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December 5 - In th. Sonate, Hoar of lassüchusetts presented a resolutlon ol lue egislalure of that state, op[joMngeiuviet labor u publk' wotks, and of New Hampsulre oppostog land gr anta to railroads. Bilis were presented to abolish imcrnal iwinue, to eo -ganize the legislativa power of Utah, proidingfor grauts of public lauds to soldiers nd sailors, coixerning ftdtral eUciions, and rcsolutiou was offercd Lookingj to the estab ithmeut of a military school for Iniians. in the House, the Virginia coíitested elecion case of Garrlson vs Mayo was referred to he committee oneUetious. Theileathof Repesentative Thomas A. Herndon of Alabaina was aunuuni'i d aud out of respect to his iïh jury tlie House adjourued,with the undersiandag thatno further business will l)o trausaeted un'il Mondav, the lOth. December 0. - Memorials and peiilons conceriiiüg railroad land granta iu Ne)raka aud Orgoa, a b:U asking for the re3oratlon to the market of laud iu Minnesota and Wiscinsiu, and bilis concerning wotnen, .he colored people, the lla;yiand and Delavare new shtp cacal and otter tnntters oeeu)ied the at'.ention of the Seuate. In the House, Ihe oatü of cfliee w&a aurainrtered to one member, when adjournmentwHS ordered untll Mouday, the lOth. Decemüek 12. - In the denate V'orhees of Iuiiaua introducid a reeolution authorizing the orumittee en militar; aftairs to iuquirc iuto ,he expediency of ïurchasing the encauipiritüt gniUüds occupied by the revolutiouary army at falley Forp for a natíondl park. Bills wcre ntroduced proTtding for eoinugt; iu thebranch nint ut Dcdtít; to regúlate eleetions of repretstiyes to C'ngreee, aud punlsh Tiolatiuns hereof; tojireyent unlavínl enc03Ure8 of pubic. and. A memorial signed by Mexican i'lernns asking lor psnEluna was prescated. ar. Hill eallel up the resolQtioa asking thé (cretary of the interior ia famteb copii-s of all )apers relat ing to transfer ui thelaud erant 'f tlie New Oritaus, Bütou Rouge and Vicksjur rullway eompanv. He said about a,0iX',0} acres were at Rtake in ïhis matter. The and becu cranted io 1871. Hy ilie terrus )f the act the claim lupsed Üve j ears froiu tbat ¦iri:c, the roaJ not belsg built, aud tin re wae IOW an attempt to transfer the 'and tothc New Orieans and Pècfflb railway. Aftct au eainest. iir-eusf-io'j the resolution was aerted to. Tiie ienate cötnmltttes werê appointed and aaonnnnettt ordered. Iu ti e House over 850 bilis and resolutkms vere preseuti d, it belng tlie first "bill-day'1 of he 6ession. States were calU d alphabutically, ut at the hour if afliouruulent Massactiusetis jad only been renehed. December Souat- The oalh of U'e was admlntstered to Seuator Anthony, khiator InalU IntroduceOabJH to próvido for presidential suecteiou. Oi.h.-.r biüa Wi-re pre: s):ted to providu lur closer O'ituni'rrcial relationshiy betweeu the 'JiHi''J States au ottur republies of the American c lütiueut, acd [ griiuriu soltcrs y!v. seryed 'JJ tl;i i:i ttie j 4.1e war. JW tferta of luui!. Mr. riumb oí iíi'jsas presented i ptitlonof colorcd c.t'zpns askiiigfor the ciincnu-ntof a iaw to sicure them in the onj -jni-atuf tiieir civil rights. Hodse.- The rc'.l cali of States for the introtiueiiou of began with Mtthiaan and! cir.ledwlth Wisc L'.Un. F-i' the two days 1021 j liiüe weye 'ut .ro ¦; loei, Muuy of thciu weru of a private nature, otbers concenuns; p'.-nsious. land ránts, rjilroad grants, thu erectioa (¦! public biiUoingei etc Michigan men submitted the tdttoWíifi Mr. I.kc. yto establ.lsh :i portal sayinge deposit brauch of the postofflee oëpartment; Mr. Cutcheon forbètter protec Uod tl life ar;d property on Micüigan hy the coiistrueil 'n of a hart) ir ofnfuifr; Mr. taplo'tö' dut ón salt ; .Ur. M.iybury ri qiicBiti.g the Pnsidciit to uenouate ivitfi Gr. af, liriiaiu for tin-, ri'iicwAl of thu ( ixiiddlun rt-ciprociTj' treatyof IS54; Mr. llorr tu i-stalilisli th board of ootnuiiMKHMn oí mter-btate c nunerce as a bureau of the iuti rtor départment. A message was tecrfVMl from ihe President transmlttiiig a C'Wi'iiuiiicatlon (rom the enmmisioner of fudlao "ff iir askmif for 61,000 for the want of tiuv. bar.-au. Th matter traa returred. A I] lurnblontll FricUy


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