr. Palmer from Committee on Civil Claims reported the following claim and recommended ts allowance : Claimed. Allowed. 60 Dr. Wni. Pattison, services ou corouer s inquest $ 3 00 $ 3 00 Also by same Committee a bilí of VanWormer without recommendation. The Board heard the claimant in behalf of his bill after which on motion of Mr. Brown the claimant was allowed to withdraw his bill. Also from same Committee the bill of Harmon Allen and recommended its allowance as stated in this report : Agreed to. Claimed. Allowed. 61 Harmon Allen, witness in ProbaBUCourt, etc 5 30 80 S 5 20 Mr. Brown moved that the balance of Mr. Allen's claim be allowed as claimed. The motion did not prevail by the fol; lowing vote : Yeas- Messrs. Weaton and Wheeler. Nays- Messrs. Braun. Brown, Davenport Gllbert. Graves, Harper, McDougall.O'Hearn, Osborn, Palmer, Paul, Purtell, Meezer and Yost. Yeas- 2; nays- 14. Mr. Paul from Committee on Criminal Claims No. 2 reported the witness list of Justice Frueauff and recommended payment to the following, to -wit : Claimed. Allowed. 62 John Berry witness S 48 $ 48 63 Wllliam Feltke " 85 85 64 R. W. Shaw, " 48 18 65 " 96 (KI 66 Gazella De Haney, witness 48 48 67 James Sweet, witness 05 05 68 Sarnh Jones, " 48 48 (9 Thomas Gough. witness, 95 95 70 Wllliam Lee, " 3 00 3 00 71 Lorenzo Longworth, " 2 85 i 85 71 Wllliam J. Ralney, " S 15 3 1B 73 John Bobinson, " 2 15 2 15 74 Geo. D. Wymau, 48 48 75 W. C. Davls' " 48 48 76 Wllliam Johson, ' 48 48 77 James Baunders, " 48 48 78 Chas. Davis, " 48 48 79 Henry Warren, ' 1 86 1 85 80 Micnael Dolan, " 1 75 1 76 81 Patrlck Fleming, 1 95 i ifi S2 Martin Howard , i 75 1 75 Clalmed. Allowed. 88 John Bgin' '.'. ' ui í W 8.Í Eliz'ftbetf wifcefleid, ft. -fl5 86 ChM.W:"Bíí?r WHÏÏS 3 40 ?$ 87 MinñteTuttle „ ; ;,- m Christopher Tuttle, 9 Isadore WMÖlngton, 11 wlll1"Ti" Washington. wilf ui Elmer Watölngton, wit 02 EugeneWilllams,wltms, is 4 ! AloimHliss,.jurr_ ' -' ' 7. 94 Niles H. wWn. Jurar, J 95 (ieorue Feincr. " w John Bos, UT I. MoMlllan, '' EK 'is John Hose, ' B '" !i:i John Keenan, ' -" ' 1" l()(l Chas. K. Holmes, 101 Frank Hownr.l, K ffiï JosephjDonnelir. KM Howard (iidley, ' 101 B.J. Conrad, JurpA M5 johñ W. Keatlnsr, Ï08 EugeneOesteHIn, 107 JOBeph Baumgartner, 10-i Charlas Donnelly, [69 A. M. Doty, nu George Moore, 111 Oeoreo Kelner, '; 112 Krank Umvüiil. " i ÍÍ8 T. Y. Kayn.-, " W J 114 T. il. Horton, PO 115 Leonanl (jrnner, ll Eugene H. Abel, w 117 Willlam Merlthnw, " ¦ 118 Lorenzo Davis, 119 Tliaüeus Thompson, " i'" 120 Willlam CnmjiUin, " '" 121 Htram Kltredge, " Wj ü BÍ Willlam stimson, " M M 12i Charlee Edwards, " UU 124 Charles Hatch, " 88 ial 12.5 Henry InglehBrtj " 0 128 MaryBliw, wltMpas - - is 127 Maria Minnis. " IS 128 Lucia Comstock. ui mess. Is 1 12 Sophia Hliss, " im KiO John Burki-. ',' ls 4h 1ÍH Llüa Francisco, ¦: I lx 132 WilliamCaspary, jiirnr ... üi 9U 1; Mary Jane McJ'lu'i'.soii, _ j wilness Ifi Si' Report acéepted anti adniitcit hy tlic following vote: Yeas- Messis. Brann, Brown, Davcnport, Feldkump, öilbfirt, Untves. Harper. McDougall, O'Hearn, Ösborn, Palmer, Paul. Purtell, Seeger, Weston, Wheeler mul Vost. Yeas, 17. Nay8. 0, The Clerk presentad tVom tbe Comiv Treasurer the followlngc CODNTY TKKASUKKR'S ÜKfirF, O(t 11, 1SMS. To the Honorable (Jhairnmn and Board of ¦Supervisors of Waslilenaw County. I herewlth transmlt i statemeut. of the I amount of l'oor tax to he raiscj by tbs BVeral .Supervisors Districts, lor the fiscal year endlug September 30, WO, as reportad to me by the Superintendent of tlie Pooi-. Ann Arlxir City, lst District BW 12 Ann Albor City, 2ud District 400 17 Ann Arlior Town 18 9fl Augusta 106 ;¦ Bridgewater 70 20 Freedom 10 6Q Lima 131 50 Lodi 7" 20 Manchester 18S Si Pittsneld - 21 80 Saline W T6 Scio 200 -21) Sharon __ 70 20 Superior 70 20 Syfvan - - m 85 Webster M 0 York 1W 40 Ypsilantl Town 231 M Ypsilanti City- - :75 08 $3,022 2! FKKD. H. liKLSER, Dep. Co. Treas. Onlered spread on the Journal. On motion Mr. Harper was e.vcused f'or ! the balance of week. Ou motion of Mr. Weston the Board adjourned until to-morrow morniny at 91.Í o'clock. Ut. 8. COOK. Chaii-man. Fkiday, Üctober 12. Board met as agreed to. Called to nidr by the Chainnan. Roll callod, quorum present. Reading of the Journal postponeil. Mr. Krapf from Committee on Oonveyanee to the Poor House reported the vehicles in readiness on south side of Cotirt House Square. On motion of IVTr. Yost the Board went into Committee of the wliole with Mr, Krapf in the chair. After some time spent therein ! mittee rose Hnd tlirough its tüiairman j asked leaveto make its report on Monday morning next. Granted. The Clerk read an afïidavit of C. G. Mili ! man in reference to a lost County order for $19G.19 payable to said C. G. Millman bot belonging to the City of Ann Arbor. On motion the affidavit was referrod to the Committee on Civil Claims. On motion Mr. Palmer was excused until T'uesday noon. Mr. Purtell moved that any member of the Board who should be absent from the sessions of the Board after Mouday next without leave should have liis peí diem for time absent deducted from lii attendance compensation. Carried. Mr. Purtell moved tliateach Supervisor have his assessment roll for the vear in the Clerk's office on Monday next and also to have there certified accounts of all school and other moneys to be raised by the tovvnships, and also to have tlie said ; rolls correctly added by pages. Mr. Gilbert moved to lay on the table. Agreed to by the following vote: Yeas- Messrs Braun, Davenport, Gilbert, ; (iraves. Howlett, Jeilele, Krapf, McQuillau, O'Hearn, Osborn, Paul. Seeger and Weston. Nays- Messrs. Krowii, Cook, Feldbainp. Purtell and Yost. Yeas, 13. Nays, 5. Mr. I'urtell moved that e:ich Supervisor have his roll with pages correctly added at the County Clerk's office or Supervisors' room on Monday morning next. Agreed to. Yeas, 17. Nays, 0. Mr. Purtell moved to recousider the vote by whicb Justice Smith's bill was disallowed. Agreed to. The bill was theu recommitted to the i Committee 011 Criminal Claims Ko. -2. Ou motion tlie Board adjourned until Monday morning next at 10 o'clock. M. S. COOK, Chatrmai). Monday, Octobku . Board met at 10 a. m. Called to order by the Chaiiman. lioll called, quorum present. Journal of Thursday and Friday last read corrected and approved. Mr. Paul from Conimittee on Crimintil Claims No. 2 reported the foliowing bilis and recommended their allowance at sums stated, to-wit: Claimed. Allowed. 134 George H. Foster $ 32 rT í "7 40 las M. M. Campbell ,", 70 " "5 7g Also the claim of M. Dealey with the recommendatiou that it be disallowed. Adopted. Mr. Gilbert offered the followins: Resolved, That the County Clerk shall have the entlre control of the court room wheuever the court Is not in session and that ne Is hereby Instructed to grant the use of the same only to the County Agricultura! anit Hortlcultural Society for its annual meetlnit I to the Mutual Fire Insurance Companios of Washtenay county fortheir annual meetings to county political conventionsand to tneetlugs of the State or County Pioneer Socletles. I Adopted. The Clerk presented tlie anuual report of the Judge of Probate which was read and ordered spread on tlie Journal. To the Honorable, the Chnirman and the Board of Supervisors of WaslHenaw I ¦¦cccccccccc Gentj.emnn. - I herewith subtnit my report, is required by law, of iba nnmbfif Ot persons sent by tolhr Ka.- m Michigan Asylum for the lnsae slnce my last report lo your honorable íjkIv oh the 23d day of October, 188S : 1. jumes C. Wntscín Oawity-, aent íton On Kourt.h Ward of thf ;ily 01 Aun Albor, (mi í lhc;sccond day of November, 1K82. l'hvsirlans, Alonzo Ji. Palmer and Willlam K. iíreakey. 2. Harvev Fellows.seht froin fhé Kecond Wiird oí Hit; elty f Vpslianti. on tlie l.ith day of November. 1882. Pliyalclans, Willlain ra'ttison i.nii W. K. l'.reakey. 8. Mary Forsytli. Heut from (he Fiftli Ward t thi' otty "I Vpsiianti, 'ín I lie Btd day oí FebrhAíy, ISK.'). rliyisinliuis, William Pattlson aud Henry C'. Alien. ¦i. Panny Ollbert, ent from the townslilp of Sylvaii, on the sixth day of March, 1889, Pbyhioians, K. B. Oates aud Charles Ultes. 5. orville Hawks, sent from thetownship of Augusta, on ie ninth day of March, 1888. Hhysicians, I). P. Mi-ljiuhlin ani William F. Briakey. 6. AddUon I). Kirf. sent from the towushln oí Manchester, on l the 38d dav of April, lis:. Phymoians, C. GeoiKe and II. (,'. Alien. 7. Heorge F. Parker, sent from thc First Ward of the clty of Aun Arbor, on the sixth day of June, 1888. l'hysiclans, Thomas V. V i isc. ii and Heury C Alien. 8. Maiy Ambrose, sent i'roni I lie Klflh Ward of the city of Ypsllanti, OU the I3tb day óf June, 1888. Ph.vHlciaiiH, Williani Pattison and Thomas P. Wllson. !i. Angeline Ilerzer. sent from tlie townshlp of sylvan, on thn '1 day of June, Ks:;. Physiciaiis, Ueorgu W. Palmer and Thcunais Shaw. 1U. (iottlol) Hetber, sent from the township of Lima, on the 24tn day of Jiily, 1883. Phytlolans, Thomas i. .Sulll vau and ThbnuM Lee. 11. AUítln Hansnti, sent from the First Ward of the city of Ypsllantl. on tlm :!lst day ofjuly, I88S. Pliyslcians, F. M. Oaltley and John V. Chainberlin. ÍS. Barbara Niethammer, sent from the Flfth Wam of Mie city of Ann Arbor, on the ÜOMi day of AuKUMt, U8Í. PhyslclSD, John Kapp and Willlam F. Breakuy. 13 Thomas Kaan, ent l'rcni tlie township of Northfield, ou the ll'th day of .Septftmber, WS'i. Physiclans, John Kapp auu William F. Breakey. 14. Patiick Ryan, "tbe great pugillst," sent from the city of Ypsllantl, on the lí'th day of September, 888. Pnyslcians, Joon Kappand Willlam F. Breakey. Of these foiitteen patients, the last two, Thomas Eagari and Patriiik Ryan, " the jret pn;ilist,-' wfíre by my orders made 8 oharge npon the Stilte, :nid Anstin Hnnson a chpi'jce upon Wayne coiinty. Xo appeal hui been taken from my decisions, and the of tlie.-e three patients will not be a charge upon Waflbtenaw county. The expenses of Geore F. Parker, at the asylum, have beeu jjaid by his friends, léavlng ten persons sent durinir the year the expense of whose mainlenanee at the asylum will have to be provided for by the eounty. I herewith have the honor to SÚbtnft to the Board the following eoramunication vvhicli I have reeelved from the Superintendent of the Eustern Michigan Asyluni: Hou. W. D. Harrlman, Tndge of Probate, Washtenaw couut.y : DearSir- I writo to inform you that the female department of the Kastern Mlebizan Asylum is practieally closed to the further admissiou of patients. To-day not a single vacant bed exists, and all ttie halls of the asylum are crowded beyoml tbe limlts which a due regard for the liealth of the patieuts dicta'esas proper. Underthe clrcumstances It is úseles to send female patients to the ! asylnm. They canoot be received, no matter I how pressing their cases niay be. until cíes are crealed by the discharge of those ' ready bere. In notifying you of this fact. I writé toask thatlu every caseeorrespoudence be held with the Medical Superintendent prior io grantingan order. In some instances It may be possible to arrange for an exehanüe of patients on the part of the county i authorlties. In the majority of instanues, however, it will be necessary to wait for the discharge of patients in the usual manner. It ís tbe deslíe of the offleers of the asylum to do all in their power with the llmited aecomodaMons at their disposal for the relief of those who have charge of insane persous. As an evldence of this ir may be stated that since October 1, 1882, 2K0 patients have been ddmltted for treatment. Female patients : can be received no longer. I wonld sollcit ; the pains taking co operation of the judges ] of probate and the other county oflScers. If j patients continue to be sent to the asyium as heretofore without previous correspondence wltn the Medical Superintendent, It will be inevilable tbat many will be subjected to useless and exhausting journeys, I have wriiten plainly so that bitter disappolntment to friends and useless expenditures of money on the part of the county oftlcers may be avolded. Very respectfully, HEXEY M. HUED, Ann Almos, Mich. Medical .Sup't. In view of this eommunication I would suggest to the board that it will be necessary to make provisions for receiving female patients at the county house, should there be any new cases hereafter, until such time as vaeanctes can be seeured for thein at the asylum. From a strict construction of the Btatutè, it would appear to be Ilegal to confine árt insane person longer thanten days in the county house or jail, bttt necessity knows no law. Respectfully submitted, AVILLIA.M D. HARRIMAN, Probate Judge. [r. Brown moved to refer the report of the Judge of Probate to a special committee of three. Afreed to. The chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Brown, Yost and Osborn. Mr. Krapf from the committee of the whole on the subject of the connty house made a report as follows : Your committee of the whole in aceordancc with a resolution to that effect visited the couuty house October 12tu, and found the farm and out-buildings and stock of all kinds in #ood condition, the house in excellent order and the poor lrovided with sood wholesome food and clothing. The superintendents and Mr. and Mrs. MeDowell deserve our thanks as well as liberal pay for their services in the good care they take of our unforturate poor and of the property belonging to the county. Report accepted and adopted and committee diacharged from the further consideration%f the subject. Adjourned to IJ p. m. AkTEUSTOOX ÖESIOf. Roll called. Quorum present. consent, Mr. Yaughn came before the board and made a statement regarding Ilegal taxation in the third district of Ann Arbor city. Referred to the prosecuting attorney. On motion the time for electiug superintendent of the poor T,?as extended to Thursday next at 2 o'clock p. m. Report of Dr. W. F. Breakey was reeeived, read and ordered tiled and referred to Committee on Public Buildings. Adjourned to 91., o'elock to-morrow morotng, M. S. COOK, (.'hatrman. TüESDAV, OCTOBER l(i. The board niet. Called to order by the chairman. Roll called. Quorum present. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Purtell, from the Committee on ('riniitial Claims No. 1. reportfd the foli'wing bilis, and recomniended their allowance at smns stated : Clalmed. Allowed. 13ti Nelson Sutherlaud, deputy sheriff. $ 5 52 5 22 Vn Paul Schal!, dept'y sheriff. 29 SS lfi 50 1;!8 Thos. Clarlti-ii. ; .. S SU 28 25 Adppted. Mr. Paul, from the Committee on Criminal Claims No. 2, reportad the following bilis, and reconunended their allowance at sums stated : lililí _ 39 George C. Page, JuhUc'T'IÍ 140 Jame 1. Katón, Consté '. $4i i ni D. C.Qrïffln ¦uïtioe'.;. 10 ;, I W M. M. Cainpbell. "." 'i' ! I I-i 8. H.IVrkins, '!' ' :ií 140 Robt " ' ¦¦!); uüíiaac'BÜtólür' ij 150 Jamos Kenlori. ¦ "' g 151 Jacob Brlegel, "' i I IM Henry Reno, . 5 Ï 1G8 A. H. Howaid, - - ' J 155 Henry M. DeMer. " "" í ,?' 'ij 150 Charles Lashén. """ ', I. I 13) Charles KÍlls, H '"? l0 Samuel Hartwell, " "' , V lS lil L. B. Carpenter, '" i 163 OrrlnOulver, . "' } 1H4 F red. Heiino - " 106 Alonso II. Noble, "' 168 11. H. Brinkerhoir, i iX 1OT A. J.Leech, - ) ls Wlllard B. Ifoff, . "' i jj ]9 Martin Kremer ¦ "' }? l 170 Henry Vnn Tuyl. " "' „ 1 171 CprnellUB Lang, "" J } 172 Henry 8. Houtell, " " fn 173 George Alban, . '" J I 174 Jndson E. Post, ¦ '" 175 Solomon Ostrander, '¦ " ÏX l 176 (.-(hkh Keshlar, ¦ "É JL ,, I 177 Keu ben D. Koyee, ' "' "J 17a UeiinU Uoyle, "" f" 17!) A.P. Bucklin, '¦ ¦ ' 180 BLE. Crltteudeu. " "' tu 1H1 James M. (;iiid(tr, " " ij 182 Isaac Weslermaii, " " 1KI John Terna. ¦ "' 184 8. G. Rowley. " a, 186 E.J. Johnson "" í , 188 B. F. Colé, ' .. '" ' W Ü. B. (Jross, - 1HS Adam Seyler, - " 189 Alouzo Biiss, ¦ '" , w 1D1 A. . Darrow, rí l'-tó H. L. Rose, '" J? fi 198 Marystllla, fe 1 Krederick Water S I W8 Jonathan 8prague, " Z I j7 Chris. MlllmanT " 2 i I ÍW Jesse Stevens, m 'I I 1W Mlcliael Daily, ¦ "" 5 1 'i Wm Rowley, witness 2 ¦ I ¦M i Paul Qulcksott. ¦ fe; 208 Frank Pearson ' " 5 ífM Jacob Nel lis, ' " (s I.. 205 E. A. Kldder, ' " 20(i C. A. Grlnneíl, ¦ '" ti I 2W7 V. b. 8nilth, .. - I 20H Allle Weatherby S i I 209 Nellle Moorman S I 210 Minnle Weattieríiv '" fí " 1 ¦211 eorse H. Jackson' „ f' I 212 Georie Palmer, 2 I 213 .Samuel Crabb, ¦ 7, " -'II W. H. Crabb, "" ' I 215 George Palmer, ¦ '" L, I -¦!(! Martín Alford. "" ,5 , J I 217 Ambrose Alford, " "' f -- ' "5 1 218 George Moffltt, " f ' " 21 Charles McKay " ix ' " 220 John Chapraan, '" 2 221 Roben Martin. "' tS , 2-22 Phüo E.Galpiii, ¦ ! S 5 223 Evan Popkln, ¦¦ " 224 Watson Ueer, " " S 2-2.", Wm.C. Murrkv, }S 22 Roben Martin, " " K S 227 George Palmer, " " 'i ," Orvis D. Walz, ¦ '" i , 22 Rachel Ring, S Ï 20 Stepben L. Huir, " " 21 Daniel Lindsav. " 2 Edward W. Bell, ' S Charles Ford, jí 234 Jabez B. Wortley, - " 11 286 Roben Wllson, '¦ "' 238 Sarah J. Wilson, " ..'. ss S7 C. Cunuingham, " ... jjg I S Elizabeth Ijampson, " ... ís Mr. Graves offered the foliowinp : Resolved. That the County Clerk sball jei the printing requlred by law ncluüiDgw term dockets of the circuit court to Uic-Um. est bidder, and that all bilis for prinUns other than that required by law shall nol t,e allowed by the Board of Supervisors unln aulhorized by the Commltteeon l'riming. Adopted. O ii motion of Mr. Harper, the electim ot' Janitor for the court house was po poned until to-morrow at 10 o'clock a. m Supervisors Seeger and Paul wercfscuseJ for the balaDce oL the day. Adjourned to IK p. m. Afterxoon Sessiox. Mr. Palmer f rom the Civil Claims I imttee, reported the following bilis and I rocoinineudL'd their allowance at nm stated : Claimed. Allowei. 239 I. N. S. Foster. C9mmittee on Public Buildings 23-50 04 240 B. F. Watts, repairs ou clock „ 150 Ion 241 George E. Frothingham, binding „ 1 00 1 244 Eberts Bros lótiO Ml 243 George E. Frothingham, printing 3 50 iü 344 George . Cropsey 2 10 21 245 Sheehan & Co., statlonery, 2 9-'i %U ¦iti Kalamazoo Publishing Co. 3650 Mi) 247 Dr. T. P. Wilson _. 500 M 248 Thompson I. Cfark 1450 11 249 Delaney & Hill, work for jail „.. 275 IX 250 H. J. lirown „ 628 I 251 H. E. H. Eower. printing.. 1000 loi" 251 Wines & Worden 3177 31 r 2.V! Dr.W. F. Breakey.witness, 3 00 Jeu 2-54 Morton F. Case 12M ll 255 Dr. D. P. Maclachlin, witness 500 31' 256 A. D. Crane. Justice 4 12 41Í 257 Marcus S. C'ook, witness... 3 Ml 3 258 W. D. Harriman 4 (X) i" 25 Dr. J. V. Chamberlain, witness .-. 3 00 31 260 Dr. F. M. Oakley 3oO % Mr. Purtell, from Committee on Criminal Claims o. 1, reported the followiiif bill of Joseph Gauntlett, üeputy Sherilf. and recoinuiended its allowance as stated: Claimed. Alloweil 261 Joseph Gauntlett $10760 Jt# Report of the committee accepted aml adopted. Mr. Wheeler, from Committee on Criminal Claims o. 2, reported the followini bilis and recommended their allowüK at sums stated : Claimed. Allowed 2i2 M. L. Shutts, Justice $ 17 86 Hfê 26M Eugene Oesterliu, witues.. 85 ¦ 24 Herman Ehnis 1 J 2B5 Fred.Ehnls J Í 2G8 George Egler 15 v Adopted. Mr. Palmer, from the Civil Claim Committeo reported the claim of Ann Arbor town, and recouiended thsrf it be referred to the Supervisor of Ann Arbnr town. Adopted. Pursuant to a reaolution tlie TrehmW presented the following: To the Honorable Board of Supervisor m Washtenaw County : Gentlemen.- I herewith transmit l statement of fine rnoney received from the different justices from Januwyl1 September 30th, 1883: A. D. Crane, Scic „_ ' ,,i B. K. Frueauff, Ann Arbor Citv ,5,0 M H. Brennan, Ann Arbor City ¦[l) 8. H. Perkins. Manchester. - m (ieorge C. Page. Scio 'v James Gauntlett, York =,fl E. Clark, Ann Arbor City Total --"600 Respectflilly submltted, FRED. H. BELSEK, Deputy County Treasurer. Adjourned to 9ló o'clock to-morro mOnli"gM.8.C00K,Chairn,n. W'ednksoav, Octobkr 17The Board met pursuant to aOjouriiment. Called to order by the Clmirman. Eoll called, quorum present. Journal of yesterday read, correcta and approved. On motion the Board proceeded to W election of a Janitor for the Court House foa the ensulng year, and on the tourt' ballot Spencer Crawford of Ann Ail" City having received a majorityof all I 'e Supervisors was declared elected Janttor. On motion thedutiesof the Janitor ai" his salary were fixed at the same as W year: 500.00 per annum, to be paw ij montlily instalments at the end of eüf' Hfr. Palmer from Committee on CT Claims reported the following bilis n1 recommended their allowance at an)S stated : Claimed. Allowed. 5 íhllng Bros., boota tor M ,. M M?H ?onnan-.íüs-Uce::: 4 50 $ Geoe Osiusv Co - 1T 46 1. L? j. ís. MoDowell. trausporReport adoptad. Mr. Paul from Committee on Criminal Claims No. 2, reportad Mie foSOWhsr bilis and recommeiuled their allowance at sums Étated: Claimed. Allowed. M Jame. H. Eaton, Consta- ( ,.,; M Ut M 100 86 is James ÜS 06 28 15 K M W Woodman.witness 4S MO Ñehemiah Morse -2 291 E. O'Toole Sj Emma Wallingtou 4S S Michael Clark - - 48 48 ¦il Oeorse Healey I Mary Gillen tó 4S fred I1 rey ¦! 4W M Emanuel Frey.- 4S 2M9 John Mlller 18 4 ¦WO Wm O'Reiley 8 84 8,84 fl Monis Wrtir .. 1 144 so-) Patrlck Kennedy 48 WMaryByoran 48 48 ¦M Dr. John Kapp J 48 Mg Earl Watr - 18 306 Ed. Bycraft 4S :wr Williaui Parker 4h IS Geo. M. Arnolcl 4 309 Ed. Revenaugli ¦ M S10 Charley Strong jUH.SUtBtm - 89 8 92 819 C. E. Holmes " ÍWJ Wm. McCreery 331 B. J.Conrad wm Accepted and adopted. Mr. Pnrtell from Oommittee mi Criiuinal Claims Ko. 1, rej}rte4 the following liillsand roconiínfndfd thcii-:llowiincv al sums statt'ii: Olaimeil. Allowed. SU A. W. Portel-, Deputy Sheriff WSl -Ï1 Í1ÜS 11 :f:i Thos. F. Leonard, Ueputy Sheriff. lUril IOS 98 Accepteu nd adopted. Mr. Wiieeler oftered the followiwg: Whereas, Tlie criminal expenses of thls Conntv have from year to year been increased to d álarming extent. Resolved, Tlmt a committee of three be appoioted by the Chairman of tliis Board to take into conskleration some method looklnz t the suppression of the tramp misance iu tliis County. Adopted. Mr. Graves offered the following: Wbereas, Dr. W'. F. Breakey havlng dlscliaigcd tlie duties of Pliysiciau and Surgeon iu Mttendance of prisoners at the Jail for the past yenr in a highly satisfactory manner and in view of the fact that the attendance requtred has been gxeater than usual and no exira compensation lias been asked, therefore, Resolveil, That Vs. W. F. Breakey be and he is hereby tendered tbe positiou of medical attemlant at tlie juil for the ensuing year ; such medical attendanoe to include tlie furnishlng of niedicineBand performing all surgical operations at the same compensation as received last year and that the Counly L'lerk be instructcd to withhold tbe adverttslng for proposals for such attendanee. Adopted. Mr. Browu oftered the followini; : Resolved, That the flfty ceut curren cy scrlpis8ued by Washtenaw Couuty and now in the office of the County Treasurer havlng been redeemed by the County Treasurer durIng the past year be deposited with the Washteuaw County Pioneer and Historical Society. Adopted. Mr. Graves was excused for the day. Adjourned to 1 } p; M. Afïernoox Stssiox. Roll called, quorum present. Mr. Purtell from Committee on Criminal Claims No. 1, reported the following liills and recominended their allowanoe at sums stated: Claimetl. Allowed. i-".) Volney H. Potter, Dept. Shfir'lft' $ 40 98 S 33 10 Adopted. Messrs. Davenport and Danfingburg were excused uutil to-morrow noon. Mr. Green for the Superintendente of the poor read their annual report which on motioii was ordered spread ou the Journal. Jleport of the Superintendents of the Poor for 1SS.J. To tbe Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of Washtenaw : The undersigned Superintendent of the Poorof said County respectfully submlt the following report of thelr work for the year ending September ,'io, L8S&, We have recelved, from the sources narned, tlie sums of money mentioned below : Cash to credit of the Poor Fund In County Treasury Sept. 30th, 1882 $2,180.:)0 Amount appropriated by Supervisors r 000 00 Cash from City of Aun Arbor 584 jl Cash from Town of Augusta 05 00 Cash from Towu of Bridgewater ji 48 Cash from Town of Kreedom 10 10 Cash from Town of Lima- f3 00 ' " Iodi 37 l: " Lyndon.. 8 93 " '' Manchester 13S 02 " " " Saline 84 m " Scio 101 46 " Sharou- H.") 00 " " " Sylvan 288 40 Cash from Town of Webster 66 00 " York lílii 88 " " City of Ypsllanti188 89 Cash from Hay sold 137 tó " " Flourand Breadstuffssold 20 20 ' " " Pigs and Calves sold 34 00 " Subjects sold the University 21 00 " Hides sold 8 45 " (íroceries sold„ :! í " Orease sold ir, kh 11 Sundriessold 60 8d " Relief money returned 14 oo Total Cash received S9,;!927I Accounts for relief supplied in the varloús locallties named below have been audlted by us, and paid by our checks on the County Treasurer as follows, vlz. : , ASS ARDOR TOWNSHI!". PS r- Davis__ $2 33 gothlnj " __ ffi „, ¦Med. services " ¦lo oo '"ifis _tr. - :: 1 , rood- " _ s oo Transp.Co.House " 3 oo tea B4 AN ARBOR CITV, lST AND 'Jll WA111W. f,d L. Davis__ 28 28 Hed . Wm.Aprlll, SlO, Davis, ?12 a1' 00 Food- ' 17 m fransp.Co.House " TI 10 7:! 78 Ot ANN ARBOR CITY, 3ü AND 4TH WARDS wSuT- if-S Clüthlng-.McDowell, J6 Davis,,___ a ..n I'oorl-transient-L. Davis" 28 85 TranBp.Co.House ' ._ (j 248 08 UW ARBOR CITY, ÓTH AXD 6TH WAK1.S. wöod;;; ?¦ Burials.. ¦. - Kood_tran.slent-..I.S.Now: land, L.60, I,. Davis, 2.1)1, 1 41 ' 3 09 ACGUSTA. cíothlnf' ¦ nansiburs„. 9 00 Transp.Co.House ! í! Superv. services. ¦¦ f, 21 00 DKTTBR. Food- Mc.Quilliui, 50.99, L. Davls, 17.M 9s Q3 Wood McliuMlaii - ü uo Mcil. services - L. Davis, Lyman, 45.00, Mo(iuillan. 87.65 nu 65 Super visor's services- McQuUian- 1 00 8 !I8 MANCHK.STKR. Med. services... H. Burch - '.) TS Food- trunsient - A. Oase, 8.25, H. Huren, 29.60 32 86 Buperv. services, II. Burch, 25 00 UT 60 PITTSFIKI.I). Food M. F. Case- 9 ÜB Med. services __ 8 00 Superv. services " .. 2 (PO líl 25 SALEM. Med. services, T. D. Lane- 30 00 SALISC. Transp. Co. House, Young, 4.00, Keeger, 3.00 7 00 Nurerv. services, - Young ¦2.110, Reeger, 2.00 4 00 . 11 00 se 10. Food Waite, Jr.,.. 5 on Komt, traiisient- " __ 4 15 Transp. Co. Huuse " __ 3 00 - 12 15 sri'Knroit. Food MeDougall - 9 00 Clothing " ._ 12 00 Med. services " _. rï 00 7:; 00 SVLVAN. Food Gilbert- 33 25 Clothing " 1 ,")i Med. services " ... 10 00 Food. traiisient-. " __ 1; 25 51 00 VORK. Food Blakeslee . 40 !0 Med. services _ 12 tifl l'ransp.Co.House " _. :i nr, Superv. services. " 4 00 til 15 YPSII.AJ.TI. Food D. B. Oreen__ 12 51 Wóofll _. 1 38 Med. services ' _. 31 00 Búrlala " .. S 00 65 89 VPSir.ANTI CITY, lST DISTRICT. Food D. B. Green__ 28 16 Wood- " _. 121 87 'loüling " - 8 75 Med. services " __ 75 50 liaríais .. 13 00 Pood, " 1 10 rransp.Co.House " _ 7 (X) 3.V. :!S YPS1I.ANTI C1T1 . 2l DISTRICT. Food D. B. Green- 38 37 Wood „ mi jg Clothing " „ 3 7". Med. services, Superinteudeuls, 20.UO, U.B. Green. i.oo. 39 00 Burláis D. B. Green.. 10 00 Food, translent, M. L. Shutts 64 S Transp. to Co. House, D. B. Green 1 50 Supervisor's services, M. L. Shutts 16 TO' aas 00 TRANSPORTATION To FRIENDS. M. C. R. Il L. Davis91 65 , VI. L. Shutts .Shutts- ,V lï D. B. Greenu Greeue- 3 Ou Toledo & A. A. R. R., L. Davis 9 80 I. I,. Gllbert Gilbert- 1 05 V. Dansingburg Dansingourg 12 00 H. Burch Burch- 16 45 M. Suge Sage,. 5 ()0 las. H. F.aton Eaton.2 00 P. O'Hearn O'Hearn2 ;0 1H-J 50 SUPERINTENDENT' SERVICES. L. Davis 83 05 D. B. Greene 67 10 AlbertCase 9 70 Wm. April l! 00 105 85 EXPENSB ACCOUNT. Albert Case S 22 00 L. Davis 20 GO D. B. Green 22 05 James McMahon 10 75 John Costello 1 75 Jno. 8. McDowell 3 15 C. Mack (insurance on wheat) 9 00 A. V. Robison & Son 1 50 $ 89 80 Transportation of Iusane to I'ontiac 10 65 Total expended outside ot' County House S 1,963 27 We report ainounts expended at, County House, as i'ollows : HELP ACCOUNT. John 6, McDowell $ 600 00 Day labor paid for 6 00 George Pitkin 133 33 Burt Thompson 131 97 Phebe Kobinson 12 50 Kate Kouse 130 00 Lizzle Tasco Z 78 00 James Schofield 113 12 J. Rehlmeyer 28 20 C. F. R. Bellows, surveying 2 5U I'hos. Farrell 2 00 Christian Frey 1 50 S. & D. Platt 7 5I (ieo. Alexander 7 50 Arthur Beedle 11 00 Slieldon & Co.; threshiug- . 24 11 I. Blackhall 14 i7 r. I.eah 14 97 1'. Gul lacher 12 Sg s. Holgate 1 88 - S 1503 03 BOOKS AND STATIONERY. r. S. McDowell $ 9 20 L. Davis... 1 20 Frank Smith _ 6 90 $ 17 80 PO'RK ACCOUMT. George Bohnet S 58 00 John Harria - $ 156 9s il Blaess 108 6S M. Keek 32 li J. G. Feldkamp 100 63 N. Redner 56 48 J. Cook - - 128 32 C. Frey 30 :i0 James Cairns 15 88 Rinsey & Seabolt, salt 16 50 JohuG. Gall 1 45 $ 701 84 T,ess grease sold 15 8.9 S 68S 05 I HEEK ACCOUNT. John G. Gall 8 112 61 (i. S. Gwinner 3 80 C. Frey 325 20 R. Kellogg 294 60 J. 8, McDowell 1 5 Farm stock account 100 00 Í 838 16 Less hides sold 8 45 829 71 DRY GOODS AXD BEDDING. Charles Root fc Co.. - S 474 14 J. H. Lyman _7J0 - ft CLOTHINÖ. Heavenricb Bros -S 87 50 H. A. Newland & Co 25 88 Schlos Bros. & Co 54 00 A. L. Noble 11 90 .T. S. McDowoll 7 40 J.T. Jacobs 4 50 Chas. Root & Co. - 75 20 $ 265 88 BOOTS AND SHOKS. A. í,. MeGraw & Co S 64 86 Henry Krause 6 25 A. M. Doty. 21 65 A.D.aeyler _9_50 $ OROCKRIBS AND PROVISION.S. Rinsey Seabolt 9 459 89 Dean&Company 19124 H. .1. Brown & Company... 13 50 Donnelly & O'Kane 6 00 C. Klng & Son 67 87 J. S. McDowell 4117 B. F. Farrington & U 5 95 E. W. Bowen 25 50 O. A. AJqswojth 85 50 F. Andrews 9 00 85.) 92 3 li . s 852 47 ! KI.OUR AND HKKAIJSTIKF. Swatliel, Kyer & Peterson.. S 6 00 HAY, KAÏN AND FKEU. CK. By hay sold suudry persons,? 137 95 HAEDWABK. C. Kberbach l" 2 FURNITURE. F. K. Rexford Í 40 76 A. Bell - - 24 00 Wines& Worden 4 13 Rhelm Assenhelmer 00 .1,8. McDowell 2 85 $ 77 24 FARM IMPLEMENTS ASII HEKDS. (eo. F.lliot 47 40 Walker & Bro 35 00 M. Rogers 2 W A. Bohnet 24 &S lïinsey & Seabolt 1 37 J. F. Stabler 44 00 A. E. Thompson - 40 00 J. S. McDowell i B F.Wagner.- -_3 , „ CROCKERY AND OLASSWAKE. Dean fc Co S 17 29 L. VShimoud - _26_28 g liLACKSMITHrNG. A. Botiuet j j 35 WOO1I AND COAL. Upo. P. Elliott Í 14 00 sn h Sumner .1" ti George Bohnet 189 00 D. Ccidy . ju 1''. K. Rexford "_ ¦i'Jg jij f 83a 0 lUi:os AN1 MKD1CIXF.S. H. .1 Iirown ( „ s n :!ll tv Manu _ n -.- J. s. MoDowëfl ... II.:""" 70 8 23 7.". MKIUI'AL ATTF.XIlAXrK AT OOUNTV HOUSE. Dr. Wm. Pattison jj 143 s2 '" " " exainina's 12 UO E. B. Dunster ... ___ ;j 00 158 32 STOCK ACCOUNT. Kr. Shenper, v. s S 3 00 J. S. McDowell 75 mi Lee Vost ?r (K) Eusrene B. Hall 75 co Wm. Burke 7 00 $ 235 00 UBS8 stock to beef account _ 100 110 S 135 00 TOBACCO. B. F. Fnrringtou & Co ..$ 114 50 J. 8. McDowell 2 75 H. J. Brown & Co 75 118 00 SUNDKIES. J. T. Halleck 14 92 S 34 40 RKFAIRS. .1. S. McDowell ï 5 (irt Walker Bros SB 00 John Lowry __ 30 L. Ciruner : 1 () (ieo. Feiner __ 23 25 C. lx. Yost 8 20 P. Viesel 4 00 Wm. Arnold 2 05 Jüitzel & CO '...'. 48 8? . - $ 122 19 l'AINTS AND OIJ..S. W. H. H. Boylan & Co. $ 327 19 Hutzel & Co 9 63 E. Manu 1 90 ' $ 338 72 BCKIAL AccoirxT. .1.11. Niemau $ jj: :i2 50 FRRIQIIT ACCOUNT. Mich. Cent. R. R $ 149 00 J. S. McDowell 5 20 $ 154 20 Total expended at County House % 7,2ü9 15 RECAPITULATIOX. Total received from all sources f 9882 14 Expended outside of Co. House S1H63 27 Expended at Co. House 7259 13 Pan old orders 39 00 Balance in Co. ïreasury, Sept. 30, 1883 130 74 Í 9392 14 The following amounts are due the Poor FuihI from Cities and Towns for last year's board and care of paupers: Aim ArborTown $ 18 00 Ann ArborCity,2st and 2nd Wards 315 12 Ann Arbor City, 3d and 4tli Wards 400 17 Augusta 105 68 Bridgewater 70 20 Freedom ___ 40 50 Lima 121 50 Lodi 70 20 Manchester 188 :c; Pittstleld 24 30 .Saline _._ 127 7I Scio 200 20 Sharon.__ 70 20 Superior . 70 20 Sylvan 381 25 Webster 70 20 Ypsilanti City, lst District, 122 85 " 2nd " 252 23 " Town 233 44 York 140 40 A 3(122 30 The County Farm consists of 120 acres valued at ..__ SlOOOO 0O1 The estimated value of buildings is 15000 (X) I 25000 00 The farm producís for the year i-j m 1 im Sept. 30, 188:1, were is folio we : 635 bu. wheat worth ïl 635 fX ".'! " oats " 35c 88 :V 800 u eara of corn worth 35c 280 0O 625 " of potatoes " 40c 210 00 50 " " turnips " 23c 11' 50 5 " " ontlons " SI 5 00 60 tons of hay worth ?10. 800 0 Products of garden worth.. 150 OU ' " 9 cows worth $40 each 3(iO Oi) Swineaud lncrease of same worth.-L .„t 226' 25 Poultry and increase of same worth 50 00 t -2517 10 Estimated value of pauper labor $ 75 00 . $ 75 00 The farm stock consists of 4 horses valued at $200 each 800 00 9 cows valued at #40 each,- 3tiO 00 l buil " " $30 30 OU 35 hogs aiurpigs valued at- 196 00 8 turkeys valiied at 50c 4 IX) lOOchickens ' "30c 30 (X S 1420 1 The estimated value of farm implemi'iits on hand is $ 850 01) Of household i'urnlture 2200 W ' clothing 1.50 00 " boots and shoes 75 00 " grocerles-- - 50 00 " dry goods, etc 100 0( lObbls. porkat16 50 is 165 00 60 cords ot' wood at 5_ 300 00 100 tons of coal at Í7 700 00 90 lbs. of tobáceo is 32 50 $ 1197 5 Total personal valuation, t 8IM2 5 Whole numberof male paupers maintalned during the year 129 Whole number of female paupers 50 Total number maintalned 185 1 Theavarage number maintained 71 Whole number umler lfi-17 of idiots. 8 Average " " " 8 Whole " " - 3 Average " " " Whole " " mutes- Average " " " - - 3 Nativity of paupers : American 76 Canadian 8 Knglish - 10 IriHh 40 Scotoh 2 (Jerman 37 Swedes- Italian 1 Negroes. Average number of persons supported at Co. House for the year endingSept. 30, 1883, is 8L At at average cost per week of S 1 35 We estímate expenses for year endicigSept. 30, 1884, as follows : Keeper and matron ---$ 6(X 0(1 Cook and kltchen help 450 08 Farm labor 380 IX 1 Med. services and med 160 0( Boots and shoes 125 UO Drugs and medicines 40 00 Palntsand olls - 25 00 Improvement account 300 00 Tobacco 100 00 Keef 800 00 port :::;::::::.:. 700 m Groceries and provlslons- 900 00 Dry goods and bedding 400 UO Booksandstationery- 40 00 Clothing. 30 00 Repairs 250 0O Flourand breadstufls ai I" Wood and coal 700 00 Temporary relief l'OO (X Hardware 175 Farm implemeutsandseeds 100 00 Freights -- " Transportation s"0 00 Ciockery and glassware 40 0 lilacksmithing ' Expense account 100 00 Lumber W l' Furnlture -- - 50 0(1 Miscellaneou8 J4_0t. $ Of the amouut estimated as needful lor current expenses of ensulng year, we respectfully ask you to appropriate anü raise by taxation the sura of 7,0OO. Last year, having $2,000 in tbeTreasnry, and not wishing to keep an idle balance of that amount In the Treasury, we only asked o! vou $5 000. This year with only a nominal rnar"in we ask $7,000- but ín jieither case more tiian in our best judgment is necessary. s Intimated to membersof the Bord, wher at the County House, we propose some improvements at the County Farm in the way of tile draining, and for that reason have placed a larger amouut thau usual under lue fiead of "Improvement account.' Wealso deem it absolute neeüful to have anotherbarn for storage at County Farm, and respectfully ask you to ralso the moneyand erect a bain there under dlrection of a Committee of your own body, or otherwjse as you may see fit. We also ask your especia attentlonto the improved sanitary condit on of thetnraates of the County House s the resultof the greatly reduccd consamplion of iliu"S We believe our present potiey the only true one for such a comrounity. Jt is worklngwell.and with constautly improving results. In conclusión, we toeuk you for vourimstconfldence and support. We have carefully estimated our needs for the ensulng year, and whüe we ask and expeet your favorable conslderatlon of them, wepledgeourbestendeavors that the money you cnirust to us shall be c-arefully and judlclously expended. Ki'spoctfiill.v submltted, ('ointv HiirsK, Oet. H), Htv!. I,. DAVIS, ' Superintendent of D. B. QBÉENE, the l'..or,,r W'M. Al'lilf.L, ) Washlomiw County. Befaamd to eommittee to examine aecountsof Superintendente of the Poor. Adjourned to H'í A. m. to-mon-ovv. M. IS. COÜK, Chalrman, Thürsdat, Octqbbk 18. Boanl met as agreed to. Callcd io order by tlie Chainnan. Koll called. Quorum present. Journal of yesterdu y read uid approved. Mr. Paul from Conimittee on Criminnl ! Claims Xo. 2, reponed the follovinï bilis and recommended their allowunce at suma stated: Claimed. AlloweU. 3-21 Jaspor Imus. -SiO9 94 $175 81 Kio Eli S. Munly, . " ___" 93 Cl i 24 SM Williamstanfleld," II 12 40 14 40 3-27 H. A. Smith, Justice li 25 6 95 328 Myron VVebb 31 45 28 70 Report adopted. Mr. Purtell from Committee on Criminal Claims No. I, reponed the fo)lowinr hill and recomineiuled its allnwance al suiu stated: Claimed. Allowed. 32H'4 J. C. Preston, Deputy Sheriff. '_$ 31 45 $ 28 96 Adopted. Mr. Palmer from Committee on Civil Claims rfeported the follgwlmr bilis and recommended their allowtu'iue ut siims stated : Claimed. Allowbd. 330 Wm. Herz __S 9 08 $ ft 03 881 John N'.Bailey, Prlntiug, etc 270 10 -IK.-, 90 Mr. Palmer al.-o. without iwiiiuiicinlation, reported bilt ol'.Iohu Keek it Co., which on motio'ii was laid 011 the tunle. The Chair announced as ihe ('ommittee on the tramj) nuisaiiee,8upervisois ! Ier, Purtell and Vost. Mr. Westen oilered the following: Resolved, That the Comraittte on Public Rutldings beor.lered to furiiish tor tneCoun ty Treasuror's office a case for.assessmuiit or tax rolls, Blanks, etc said case to be of same ! slyleand inuke as those now lii the other 1 county otnees, and that Mie committee be instructed to sell tlie case now in the otiice to the best advantage. Ou motion of Mr. Graves the resol ution was laid on tlie table. Mr. Braun moved to reconsider the vote of yesterday by whicli a portion of Jacob Knapp's bill was disallowed. Which was lost. Mr. Purtell ofte red the following rosolution: Resolved, That all the uecssary supplies (exeept provisions for the Jall) needed lor and in theseveral county offices and for the jaü and on and iu the several county buildings be under the supervisión of tbeCominittee. on Public Buildings and that said couimittee be requested to render to the Board of Supervisors of tuis county an iteml.ed accountof expenditures and thttt said report be made ou the first day of the Öfltobtjr sessloti of I ¦ - 1 1 and that the furnishing of supplies o far as practicable be let to the lowest responsible bidder. Mr. McDqugall moved to lay 011 the table, which prevailed by tlie following vote : Yeas- Messrs. Burch, Dansingburg, Davenport, Feldkamp. Oilbert, Harper, Krapf, McDougall, McQ,uillan, üsborn, Paul, Sbutls, Westou and W'heeler. Nays- Messrs. Braun, Brown.Cook, Graves, Howlett. Jedele, Palmer, Purtell, Seeger and Yost. Yeas, 14. Nays, 10. Mr. Krapf from CotumittPe on Public Buildings presented the following report: Ank Akiiok, October 17, 18S3. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw Oounty. GektIEMEN- We the undersigned Committee on Public Buildings appoimed by the Honorable Board of Supervisors of 1882. and assigned certain duties to them, would respectfully present this, our final report with the expense account annexed. The buildini on the county farm, knowiv as the pesthouse, burntdown in November iasl,theSuperintendents of the Poor and your committee met. 1 and agreed to put up a building 20x30 fee', 12 feet hijh.uni! in two departments,wlth stone foundation, an outhouse and cisteru. The building bas been completed ready for your inspection, total cost, $561.19. The repairs made in the County Poor House were charged to peslhouse account, are $79.02. deducted from pesthouse accouut leaves the above figures. We also found it necessary to put Mp a storm-door and shed at the jall. we only i jkay for material, as the work was mostly áone by a prlsoner. We would also report, that a flre occured Gil February 5, 1S83, in the north-east coruer roem in the basement of the court house; carenas handling of gas-metor was the cause Thedamage was $27., which was promptly paid by the several insurance agenta, you can see account iu expense account. We also report, that the fence in court yard square bas been removed, and the material taken off tlie ground, we don't know that any person was authorized by the Board of i Supervisors to remove said fence, this matter ought to be investlgated. We have bought a patent lock with 5 keys, and put on the east entrance door 01 eourt house, for the accoinodatlon and concillation of certain county ofllcers. the cost is 812 ..0. We uave also made contracts for two book cases, one for the Register's office for S8J.70, and one for the Probate office for $125.00, also one In the Treasurers office. We have also bought of Keek Co, iurniture, for probate office and supervisors room for $31.50. We have also changed the statrs from clerk's office to court room, which stáirs were held to be dangerous in going up or down. We have 1 also changed the so called balcones on north and south sldeof court house.and put up iron I crestings. and a tin roof, which was needed very much. We have also sent and received four lights of plated glass, as 110 dealer wants to keep on hand such glass, and so sent for them, takes a long time. We have on hand five lights, two for office doors, two for court room, and one for east or west entrance. The tileing in the halls were In bad condition aud had to be repalred,the bilis of the several amonóla you will flnd in expense account. We have also insured the building on the county farm for three years, in good and : liable companies, the pollcys are deposited 1 in the treasurer's office. We have also sold 300 pieces of slate to the Ann Arbor Gas Co., and 975 pieces to Mr. P. Woodruff for 75 cents per 100, also 1-20 to C. Krapf at the same rate, aud uave Mr. P. Woodruff the privilege of taking 2,000 pieces more for Mie low price of 50 cents per 100, for we would gel no higher bid at the auction. We deem it very neeessary to have an 11ventory taken of tlie furniture and flxtures of every office and other rooms which con - tain such furnlturè and flxtiires, so that the county muy know what we have in the court house, what wlll be wore out, or destroyed, or . There are other matters which need the attention of the Board, but, as our report is lenethy already, we will say that all this is respectfully submitted. with all the bilis of labor and 'material ordered and a'llowed by the committee. 'CONRAD KUAPK, ) Com. ontPl]blIc M. S. COUK, - Hiiiiiünt" I. N S. FOSTER, f Buildings. VEST HOT'SE AOCOUNT. 1882. 1 Deo 10. ToBill of lumber and shingles.$189 90 Freight ou lumber and shingles 12 00 K. Graf, moson work 89.7? ,T. Moran, brick - 22 50 (Jolllns fnrlime 9 94 Hutzel tor ventilator 510 F. A. ftorg for glnss 8 40 Feb 33. To Luick & Bro., mouldlug 1 2o ¦ Two door Trames, oaksills ... 10 Work on oornice M0 Water lime J Schuh, hardware 14 HS J. W. Hunt. hardware 2 70 Chr. Schmid, lumber Ui 48 Three lights, sash and glass... M 88 ] E. Fleming, tin work 161 L. Curti8,21 days aud 2 hours work 42 40 Ed. Elsenhard, 15 days and S hours work BI 00 ,T Kiting, ñ days work 10 tü J. J. Hiinsey, 2 days and P hours wr rk... 80 Four doors ;.. 00 Five pair large sash 5 00 Twosmall sash 26 Seven wlndow irames, two small 1 One privy - lo 00 Expeuse goiug to Detroit, unloadlng cars and assortltis lamber 10 90 Twehtv-cightdays work from Pee. ")r to Maren 8, 1888 5(i 00 Painting and. glazing, paint and oil SfrW Total "" Feb. Si. Pald J. Mupblig's blll 3.50 Fletcher Bro. 's blll, carpenter work 7 33 Ferdon, lumber blll 7 91 John Waguer'Sbill 't 00 Luick Bro., aüli flooriug 41 80 Total n tiflO I Balance due cotmnittee $ 11 ai 18S2. Cr. Nov.24. By order ou ïreasnrer Sito 00 Uec. - . 75 00 1888. Jan. 0. " " " le,") Oí) Mar. 3. " " ' 15000 " H. ' " (KI Total $690 00 1883. Work and material at poor house to be creditedto pest house $ 79 02 Mar. 6. To Celling, strips and nnlls for walrisootlng 11 60 Luraber l'or stairs and en closlng 8 08 Laying ash floor 180!) Work putting up wainscoÜng 8 50 Work on stairs 12 00 Work on oíd Hoor 4 00 Nails used lor stairs 60 Lumberaud nails lelt 2 09 Paiuting 14 0U Total $ 79 02 Mar. 6. To Ash floorlng 41 86 Total $120 88 Lumber and nails sold to oommlttee 2 B'J Total cost of Poor House $118 19 To balance' on account 11 :1 Lumber bold to Ï 09 Due to coinmittee $ 8 62 Changos to Pest House $61" 71 Credit trom Poor House 7 6.: Í538H9 Add brick 22 50 Total costof Pest House Í560 5H Mar. 6. To Oardner, work on stairs and material faiSí-7 John Muehltg, bookcases 8 20 50 J. Muehlig, contract lor book cuse 1 ,7 00 Wn, Herz, paintiu 78 28 Wm. Herz, glass. freiglu and ourtage 5J 21) G Koelim. Assenhelmer uud Kilguss 71 65 Kü. l'lemmiug, tin work 75 .,: Mr. Banuiin, bilí l'or crestint? 56 74 K. A. Hoi(, paint and glass.... 33 90 J. Keek &. Co , luruilure 81 5U (' Sclimid, lumber 20 48 Ani. ,n : isele, stouework 15UU S. James, repairing tileiug lo bail 1586 Mr. Foster, lock 12 30 ü. Fietcher & Bro., carpenler work 7 33 Mr. O. Sorg, paiuting and gilding 8 56 Mr. Lucas & Tesemer, masón worti 8 13 J S. Tol bert, lumber 1083 J. W. Hunt, hardware 6 30 Eberbach, hardware 1 H5 Sflmh, hardware _ 1 W) Freigbl, check, cartage oí post and eresting 1 67 Rinsey & SeaboK 275 Mr. Horton for labor 5 00 Hortons blll 6 65 C. Krapf, labor and material. 60 33 J. Muehllg EXPENSES ON JAIL. J. Schuh, for stove and hardware $ 31 60 0. Krapf, carpeuter work ... 2175 Tolbert, lumber 12 16 Herz's blll 22 47 E. Mann 1 H0 J. Wagner 1 50 Talbert, lumber 7 91 1(12 49 1883. Cr. May 4. By order on Treasurer $ 50 00 Sept.17. " ¦ ' 50 iO - 19. " " "' 55 () " 24. " " " 45 00 $200 00 The committee received the followtng bilis: To balance frora Pest House $ 8 63 Paid Hoehm, Assenheimer and Kilguss 71 85 Paid E. Flemming, tiuware 5iO0 l'aid Wm. Herz, glass 24 HB Paid I. Blackburn, trimming trees 200 Paid George Darrow, moving debria 1 00 Piid Horton for work 5 00 Paid hardware for cupbard use 2 36 Paid for wires at Kberbacb for cupbard. 75 Paid for frelght and cartage on two glass bilis 163 Paid check, freight and cartage on rest; and crestitiB 1 67 Paid C. Krapf on bilí 30 63 Total $20U00 EXPKNSES CAU.SED BY FIKK FEBEUAKY 5, 1883. Feb. 8 to 13, carpenter work by D. Fietcher & Bro 8 10 Lumberand nails 4 40 Kleiuming for work and galvanized lron 6 50 F. A.Sorg, for glass 2 00 Lucas & Tesemer, masón work 85 Committee paid Knipt S4, Foster $1 5 00 Paid Horton for cleauing 1 00 $27 85 Ins. Paid. Agent Joslvn. on Court House.. ..$3,800 $2 49 Ageut Ha millón 9500 6 19 Agent Kessions 7,500 4 00 Agent Ti emain 9 000 5 89 Agent Whedon 4.800 3 14 Agent C. Millen 8,000 51 Total on house $4-J,H09 $27 85 Report retened to Coinmittee on Civil Claims. Adjourned to ll{ '"¦ Afternoon Session. Called to oriler. Quorum present. Tile hour for the election of Superin tendent of the Poor arrived, on motion the board proceeded to elect by ballot. Messrs. Gilbert and Howlett as tellers. First ballot: Wliole ni:mber of votes, "). Lorenzo Uuvis received 13 votes, Frank Hovvard received 11 votes, and blank one vote. Lorenzo Davis having received a majority of all the. votes was declared elected. Mr. Seeger was excused for the balance of the day, and Mr. Brown was excused for to-morrow. Mr. Purtell moved to reconsiderthe vote by which the bilí of T. F. Leouard was passed yesterday. Agreed to. On motion the bilí was recomoiitted to the Coinmittee on Criminal Claims No. 1. Adjourned until to-morrow moruing at Vli o'eloek. M. S. COOK, Chalrman. Fkidav, Octoiíer 19. Board met pursuant to adjourninent. Called to order by the chairmaii. Koll called. Quorum present. Mr. Purtell, from Coinmittee on Criminal Claims No. 1, reported the Ibllowing bilis, and reconnnended their allowance at suins stated : Claimed. Allowed. 332 R.W. Shaw, Deputy Sheriff. $147 36 $ 90 40 333 Wm. O'Reiley, Deputy Sheriff. 14180 97 59 1 3S4 A. W. Porter, Deputy Sheriff 224 21 15591 335 F. F.Wallace, Under Sheriff. 231 43 231 43 Adopted. Mr. Osborn was exoused for the balance of the week. Mr. Buicli was excused for the balance of the week by the following vote, the yeas and nays having been called for : Yeaa - Messrs. Braun, Cook, Dansingtiurg, Davenporl, Feldkamp, Gilbert, Graves, Howlett, Jedele. Krapl, McQuillan, üsborn, Palmer. Wbeelerand Yost. Nays- Messrs. Harper, McDougall.O'Hearu, Paill, Purtell, Seeger, Shutts and Weston. Teas, 15; navs, 8. On motion Mr. Palmer was excused for the baluime of the week. Mr. Paul, from the Committee on i nal Gkiina No. 2, reporfed the followiuw bilis, and recomuieuiled tlieir allowance at siuiis stated : Claimed. Allowed. 896 ('. Millman, deputy marshal -Í24O 90 Í1S3 22 ::!7 K. t'laik.Justice 637 50 632 70 838 l E. Wlnegar, wltness- 1 2-1 1 2 339 E. S. Perry, " ... 1 9) 1 2.1 340 Jonn Taylor, " __ 48 48 341 D. J. Loomls, ¦! _.. kí 842 H. M Colé, - ... 1 íi 1 23 848 Ed. Wils'in, ' - 1 2: 1 2.3 S44 B. J. JobJKBOn, " - 48 48 315 .1. Henderson, " _.. 48 48 :!1' .las. siiiitb, " _.. 1 32 1 :; 347 r. E Wtoegar, " .„1 32 1 82 3is T. F. Leonard, !' __. 1 32 182 349 John Loney. " - 1 32 1 32 B30 John Louey, " - - 1 32 1 32 Adopted. Mr. Graves írom ( 'ommittee on Civil Claims ic,..ric,l the followinií bilis and recomraended thelr allowance at mms stated : . , Ctaímea; Allówéd . l íw.0eooge, ervlcesou inuuest- . i -,oo f 8 (0 ¦í'i-2 M'. 1). Harrlrnan, postare, s, 00 23 00 868 Hutzel Co 7X38 78 88 3óí Harh & Abel " 27 83 27 88 855 .Jas Tolbért fu 356 J. A. Polhemoa 3 uo BÖ0 357 A'. ". Robison & Son - M :i 00 368 Joseph C. Preston os oo ;3í 50 :;.")i Win. Pattlsou 3 uo s oo 390 Jolin Haupt lio t) 361 C. Eberbach 31.08 2! 23 itíL' .1. .). (iooilyear 17 :) i::u SUS Byron Un-eu a 00 ' 00 Adopted. Mr. Graves trom ;une Conimittée ivportíd the bilí ol' Douglaag & Uo. Report aCCepted ud oh motion, tiic I urther eon.sideration Of the bilí wus ÜlíUefinitely postgotied by llic iollmvinií volé, tilo yeasand nays havlng been etiliéd tor Yeas- Messrs. Cook, Danslúfburai Davenpori, uilbert, Harper, HowleU, McUhijíhII. AluQuillan, Seegor, Weston, Whueirr and Yost. Xays -M#SSrs. Braun, Fektkanip. í;r:ics Jeüelc, Krapr, O'Hearu, Paul and l'urtell. Yeas - i; uays - tí. Mr. Paul froin Commitcee on CíimtiiBl Claims ÜSó. 2 reponed bilis of Milo A. Itowe and Erastu Loyaii tor services in arrcsting horse thieves and í-eeonniieuded that t'ui'ther coiisiduration of hiiU lie indeünitely postpoued. Agreed lo. Mr. Gilberl oíl'cred Lhe tollowiug : Resolved, Ttyat the Superintendent of the Poor elcuted by this Board, liiüoyulred togive iionds in the amount heletofofe givert.aöd thal SupLTvisoi K i api and flowlótt be appointed ;i l 'olnmüuc to )resent sucll botids Lo this Jiward at Lhe lit'xl session ïoï approval. Adopted. Mr. Grillen appeared .betore the Btard in behalt of lii claim tor services as coroi:er disallowed a tew dajs ago. On niotion Rule 18 was suspended and the claim allowed. Claimed. Allowed. 361 D.C'. Grllt'enjustice serservices as corones $ 5 lö í 5 4li Adjourned to liv. M. Afïerxoon Skssiox. Koll Called. Quorum present. Mr. Braun moved that this Board hold uu adjourned session on Monday ncxt at 11 o'clOCk', A. M. Agieed to. Mr. Paul from Gomraittee on Criminal Claims No. 2 reported the ibllowing bilis and recoramended their allowanee at sumsstated: Claimed. Allowed. 3R5 Phillp Vftuets&t, liistice, fiai S5 Í21I2 18 3titi Kugene K. KrueaufF, " 485 58 196 ü" Adopted. Mr. Jedele moved to talco from the table the resolution of Mr. Purtell relating to certain duties of the Committee oa Public BuUUigs, Lost. Mr. McQuillan, from (.''oinmittee on Per Diem. Allowance, pieseuted the following: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtetraw County : Your tJoinmittee on I'er Diem Allowance respcctfully report the attendanoe, travel, per dleni allowance, milease, and total compensation of the respective .Supervisors for the present session as follows: Js L_ s_ ë_ }'. O'Hearn 12 1 86 00 tOO.12 36.12 B. Brown 1-2 1 36.00 00 12 31) 18 F. B. Braun 12 8 3.o(i 0i)..3i!:ii.:!i! W. Dansingburg 1 I5 36 oo i sos7 80 H. M. Palmer 12 ;i5!3f 00 4 20 30.20 R. McQuillan 12 I(:6 fK) 1 !I2 37 92 J. (i. Feldcamp 12 26 36.00 1.20 37.2IT M.S.Cook 12 12 36 00 1.44 37.44 K. P. Harper 12 10 36.00 3.00 37.20 P. A. Howlett 12 25 30.00 3.00 39 00 H. Buren 12 37 36 00 4 44 40 44 P. S. Purtell 12 8 86 00 96 36 96 G. S. Wheelér 12 20 36.00 2.40 38-40 M. Seecer 1 12 13 36 00 1 56 37 f6 Jacob Jedele 113 6 36.00 72:56.72 Wm. I!. Osborn 12 35 36. oo 4 20 40 20 G. McDoUgal _ :__. 13 16 36.00 1.9237.92 J. L. GilbeVt 12 18 :Ï6.OO 2 16 38.16 W. H. Weston 12 13 36 00 1 56 87 56 Alfred Davenport 12 14 36.00 1. 68137. 6X Lee Yost 12 9:36.00 1 08 37 OS M. L. Shutts .__ 12 9 36.00 1.08 37.08 A. R. Graves : 12 12 36.00 1.44 37.4) C. Krapf. 12 1 :.00 .12 36.12 Henry Paul _. 11 2 36.00 .24 36.24 I R. ircQUILLAN, A. DAVENPOHT, JACOB JEDELE, JR. Committee. Report acceptiid and adopted. Mr. Krapf moved that the Clerk be instructed to draw an order on the Contingent Fund for the Superyisors'a services. Adopted. Wherem)oii the Board adjourned. M. 8. COOK, ChiUrman. Adjoubned Siossiox. Octohjeu 22, 1SS3. Tlie Board of Stiiervisors met in adjourned session at 11 o'clock a. m. Called to order by the cljaïrman. Roll called. Quorum present. Journal of Thursday and Frklay read and approved. Mr. Paul, from Commitleeon Criminal Claims No. 2, reported the followinff bilis and recommended their allowance at the suma stated : Claimed. AJloweú. 367 Michael H. Breiman, justlce i $510 40 1 174 05 368 James McMahon, justice, 9)11 VI 1) 369 A. M. Doty, luror 48 18 370 C. J. Gard ner, Juror 18 4H 371 Wm. Everest, " IS 48 372 Alonzo Bllss, " _ ,S is 373 Joseph Preston, " 4.S 4y 374 ilugh Jenkins " 18 18 Adopted. Mr. Wheeler moved that Mr. Dansiujiburg be a committee of one to examine the Records of Convictiou and the Criminal Calendara for 'the years 1881,1882, and 1S83 to date, and report the number of cases there found for eacli year, with the offenses éh'arged and the name of the Justice before whom tried. Carried. The Clerk presented an itemized account of the Rtationery, f nel and lights bought by him since January lst, for which orders weru dr::wn on tlie Continr gejit Fund. On motion of Mr. Krapf, the Board adjourned until 1:30 o'clock i'. M. Aftekxoon Skssiox. Roll called. Mr. Braun presented petition of Joseph Whltlark in reference to an Indigent insane person noiv at the Pontiac Asylum. On motion of Mr. Browu the Counly Treasnrer wasinstructed lo pay orders on tiie County Treasury for care ot Whitlark, the said indigent person nowatsaid asylum. Mr. Browu offered the following: Itosolved, That the Judge of Probate seml all insaue females to tlie ('ounty House until sucli time as they can be recoivcd hito tbc Insano Asyluins of the State. Adopted. Mr. MeDougal], from Couitnittoe on Criminal Claims No. 1, ported the Lollowiug bill, and lecoinmcuded its allowanoe as Btated: ('laimed. AHowed. :r:i! Kivd. F. Wallace, umlersherirT fiül 07 J2.31 07 Adopted. Mr. Palmer, from Oommtttee on Civil Claims, reported the following bilis, and ïecommeiided thcir ul'.owance at suins statcd : l'laimed. Allowed. 878 E. Fleming Í10 65 '0 6S :;77 Luick Bros 10 10 10 16 878 C. Krapf 21 75 21 7") S79 C. Krapf... 5 60 ö 50 380 Charles King - . 8 70 3 70 ;S81 Fred Wurster - 5 00 3 00 S82 E. Manu 1 !Ki 1 00 :!33 James Tolbert 12 16 J lti 384 Antón Bisele 7 00 7 00 :1S5 Willlam Here 501) 50 00 .188 E. Fleming 25! 2538 887 s. James ir:" 16-86 :S8 O. Surg SM 856 .:su Lucas & Tessmer 8 13 8 13 :t!H) J. Wagner 1 31) 1 50 391 F. & O. Sorg.. , .tl flo 83 1W 3W Rinsoy &Seabolt 2 70 2 75 .'Tunis D. Horton 6 t 6 (5 .'I91job.ii W. Hunt II" 14 5 :m John Keek & 81 60 8J .30 396 James Tolbert 1088 10 MS :M7C.Kchmld __. 3048 S0 18 '98 C. Krapf- í _ 2!I7O 2 71 3;i9 T. D. Horton _ 5 00 " 0(1 Adopted. Mr. Harper, frora Committeeou Equalizatio, made tlic followiug report: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : Your Conimlttee appointetl to revise the Assessnient Kol Is and report the assessed and equalized valuation oí the several Supervisor Districts of th County of Washtenaw County, respectfully report as followB : 1 J T0WN8 1 K e, h w DOLS. COLS. DOLS. DOLS. A.A.City lstdist t,884,8B0 738,as.r i.73 686 2,587.000 A.A.Cily '-'d diet. 1,021,623 3i,475fl,S84,000l 260,000 A.A City Hd dist. 90,055 l:n,450 827,4651 180.000 A. A. Town 1,166,810 IM,M l,3H.6i0 1,!I8S,000 Augusta 10,330 69,0 0 879380 KIO.OOO BridRewater 828,070 121.93Ï '.0,00.") 1,040 (KW Uexter 723,680 135, S4 5 859,WB 7.Vi 000 Freedotu 81160 108,703 15 2tt 9ÖO,OOO Lima 976,170 141,940 1,118,110 1,067. OW Lodi 1,007,570 188,640 l,lHti,210 1,200.000 Lyudon 462,700 61,250 581,950 570,001) Manchester 1,804,090 256.890 1,560,980 1,300.000 Northfleld „.. 811,330 132,750 944.070 Í Bi5,dOO Pittsfleld 1,314 5 0 173,710 1,488.210 1,465.000 Salem 903,005 162,440 1,067,445 1.160,000 Hallne 1,211,000 J0. 700 1,411,700 1,517,000 Superior 1,114,555 106,585 1,221.140 1.220.U00 Sharon 1,039.310 163,670 l,202,8S0il 020,01 0 Scio 1,390,770 28O.Ü80 1,671,150 1,800,000 Svlvan 943,195 300,680 1,252 875 1,200,01)0 Webster 1,026,420 189,600 1,218,020 1,125,000 York 1,1.3.3 960 161,700 1,297 ,710l, 1.56,000 Ypst.Town l,m,960 141,00) 1,379,0201,393.000 YpKi.Cltyletdis. 1,161,150 545,950 1,707,100 1,880,000 Ypsi.Clty 2d dia. 5-10.3O0 130,400 67O,7O0 (iS.i.OOO E. P. HARPER. HORATIO HURCH. WM, DANSINQRüRG, P. O'HEARN, JAS. L. Ü1LBERT, Committoe. Report received, and, on motion, was laid on the table. Mr. Urown presented the following: Your Coinmittee to whom was referred the report of Judge Harriman In relation to insane persons, would reeommend that some provisión be made for those cases at the ('ounty House until such time as they can be removed to the Insane Asylum, and that the Kuni of $200.00 be paid to the keeper and matron of the Couuty House for the extra labor ihat it will make them. B. BROWX, I.EK YOST, W.M. B. OHHOUX, Committee. Adopted. Mr. Peldkamp moved that Conrad Krapf be added to the Committee on l'ublic Building3. On motion of Mr. McDougall, the motion was laid on the table. On motion, the Board adjoarned until to-morrow morning at 9J o'clock. M. S. COOK, Chairnian. Tl'ESDAY, OOTOBEU 23. Board met as agreed to. Cal led to order by the chainnan. Roll called. Quorum present. Journal of yesterduy read and approved. On motion, the bill óf John Koek & Co. was taken from the table. and, on motion of Mr. Brown, the bill was allowed as claimed. Claimed. Allowed. 400 John Keek & Co $14 10 $14 10 Mr. Brown moved to temporarüy snspend lïule 11. Agreed to. Mr. Purtell moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill of Coroner Clark was disallowed. The motion prevailed. Mr. Brown moved to allow Coroner Clark"s bill as claimed. The motion did not prevail by the followins vete, the yeas and na)'3 having been called for: Yeas - Messrs. Brown, Feldkamp, Krapf, O'Hearn, Palmer, Paul, Purtell and Weston. Nays- Messrs. Braun, Burch, Cook, Dansingburg, Uavenport, Gilbert, Graves, Harper, Howlett, Jedele, McDougall, MoQlllan, Osborn, Seeger; Shutts aud Wheeler. Yeas- 8 ; nays - 16. Mr. Purtell from the Committee on Criminal Claims Xo. 1 reported the following bilis and reeommended thelt allowance at sums statcd : Claimed. Allowed. 1 401 E. W, Wallace, sheriff....$:J88 80 W19 76 2 ' ' . 60 00 51 00 403 F. F, Wallace, undersherIff 182 00 JS2 00 404 E. W. Wallace, sheriff___. &t 50 386 50 Adopted. Mr. Paul from Committee on Criminal j Claims No. 2 reported the following bilis j and reeommended their allowauce at sums stated : Claimed. Allowed. 405 George Nol Ier, constable, $ 12 61 $ 12 6 ¦loa Hornee Wisner, " 3 40 2 IS A180 bill of George II. Jackson, deputy marshal of the city of Ypsilanti claiming $88.25 and allowed at the sum of $24.45. Mr. Gilbert moved to amend by glving the cash expenses to Ionia and return stead of $4 00 named in their report. Mr. Purtell moved to amend the amendment by saylng $3.00 instead of $4.00. Whieh did not prevail by the following vote : Yeas- Messrs. Cook, Davenport, Feldkamp, Graves, Howlett, Jedele, Osborn, Palmer, Purtell and Heeger. Nays- Messrs. Brown, Burch, Dansingburg, Ollbert, Harper. Krapf, MoDongall. Mc(Juillan, O'Hearn, Paul, Bh Ut 1 8, Weston, Wheeler and Vost. Yeas - 10; nays- 14. The question reenrring on Mr. Gilbert's motion it was lost by the following vote : j Yeas- Messrs. Braun, Brown, Dansingburg, Gilbert, Graves, Harper, McDougall. Mc(uillan. O'Hearn, Shutts, Weston and Yost. Nays- Messrs. Burch, Cook, Davenport, Keldkamp, Howlett, Jedele, Krapf. Osborn, Palmer, Paul, Purtell, Seeger and Wheeler. Yeas- 12 ; nays- 13. The question recurnng on the report of the committee the same was adopted by the following vote : Yeas- Messrs. Braun, Cook, Davenport, Keldkamp, Gravos, Howlett, Jedele. Krapf, McDougall, Osborn. Palmer, Paul, Purtell, Seeger. Wheeler and Yost. Nays- Messrs. Brown, Burch. Dansingburg, ( ilbcrt, Harper, McQuIlIan, O'Hearn, Shutts aud Weston. Yeas- 16; nnys- 9. Claimed. Allowed. 407 Goorge H.Jacksou.deputy marshal _ f 3S 23 $ 34 45 Also from the same committee the folIowinir bilis witli rectommeudatloD for titelt' allowance at sumsBtHted : cluimtid. Allowed. i 186 E. R. Gidley, ooustable ..-$158 W ÏU 18 4119 .liicoliStauïll, ¦' KI 20 7194 ito yB.Everest, Juror on Iniiuest--. - 80 " 411 A.M. Dotyjuror on inquest "" w 1 412 l'a-trick Iiwin, juror on Inquest- - ( (in ' 113 B. F. C'ole, juror on inquesit " W U-I John Keenun, juror ou Inquesl 6" 0 ' 415 Gay Beckloy, juror on Inquést 0 6 116 (i. V. Brown, wil.ness 1 25 1 23 ' 117 (ieo. fioiijiii, "' f 418 T. Chirlen, ' '._: 85 86 41Í) H. Allen, " 1 95 1 95 ' 420 James üaaitli'lt,vltness, IBS 1 95 421 D. Woodard, ¦ l 85 1 75 422 Wm. Binder. " 85 85 i 423 Thos. Cowan, " 125 125 i 421 Cutharine Sweoney, ¦¦ 85 85 I 425 E. 8. Manly, " 1 00 1 I ) 420 E. s. Perrjr, ¦' i o i no ) 427 Cieo. W. Healey, " 1 0 100 ; 2S O. .1. (Jardner, " 1 ) 160 i 429 J. O. Preston, " l o 160 I 430 G. W. Healey, " 2 43 2 43 ! 4X1 T. arken, " ¦! 43 2 43 i 432 rhil. llaul, ' 9 48 2 4.'! ! 13 M. A. Moore, " 2 IS 4:) 431 E. M. Southaid, 2 13 2 43 ) 4i Win. lSilldi'l', " 2 K7 3 87 Adoptad. Mr. llowlett preseuféd the bond of Su pèrintendent of tin; Pöor, Lorenzo parís, i in the urn of $S,000. with Henry D. i i'latt, David Rlnsoy and Moses Heaboltss ïüreUeB. On niotion, the bond was approvcd. A petition trom the l'reoidcnt and Seer retary oí the Wasliteriaw Mutual Fire I Iiioiirance Company 'asking for an outsidt . door to thoir ottoc is reooived, read and ' referred lo thé Ootdinittee on I'ublic Buildings. Mr. l'aul moved that the Clerk be istructeü to draw orders ou the County Treasurer not to exceed $200 wben certi- fied to by the Supeiinteadents of the - Poor, ;uu) thiit an iteuiized account of the i services in care of insane women at the j county house bu made to tlio next Board ' i of Supervisors. ; ' Agreed to. j Mr, Wheeler ollered the following : ) Jinxolved. That the Commlttee on l'ublic ) Buildings be and tliey are hereby lnstructed ) to look after the material formerly used ín ) enclosinii the grounds surroundln the Court ) House, to sell the sane to the best advantage ) and turn theproceeds thereof int the county ) treamiry. 5 Adopted. ) Mr. Tost moved to take from the table ) the resoliition presoribiug the duties of j the Committee on Public Buildings. ' Agreed to. Ou niotion of Mr. Burch, the matter was indetiuitely postponed by the follow; log vote: Yeas- Messrs. üraiin, Bureh, Cook, Dansi ngburg, Da venport, Feldkamp, Hilbert, Harper, Mcüousall. McQuillan, O'Hearn, I Osboru, Shutts, Weston and Yost. Nays - Messrs. Brown, Graves, Howlett, Jeiele, Krapf, Palmer, l'aul Purtell, üeeger, aud Wheeler. Yeas, 15; nays, 10. Mr. Howlett moved that the report of the Committee on Equalization be taken from the table Carried. Mr. McQuillan moved the adoptiou of the report. Mr. Graves oflered the following as a substitute : _ - _- S ¦¦'' 3 TOWNBi "3 L "3 41 o 'S C DOI.S. DOIi. IXI.H. DOIS. Ann Arbor C'y lst and 2d wds. 1,831,850 738,885 2,573,535 2,550,000 AnnArborC'y 3d & 4th was. 1,021,523 302,475 1,38-1,000 1,280,000 AnnArborC'y ."ith t 6th wds. Gü0,055 137,450 827,5 5 760.000 A. A. Town.... l,15(i,3!0 1IS0.320 l,31t).G30 1,275,000 Augusta til0,30 69,000 (J79,:330 660,000 Brldgewater... 8,070 121.9Í"; 950,00.5 1,015.000 Dexter 723 6.S0 185,345 8ï9,525 750.000 Freedom 81 l,5tW 103,705 915,265 970,000 Lima 976.170 141,940 1.118,110 1,060,000 Lodi 1,007,570 188,640 1,196,210 1,230.000 Lyndon -402.58 1 9,250 5;il.95')l 565,000 Manchester 1,304,090 256,890 1,560,980 1,550,000 Northfleld 811,330 m,740 941,070 90.5,000 Pittsfield 1,814,500 173,710 1,488.210 1,460,000 Salem 9IB,005 102.61O 1,067,645 l,145,00 Saline 1,211.000 .0,700 1,441,700 1,510,000 Superior 1,114.555 106,585 1.221,140 1,220 000 Sharou 1,039,210 163.670 1,671,15011,790 000 Scio 1,890,770 280,380 1,202,880 1,100,000 Sylvan 913,195 iOit.USO 11, 252,875 '1,180,000 Webster 1,026,420 189.600 l,216,020 1.145 000 York 1,135,9110 Hil.THO 1,297 ,710 1,150,000 Ypsl.Town 1,137,960 141,060 1, 279,0201 1,260,000 Y.C. lst dist... 1,161,150 545,960 1,707,100 1,790 000 Y. O. 2d dist... rl'),300l30,100 670,700 680,000 Mr. Weston moved tolay the substitute on the table, which was agreed to by the following vote: Yeas- Messrs. Burch, Cook, Dansingburg Davenport, Feldkamp, Gllbert, Harper Howlett. Jedele, Krapf, McQuillau, O'Hearn. Osborn Palmer, Paul, Seexer, Shutts, Weston and Wheeler. Nays- Messrs. Braun, Brown, Graves, JIcDougall, Purtell and Yost. Yeas, 19; na3-s, 0. The question recurring on the adoption of the cotnrnittee's report, the same was adopted by the following voto : Yeas- Messrs. Brown, Burch, Cook. Danslngburg, Davenport. Feldkamp, Gilbert, Harper, Howlett, Jedele, McDongall, McQulflan, O'Hearn, Osborn. Palmer, Paul Seeger, Shutts, Weston and Wheeler. Nays- Messrs. Braun, Krapf, Purtell, Graves and Yost. Yeas, 20; nays, .". Mr. Wheeler moved to reconsider the j vote. Lost, yeas, 3; nays, 22. Mr. Gilbert moved to reconsider the vote disallowing the bill of Martin Clark for coroner's services. Agreed to. Mr. Gilbert moved to allow the bill as j claimed, which motion did not prevail by the following vote : Yeas-Messrs, Brown. Feldkamp, Gllbert, P il Krapl' 'aear". Palmer, Paul and Nays- Messrs. Braun, Burch, Cook Dansingburg, Uavenport, Graves. Harper Howlett, Mcüougall, McQuillau, Osborn, Beeger, Weston and Wheeler. Yeas, 0; nays, 14. On motion, the Board adjourned until to-morrow mornlng at 9} o'clock. M. S. COOK, C'hairman. Wkd.nksday, Octobkh 24. Board met. Called to order by the chairman. Rojl called. Quorum present. Journal of yesterday read and approved, Mr. Palmer, from Committee on Civ41 Claims, leported the following bilis, and recommeniled their allowance ut suius stated : Claimed. Al'owod. 436 Thomas J. ftnllivan $95 86 s n xn 437 Tunis D. Horton 3 85 ;iss 438 J. Willard Babbitt !.".' 401 35 17600 43't Hannah Bnchman 1 (Hi ann ? "lc A; Beal 163 07 186 07 441 D. B. Greeoe 900 ino 412 Fred. .1. chleede lOOft ïuoo 413 wm. otto „ 500 ;jü;; 444 Matthew Kaveuaugh 1 50 1 v 445 Mack&Schmid UB 14 50 446 George F. Osius & Co 3 43 41 447 C. Bailie ,-00 -ni 448 Wllllam Pattlson i!(io ?}C 44! Dr. H.C. Allen uw m 450 Wm. Aprl'l 00 6W 451 Watson Barr 300 ;; (H, 452 John Moore 50:16 S0 36 453 M. Andrus HS05 3ñOr 454 George W. Turnbull 10 00 10 00 455 Watson Barr 392 392 456 Nathan Webb 500 X 00 457 Walter P Olcott 1 00 j 00 458 Norman Redner 100 100 459 Richard Hobson..„„ 1 00 ion 400 Orlando Potter. ..:st 1 no 100 Clalmed. Allowed. 4H1 Johu M. Smith 100 1 W Ki2 W. W. Dell 80 "" Itö Min. Harney ¦ -jiil Wm. Van Dye _ w 411.") Frauk Johnson 80 '" Adopted. Also, from same comiuittee, bilis Ot .1. R, .Toitier and .lacob A. PolhumiH tor hack hile, whirh, on uiotion, were ilisal lowed. Also, froui same committee, bill of Dr. V. F. Breakey, which. on motion, was laid on the table. Mr. Gilbert oft'ured the t'ollowing : Ufsolved, Tliat the Olerk issue a duplícate order In place of the one lost, upon Mr. Mlllman. or the city of Ann Arbor tlllng with lilm a sufflclent bond to indemnify the connty nüiiinst loss in case the least order should lie presented and pald by the Couuty Treasurer. Adopted. Mr. Purtelï, frctni Committee on Criminal Claims No. 1, reported tlie following bilis, and rccommended tlieir allowance at suma stated : Claimed. Allowed. UW Thomas F'. Leonard. Depuly Sherlfl 100 00 $100 00 107 Thomas F. Leona rd. I)eputy Sheriff. 157 00 1M 01) Adopted. Mr. McDougall offered the following : Resolved, That the Tanitor in the discharge of his duties shaü be under tlie general direction and supervisión of the County 'ierk, Miibject to an appeal to the Committee on Public Buildings. Adopted. Mr. McDougull also présenter] tlie following: Resolved, That the County Clerk is hereby InHtrucled todraw orders on the Contingent Fuud monthly in favor of the person dolug the scavenger work of the Court House for the amouut due him, and charge the same to the account of the janitor. Adopted. Mr. Broun offered the following: Resolved, That the County Clerk be Instructed to furnish all necessary supplies for the dilfereut county offices and court house for the ensalng year, and render an itemized account on the llrst day of the next regular term of the Board of Supervisors for thelr revluw and adjustment. ¦ Adopted. Mr. Paul, from Committee on Criminal Claims No. 2, reported the following bilis, umi rccommended their allowance at sums stated : Clalmed. Allowed. l8 Jasper Iinus, Constable... .$208 9 $142 OM 46(1 Peter B. Iiigall.s, witness.. 00 50 Adopted. Adjourned to 1JÓ mAfternoon Sessiox. E. A. Xordman, County Drain Commis8ioner, presented bis animal report, whlch was read and ordcred placed on file. Mr. Graves presented the following : Resolved, That the Supervisors of the several townshipsshall levy thetax upon tbeseveral pareéis of land described in said report of the several townsnips according to the apportlonment of said County Draln Coinmissioner, and direct the Township Treasurer to collect and pay said sums to the County Treasurer in like manner and same time asother tases. Adopted. Mr. Palmer, from Committee on Civil Claims, reported bill of John Muehlig : Clairaed. Allowed. 470 John Muehllg f157 00 8132 00 Adopted. Mr. C. Q Millmau beln? present, announced the finding of a missing order j which had been ordered duplicated on certain conditions. Mr. Davenport moved to reconsider the vote ordering a tlupl cate order drawn to Mr. Millman. Carried. On of Mr. Graves, the matter was laid on the table. Mr. Jedele, from Committee on Rejected Taxes, made the following report : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : Your committee to whom was referred the subject of Rejected Taxes, would respectfully report that they have examined the llsts furnished by the Auditor General and flnd charged to the several Supervisor IMstrlcts the following sums: To be To be paid assesed. Treasurer. Ann ArhorCity, lst dist...í 258S $572 Augusta 2:il 84 Freedom 15 17 1,", 17 Lodi 1 !W i 96 Salem 1 SO n Saline lOSS 9 fifl Sharou 7 )y 719 Ypsilanti City. Firt dist., charged back in 1882 and not reassesed $72+" :!1 39 104 04 83 64 Ypsilanti Cy, Second dist., charged back in 1882 and not reassesed $.19 13 Charged back in 1883.. 4 72 44 15 40 33 Totals Í213 33 $167 22 Which we recommend to be assesed by the several Supervisors in accordance with description lists furnished by the ! JACOB JEDELK Jr„ 1 MATTHKW BKEGEK, yCommittee WM. H. WESTON, ( Accepted and adopted. Mr. Purtell moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill of ,1. A. Polhemus was disallovved. Jost. Yeas, 0; nays, 13. Mr.Purtell was excused for to-inorrow. I Mr. Braun, from the Committee on Printing, presented the following: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County : Gbntlkmkií.- Your committee to whom the subject of printing was referred would respectfully report that we award the printing of 700 copies of the Supervisor's proceediugs for the current session and the last January session in pamphlet form, and 4000 copies in supplement form, saine as last year, to the Ann Arbor CouRlEit for the sum of $107.00, this company betng the lowest bidder. KV'. BRAUN J Committee. Adopted. Adjourned to 9} to-morrow. M. S. COOK, Chalrman. TnURSDAY, OCTOBER 25. Board met. Called to order by thé chairman. Koll called. Quorum present. Mr. McDougall, from the Committee on Criminal Claims No. 1, reported the following bilis, and recommended their allowance as stated : Clalmed. Allowed. 171 E.W. Wallace, balance of .,„ .A1?,1 auarter for board....564 38 564 36 472 E. W. Wallace, balance of o econdqoarterfor board. 329 05 329 05 473 E. W. Wallace, turnkey foes and washing at Jail 29S 70 298 70 Mr. Davenport, from Committee on Civil Claims, reported the following as stated : Ckalmed. Allowed. m Tv L-,Qiü'!rt -iri i 00 475 C. Bliss & Son 1000 10 00 470 Andrews & Wltherby 9 18 9 18 477 II. J. Brown fi m u 478 U. F. Schairer [ 33 ft", 33 65 Also, bill of Hall & Robison for sprinkling street around Court House square without recommendation. On motion the bill was disallowed. Mr. Dansingburg reported as follows : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County: Genti.emkn.- Your committee to whom was referred the matter of criminal statlstlcs ' for the years 1881, 1882 and 1883, would report ' as followa : l Wholenumber of arrests lnl881,560. J Drunk „ 240 ' Drunk and disorderly uk ( Vagrant „ „ , (q i Assaultand battery ....._ „..'.'..'.".'."" B4 1 Lurceny _ _ 4, Violatlon llquor law .;.„ g 1 Threats ' a 1 Burglary „. l Kape _ ;;;¦; , Profanlty " J Perjury j j Oruelty to animal - ' Resisttng offlcer j Korgery. j Adulte ry } Violalion city onlinanoe J False iiiiprlHDiimciit J mi DIsposed il foHows: Coramltted (oJhü J Dlsöharged 'JJ : Oave bonda 2 Patdcohts 2 Suspended sen tence Whole nninbor of nses In 1888, M8 Drunk , i1"! Disorderly - "- Assaultand Imttery Larceny ! i Vagrant ' Vlolallnn city ordiuimee J Adultery } Attempl to nnirder l Kurglary 1 Klander '.' ! Threals .'. Violutinn of liiiuorlaw i Perjiuy ! i Con tempt oi iurt S58 Iisposed of hk lollows: i Commitled to jail "."' Discharged .' Paidcosts ¦ Suspended seirtenee & 55S Whole nuniber oí oases lii 1883 tof uiue montlis, 737: Drunk lx ülsorderly 4'4 Assault and battery - j Larceny ' Vlolatlou of liquor law Threats ...... f eilander Reslstlng au orlirer 2 Violatlon city oidiuancc 1 Forgery J Dlsturbing the peaoe I Vagraut H Keeping uaming plnre 1 Injury to dwellliij . 1 7:.7 Disposed oías follows : Comiuitted tojall 70 Suspended sen te nee 8 Pald cols and dlscbarged til 737 All of wlilch is reartectfully submitted. V. DANSINUUUKG. Keport aécepted and ordereu spread on the Journal. Mr. Gilbert, trom Cómmittëe on Fractional Scliool Distriets, reported the t'ollowinfi per cent. increase or decrease. ' í i 'S S 5 l = á ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ "i i " Ann A. C.lstdist. 2.57:5.535 2,ói7,0(w 011 Ann A. C.,2d dist.. 184,000 1,0,OUO .0XÍ Aun A. C :!d dist.. 827,4.% T.SO.lKK) U573 Ann Albor Town.. I,31.ti3() 1,2Sö,iKiO 024 Autcusla B79.;0 40,000 0579 Brideewater 950.005 1.200,0i.0 .0715 0exter 859,525 7.r,(KX) 1215 Freedoin 915,265 960,000 .0.Í79 Lima 1,118,1H)1,07,000 0458 Lodi I,19íSlO ll,20U;00 lOOgl Lyndon 1,950 570,000 .0715 ! Manchester il,500.HX0 1,500,0(10 0S9 ' Nortbfleld i 944.070 925.D00 tKOí i Pittsüeld l,4S,2l) 1,45,OIIO 0156 i 8ale-n 1.087,445 1.15O.0O0I.077S Saline 1.4-11,700 1.517,0001.0522 Superior 1,221,140 1,220,000 0009 Sharou 1,202,880 1,020,000 15i 8cio ...1,671,150 1.800,00011)77 1 Hylvan 1.252,875 l,200,000[ 042 Webster 1,21(1.020 1,125,000 0748 York 1,297,710 1.158,0 0 1092 Ypsilanti Town 1,279,020 1,295 O'O .0124 Ypsi.Clty, lstdist l,707,10ol.SO,000 .1012 Ypsi. City, 2d dist. 670,700. (83,000 .0188 F. A. HOSVLETT, f -mral"Pe. lleport adopted. On rnotiou of Mr. Krapf. the bill of Dr. V. F. Breakey was taken from the table, and on motion, the bill was allowed as claimed : Ciaimed. Allowed. 479 Or. W. F. Breakey $127 00 #127 00 Mr. Jedele presented the followinft : Heêolved, That the Janitor be paid for hls services out of the runii raised for the salaries for county officers. Resolved, That the Connty Treasnrer be instructed to open on his books accounts kuown as "Fuel Account," "Public Building Account," "County Jail Account," and "School Examiners' Account," and that all sums be pald for fuel, for public buildiugsand repairs, and all sums paid for jail supplies, including board of prisoners wlth sums raid County School Examiuers bedrawn upon their several accounts as desiguated. Adopted. , Adjonrned to l)o p. in. Afïernoox Sessiox. Called to order. Koll t-alled. (uoi um present. Mr. Davenport, from Civil Claims Cotnmittee. repurted the following bilis, and reoonimended th-ir Mllowance at sums stuted : Clalmed. Allowed. 480 Lorenzo Davis $ 9 00 J 9 00 481 MoElcheran & .McAnilrew, 5 00 5 00 Adopted. Mr. McDougall. f rom C'omniittee on Criminal Claims Xo. 1, reported the following bill, and recommended its j anee as stated : Clalmed. Allowed. 482 E. W. Wallace, washlug and turnkey fees {(82 95 SC32 9,'j Adopted. Mr. O'IIearn oflered the folio wïng: Ktsolved, That the compensation for boarding prisoners at the county jail be the same as last year except for the quarter commeucing Junuary lst, 1SS4, and the compensatiou for said first quarter be at the rate of 40 centa per day, and at the same ratea for parts of a day, and that the County Clerk be authorized ! to pay seventy-flve per ceot. of said board bill as heretofore. Adopted. Mr. Graves offared the followintr : Resolved, That the County rierk be lnstructed to ask Judge Lawrence. the superiutendDt at the building of the duw court house a ! dellvery to said clerk of all papers i ing to the building of the court house in his possession as superintendent, and wheu o delivered. the clerk is dlrected to place the same on tile in his office. inM Adopted. Mr. Wheeler moved that Mr. Brown be a commlttee of one to report to this board the actual cost of the court house and the furniture therein. Adopted. Mr. Osborn was excused for the balance of term on account of sickness. Mr. Graves, from Committee on Public Buildings, made the tollowii g report : To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County: The Committee on Public Buildings submlt the following report: " We have vislted the buildings on the coun ty farm and flnd them In good repairs. But in view of the danger arislng from havine persons afflicted with hyphillstic diseases conhned in the same apartmeuts wlth other inmates, your committee believe that hosDital accommodatlons should be supplied fiir such cases as soon as practicable, estimated cost, 4(!0. The attentlon of the comin!t,tee has been called to the necessity of a barn on the county farm for storage, but we do not deem it sufflclent to require it to be built this ensuing year. We have also examlned the court house, and lind repairs are very much needed on the Windows of the court room judge room, and also in the jury room estimated cost not to exceed 10, and also that the grates in the general offices need repairIng by cutting out the floor undertheirou hearth and fllled In with some fire proof material In order to prevent lf possible the danger (rom flre that now exlsts, estimated cost, 82.50 per grate. We also flnd that a draln Is needed leadine from the north side of the court house to the gutter at the southeast corner ol Ann and Main streets for the pur pose of carrying away the slops from the Janitors room aud offices, whlch are at present thrown on the litwn near the north entrance, and causes an unsightly place on the lawn; estimated expense, 15. Yourcommitmlttee have also vlsited the jail, and rlnd it entirely unflt for the purpose for which it is Í used, in Is unsare, unhealthy, and in ' thelr opinión a disgrace to the fcounty of Washtenaw. Some repairs of necessity m ust be made in the Jail, andon sldewalk In front of Jail; estimated cost of said repair armally neeïed not to exceed $50. But your oom i mlttee recommend that actlon be taken lv l this board ior the pnrehase of a site and the f erectlon of a new jail ; the cost of said site and Jail not to exeeed f20,000. Said snm to jover all costs of building and appurtenances ' is may bedetermlned upon by a committee tppolnted by this board, and we further recMiimendthat the amount of 20,000 beborrowed ata rate of Interest not to exceed six vereent., and that the same be pald la four mnual installments, ou the flrst day of Febuary of eacb year. Resolved, That the snm of 20,0no be approJrlated subject to the approvnl of the electors C of Waahtenaw county, and that the authorizingolsald loun for the trecliun ola uewjail and the purchaseof grounds lx; ftubinltted Uj the electora of Washtenaw county at tne annual eleclion to be held on the tirst Monday in April. 1HX1, as in sucli cases made mid provldeu In Moctlon 18tt, of Compilcd Laws of 1871, und that a comiiiittce ol ' three bfe Bppointed wlio Hhall in fcaw IDOb vote 1h decided in lavor oi nald loan) lmmedlately proceed to adopt sucli plans aiul BpeolflOHtlons for 11 ik'W Jail au they mry derm lust. J'rovlded, the cota of said jail and grouiids sliall uot exceed the sum of $2u,00ii. All of whleh is reiuaeoMtaUy submltted. V. OHEAKN. ) A. K. GRAVES, V Commlttee. 11ENKV PAUL,) Mr. Dansiiijfburg moved to aaiend ly Milding the folio ing : l'rovidiiii; the city of Aim Arbor contril)iite tlie sinii of $.".000. The motion did iiot fiTëi'ftft. Teas, 12; nay, 12. Mr. Burch moved to strike out S0,000 and inse.rt $15,000. L-t. Was. 10; nays, 14. Mr. Gilbert moved to ameud by itddlug the icillow in : Provkled the city ot' Ann Arbor conti bute the stim Óf $:;,000. Lost. The question reCUinng (Ml the adoption of the report, the saine was adopted by the fóilowing vote: Yeas- Messrs. Braun Brown, Cook, Graves, .Jedele, Krapf, McDougall. O'Hearn, Palmer, l'aul, Shutts, Weston, Wheeleraud Yost. Iiays - Mi-ssis. Burch, Dausingburg, Davenporlr. Feldkaiiip. Gllbert, Harper, Howlett, McQuillan, Of bom and Seeger. Veas, 14; nays, 10. Adjorned lo 'J}4 to-morrow. r" M. S. COOK, (hairmjin. Friday, Ocïokkk 2t. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the ehnirmiin. Iïoll callcd. (uoruin present. Journal of yestcrday rcad Stld approved. Mr. Brown, f rom committee to report the cost of the cnurt house and fornitura thereiii, repoited as follows: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washteuaw Couuty : Your committee to ascertalu the cost of building eiurt house wouldmost respectfully report that the cost of building the court house can be found in the proeeediiifcs of the board for 1871?, pages 17 and 18. (,'ostof building , $71,107 71 Kuruishing court house 5.337 43 Steam healing 4,ai7 6 Grading grouud 1,200 00 $82.153 10 B. BKOWN, Committee. Mr. Yost moved to adopt the report of the Superintendente of the l'oor. Agreed to. Mr. McEKnigall moved to discharge the committee from further consideration of accounts of Superiiitendents of the Poor. Agreed to. On motion the court room was tendered to the State Society of Snperintendents of tliePoor. Agreed to. Mr. Jedele presented the following: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors o Washtenaw Couuty : Your committee to whom was referred th subject of rejected taxes, would further re por the followiug suras: To be To be paid t assesed. (.o. Treas. Bharon $20 l $3)9 Sylvun 103 10; which we recommend to be reassessed bv th Beveral Supervisors and paid to the Couul Trea#urer. JACOB JKDELE, Jü., i W. 11. WESTON, fom. MATTHKW' SUEGER, ) Adopted. Mr. Pau!, from Committee on Crimina Claims ]S'o. 2, reported the following bilis, and reconimeiided their aUowaiice at sums statud : Claimed. Allowed 488 John 8. Nowlan.l .. 600 $ 3 00 4X4 F. F. Wallace, wilnebs 43 26 43 2 45 C. G. Millman, '¦ w 47 78 4" 4S6 A. V. Porter, '¦ 70 M 70 04 I.S7 Jasper Inius. " 47 s 47 8i 488 Kli8. Manly, ' ïs-M is 2 48 T. Clarken. ' .... 709 7. 400 RobertShaw, 1421Í 14)1 491 Paul Schall, ... 1! 13. 492 T. F. Leonard, 133 13, Accepted and adopted. Mr. Ilowlett, from Committee to Settle with County Ofticers, reporteil as fol lows : To the Honorable Board of .Supervisors o Washtenaw County : Your commlltee appo'nted to settlp witl connty ofticers respectfully report that we have examined the books, vouchers and or dersof the Countv Treasurer, and find them correct, and we also find proper recelpts am vouchers for all the mouey paid out by hlm The following isa condensed statement of al the reëel pts and disburseinents made by the County Treasurer : Condensed statement of recelpts and disbursements made bv the County Treasurer from January lst, 188;!, to Oclober lst, 1883 : EECKI1TS. To cash on handon Jan'y settlement.$27.R13 91 '¦ luxes of town and city treasurer.. 53,871 Oi " liquor tax ..; 21 278 41 " delinquent taxes '739 6' " Teacher's Institute lul 4,' ditch taxes 1707Í " poorfund ,si8 49 " York and Augusta draiu (108 26 " Spencer marsli draln 470 7' " contingent fund 3159 " flnemoney 1400 primary school money 18 175 3" " money balotig'g touuknown heirs 4,-556 U(j Í128.5423C DISBITRSEMKNTS. By paid Eastern Michigan Asylum.. 2 780 94 " stenogrrpher '51744 " house of correTtion 5l61 " Uquor tax to town and city treasurers 20,9(4 90 primary school money ... . 18l75;to " library raoney 340 30 " delinquent tax BSO07 " State of Michigan state tax.. 37 H-M 70 " Teacher's Institute 193 75 " wltness orders 52140 " Insurance orders 1075 county orders 10,790 15 " ork and Augusta drain orders 443 12 " Spencer marsh drain orders.'. 4H s contingent orders s 49109 juror's orders 3,574 40 poororders 6571 -AS salaries county offleers 4,274 99 By cash for unknown heirs 4 766 iki " on hand 7,339 05 $128,342 36 Your committee pleasu-e in saylng that we flnd the books of the Treasurer neatly, and we believe, correctly kept. We doubt that a set of books can be found in this city more systemaiically kept than the set in thé Treasurer's offlee. FRED. A. HOWLETT 1 BbYo1, jcommiUee. Your eommlttee would also report that they have examined the books of tbe County Clerk and compared them with the books and vouchers of the County Treasurer, and flnd them to be correct. We have also examined the charges on hls books in criminal cases, also for records of convictlon, as wellasthe other charges In hls bill, and we believe them to be correct. The following Is a condensed statement of his account: To three term dockets at $10 each Í 30 00 ' reeording births. deaths and marriages. 1,855, at 6 cents each 8130 ' postHge. expressnnd freight 43 V ' cash paid Johu Davis for cleaning Clerk 'S offlee and oiltng lurniture in same g 00 " services on Board of Canvassers, receivlng, forwardlng returns distributlne blanks and making tabulated statement and reeording sxme 501X) fees in criminal cases including !I2 records of convictton 602. 00 1 for keeping accounts wilh County Treasurer 100 00 Total $l1Ö0957 Contra Cr. 3y 5-2 en t ry fees a t Í2.00 each $104 00 jury and reporter's fees paid 84 00 ' luk sold .. 275 ' Total credit ""$190 75 ' Balance due Clerk 7S18 82 All of which is respectfully submitted. KREIi. A. HOWLETT,) ' B.EgRYO-, t Accepted and adopted. Claimed. Allowed. ' 03 John .1. Rohlson, County ( Clerk. balance $81882 $818 82 Mr. McDougall, from Committee on 'riminal Claims No. 1, reported the boafll I bilí of the Sheriff for quarter eüdtaT!? tember 80, 1883. a.ul n-commebd R ;iaimeil. A]ir.„. _, t:n E. W. Wallacè, Shorlff... hmoih, ' Adopted. "'""' Mr. Wheeler mored tLat :;.:!.-, k. , ded to Jumes .McMalioti-s WIJ, Oarried. Mr. Krapf offered the following ¦ Betolvtd, Tliat the Sheriff of ii.iK 2 liereljy authorlzedto buy all n eso nt' ;- pijen tor the county juli and prKfl "r blIlH tot allowance io the next Board ,s"'h Aclopteil. M r. Brown offered tlie follovtog ¦ fteiolved. That ilie County Olerk Iw „ , xalaryol nlne iiandred dollars a v.. paid ding teeptnj aocounl wlth ilil f.'"01"Treasurer. lr "luiy Adbpted. Mr. Wheeler moved that Supervio, Browri be íáítructed to retain o his tax. roll the agBesstnent of Mr. Vaughn now appeara on UU asseasmer.t paüln w, FHÏli and Sixtli wurds of Aim Artmr J Carried. Adjouriifü tü l1:; j). ui. Aftkbnoos Sks.sio.n. Board met. Called tü order. Q„„,Ulu present. Mr. Yust, from tlie CommHtee on pi nance, reponed is follows : Tcóun,y'ra f azvln of W,shte„ttw YourCommlttee on Finauce rpn ¦ , report the amouut of county UjïT ful y ralKed for the enulnK year to beKn u "i &WfPOrUO'le1 l tlie VartiS8Da2 Toconttngeut fund for overdraft i -oo -,. Tooontingentfuud íor'énsñ -ÍC,,. To wltness fuiid for overdrat 'fíTíñ To witness fund lor ensalog yeiVr ¦ MOWM88158 To salarles for ensulngyear Mmin To stenographer. " ll Topoor, - ' ' TojurorK, ¦" To Eastern Mtóh. Asylum. dö. -S'"' TopubllohuiKUngfund, do... To fuel ioi ensaiugyear.. 'Z ' Tojall for eusuInK year. ifiS To Koard School Êiam . do '2, Tocouuty warrant, civil. ..ItMOOhO To county warrants, criminal!! 17 88 To outstaudlug orders l.Wiöoo I4.ÍT2;:; Total of oountytax É-yioun'i which sum we recommend to be apporUonrt to the everal townships and citié" "nd m lbe'yo&t ax n tlie 8everal ?""s Adopted. Mr. Wheeler moved tLat tlie snm of eleven and 73-100 dollars be allowed Jasperlmus for constable services in addition to what hs already been allowed him. Carried. Claimeci. Allowed 105 Jasper lmus, Constable.. 11 75 75 Mr. Howlett moved that J. .T. Robis, be allowed the sum of W for oorpei furnished clerli'sandregister's office Carried. Mr. Palmer, from Commlttee on Civil Claims, reported the fojlowing bill, and recommend its allowance at sum stated : m E. B. GUUey, erviees. S?met All0WW1' ing iusanetoPontlac.f 18 IX iisno Mr. McQuillan, from CommitteeonPir Diem Allowance, reported the attendance, travel, per diera, allowance and total compensation of the several Supervisors for this adjourned sessioii of the Board of Supervisors, as follows : Report adopted and ordered paid out of the Contingent Fund. Mr. Purtell, from Committee on Ciïinnal Claims Xo. 1, reported the follovinr bilis, and recommcndcd their allowanc'c at surns stated : Claimeil. Alloweü. 497 E. V,'. Wallaee, clothing for prlsoners _ S 95 .'M í 9S W 488 Fred k'. Wallace 11.5 7li llí T' Adopted. Mr. Howlett offered the followlng: Resolved, That each Supervisor is bereby directed to flll out the certilicate to be at taehed to his tax roll with ail tlie townsblp and other taxes, and attnc-h tlie samo to liiroll. Adopted. Mr. McDougall oö'ered the followlog : Resolved. That we tender our tlianks te Mr. (ook, chairiuan, for the able, courteou and Impartial intinner in which he has dischartced the duties of presiding oftu-er of this lïourd. Carried. Mr. McDougall offered the followÍDg : Resolved, That the County of Washtenaw will provide a suitable "Liock-up" in thenew Jail if built, for the City of Ann Arbor, on condition that they will furnlsh the snm of flve thousand dollars in addition to the sum of twenty thousand dollars voted by this lioardlora new Jail, to be applied on the purchase of a new site, said site nottocost inore tlian flve thousand dollars. Adopted. Mr. Krapf, from Committee on Aportionment of State and County Tax ¦, reported the State and County taxes ap poitioned to the several Townships ftnd Supervisor Districts as follows: The report was accepted and adopteil. Mr. McDougall moved thiit the Comnittee on Public Buildings be empoired to fill the ollice of Janitor of tlie .ourt House should any vacancy occnr or any cause bpfore the annaal meeting if tlie Board of Supervisors. Carried. Adjorned sine die.