Real Estate Transfers
Since last week the followlng sales havi! b(;en made: Ooo. Weiilmeyer to Win. Halber, Lodi, öacres 2'100 Anron Weidmeyer to Oeo. Weldmeyer, etal, Lodi, 60acres t'1" Chas. J. Sadler to Orange P. Noah, Dexter, Oacres 1'uw Samuel Robison to C. M. Harrls, Saline, 60 acre ' Geo. O. Ide to Thos. G. Burlingame. Ann Arbor, lBOacres ¦¦" Chas. Moore, et al, to Trustee Ui Congregatlonul church, Ypsllanti ¦."" Benl. F. Thoioas to Warren Babcock, Milaa l'm' J.N. and Ellen L. Wallace to Wra. J. Clame, Ypsllautl ¦ llw Geo P Armstrong to Alex. W. Hamilton, Ann Arbor " Wra. D. Mead to Charles Burghardt, Saline. 0 acres Patrick H. Bheehan to Robt. Popklns. AnnArbor.lot " James Weir to Wm. F. Rehfers, Manetierter, loOaores "¦0"
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Oscar Ide
George Weidmeyer
William Halber
Aaron Weidmayer
Charles J. Sadler
Orange P. Noah
Samuel Robison
C. M. Harris
Thomas G. Burlingame
Charles Moore
Benjamin F. Thomas
Warren Babcock
J. N. Wallace
Ellen L. Wallace
William J. Clarke
George P. Armstrong
Alex W. Hamilton
William D. Mead
Charles Burghardt
Patrick H. Sheehan
Robert Popkins
James Weir
William F. Rehfers