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HMvy Vrris't The abovo dcplcts a very pleasant featurn of blcycbng as a port. Tho club havo rlddcn from tbclr headquarters in tho city, to a suburban vilingcHomc twenty miles away, where thoy awnit thu arrlval of the raclng mombers who wero to Btartjusi thhty minutos later. Five minutes more and the two foremoet of tho raelng men- Fri, on hio " Harvard," and Yon3ou on his"Yale," appcar in sight. The paco in tremendous: tho men aro neck and neck, and Dodges, the eaptuin of Iho club, wliom ynu observe is leaning on hia " Shadow "light roadoter, in tho foreground, declares tho race a tic. " Where aro tho other men? " he ask. ' Oh, bohind, Bomewhere," is tbe reply. r "Aro there nny 'HarvarS's' or ' Vale's' or .SShadow's nmong them? " "Notone." "Ah I that accounts for it," fiays the captai-.i. American bicyclers as a body will realizo tliD f rce of the cgptaln's last rernark, but the t; tand of new rider:) wiiiftb. the coming ycar will produce, should each ono cf thera realizo ihat the only truc eeonoroy in choosing a bícycle is to ' hu content vith nothing les than the very betl ¦ that money will procure. Each ehould find out all lie can about bicycles before making his choice, and in order to aseiot enquirers in their Beareh for inforinaUon, we will, on receipt of a a three-cent stamp, BCnd to any address, cöpy of our largo iüustmtcd catalogue hy return THE CUNNINGHAM C&N1PMY, Tho Pioneer Bicyclo tjoxia of America. [EstoblisheO Imporüng Manufacturé of Bltfycles & Tricyclei ODU FELLOWS' lliLL, EOSTOK, MiSE. CHAs. W. V;aGNER, Agent, 21 South Main St., Ann Arbfir, Mich. mOiEDO, AXN AIlGOIt & ü. T. 11. 1!. COLUMBUS TIME. Through time tablo in effect Oct. 14, 1883. G01NG NOllïET (JOING SOUTÜ. -= s U-" 1 ?¦' I " I m 1 " ó o. o a o. STATIONS. K k ó K M y, x X x f, 't, a b b a a a PMPJIAl AMPMPM G 20 3 20 8 35 Lv Toledo Ar 10 00 :! ÜU 5 211 C 30 3 20 8 40 Manhalten Jct'n I 9 W 2 49 5 18 e 41 3: 8 47 Alexis Jct'n '.144 2 87 5 01! 7 IT 4 10 !l 20 Monroe Jet'n l il 10 1 49 4 27 V 27 4 18 9 32 Dundee 1 9 00 1 37 4 IS 7 42 4ÏJ 9 13 Azailla 8 50 IK 4 0á 8 CO 4 42 9 68 Milan ! S 3l! 1 04 :; :V 8 19 4 55:10 14 Urania 8 ai 1 ! 8 32 5 Ofi 10 25 I'ittstield B 0Bl3 3i ,: 8 50! 5 20 10 35 Ar Anji Arbor l.v 7.8512 3 311 P M:P M I' M A M A M A íl 11 30 55 12 32 Ar Jacks'n MCKK lv C 101 9 50 9 50 AM 1 OS 8 '5 2 15 IJattleCreek 2 05 55 2 66 lialamazoo 3 62 7 lo! 7 10 7 301050450] Gracd Uapids 10 40. C 20 0 20 PMP MjA M! IA W P M 1' M 8 50 5 20 10 35 lv Ann Arïor Ar 7 m 12 30 8 17 A M ff 60 G 05.11 20!Ar South Lyon Lv 7 2U.11 30' 2 40 P m!am a ji p m T M 11 69 Ar IIowcll DL&X Lv 10 Tl 2 UI P M 8 45 1 15 Landing '.) 10 12 !'. A M 11015 .".CO Ionia 7 4511105 11 50 5 01 Edmore B 10 ) Uü 40, Bi?Kapids . I , 4 50i Ilowurd City 9 25 A -M 3 4.' Petoskey G BA I 2 01 P M C 30 MackinawCity 9 45 Connections: At Toledo, with raüroads diveríjinK; at Manhattan Junetion, with Whecling & Lake Erie K. K.; at Alexis Junetion. with M. C. K. K., L. S. & M. S. Ky. and F. & p M. K. il. at Munrue Junetion, with L. S. 4 M. S. l!y.; at Dundee, with h. S. c M. B. Ky.; I Milan, witil Wubttsli, Ht. Laola & PadflC Ky.; :it i'ittstield: with ,. S. i II. B. By.j at Ann Arbor. vvith AliiliWiUi Ceuvral U. Li-, and at South Lyoa with Detroit, Lansing ic Nortliei n U. H. II. W. ASHLEY, General Fuut. W. II. HEXXETT, Gcn'l PaSB. Agent Detroit, Mackinae & Marqnette K. II. June 10, 1S83. Pioneer East .ind Wi st tLrou;;u the Upper Pi-niasula oí Mlchieím. 2iO ïlllca Shortcr between all eostera and nurthwestern points via Detroit anrl SU Miles Shortervia l'ort lluronto and froni Montreal and all points in L'anraia, tnan i other route. - - : EAST. WEST. - ; STATIONS. Í- rxr. ACC'ir. 'm. exp. 9.00 pm 8.80 amL tfanniette A íMpmlMam 0.12'' 9. '2" Onoto 4.3S ' ' 8.45 ' 0.37 " 10.35 " , An Trata : 4.U0 " !¦!' " 11'-'"' ' Munisini,' B.11 l.l.i :im 1.15 " S.noy U35 " Ï.8S " l..v ¦¦ 2.M - McMillan i '.'. ¦¦: " l.ffi " 2.20" -'.411" ; üollarville .Mi" 158" 2.25" 2.50" Newberry lt8Öam 1.23 " 5.15" O.'.'J " , st. IfnacV ¦' 10.00 pm VÍaM7c.lí.ít. ' a.0J pm H35atn BayCity 10.05 pm 1.40pm 7.4 ¦ H.23 " l.apeer Junct 7.U " U 0J0 '¦ HUB " Port Iluron' Sj ' 6J18 " ¦ Budïuur Itj &.4S " 8.18 " 10.45 ¦¦ Lansuig ' 6.M " 9.10 " 9.85" U.06pn ,::u-kson 4.:;") " ;..")" 0.15" 11.4óam Detroit pm 9.10 " vi c. ii..ti. n. r. L25pm fi.lOam Grand Rápida H.OOpm 10.20 pm 2.51" MS" lloivurrt itv UMOlm'l IJ" 1.00" ; Kort Waynb 3,15pni 3.10" ip.lir !S.O5 ¦ lnsir.l' 0 " .tó " 9.5 " 11.15 " Detroil Lj ü.SJ " 5.4Ó " Connections ;lto made at St. ipnr.c with. The Michifnin Centra! Kallroad for Detroit and all points in Michigan, and in-tbLCostsauth and Böutheast. Traína k-ave Maekinac City.óOa. m. and ÓM p. m. Tho Grand Kaplds Indiana Rhllroad for Urand Baplds, Fort Wayn&.and tbe aoutii anti ea?t. Abo with steamers oí the Detroit & Cleveland Pteam Navigation ('ompany for l'ort Hurón, Detroit and Cleveland, Ac., and with b;-at of the Northern Michigan Une Cor Chicago mui Milwaukee, and with diilerent boat linos for lake slmre polnts. Connections modo al Marquetto witli, The Marquette. lloufhton .'; Ontonagon K. H. for the lron, (oíd and Silver. mu'. Copper uistzlcts, and with boat linos for Dnluth and the Northwest. Ni'-ht tralns run daiiy, have Pullman Sleepers atached. D. .vut'OOL, F. Mll.I.lHA.N'. ¦Jen'l Superintendent, Gen'l Frt. A Pass Agí,' Marauotte. Mieli. Marquette, Hlch. TEN TH0ÜS4ND EI AK O WOUD Farms in Michigan. Eorsalcby the GRAN'D RAPIDS & INDIANA K. R. CO. Sugar nuiple the principal timber. Advaníages: Railroads .ürcady built, numerous towns and citics, onc of thc hcahhicst parts of Ihe Uiúted States, purest water, good markets, fine fruit, good roads, schools, churches, large agricultural poulation, best building material at low figures, good soil, low prices, easy terms, perfect title. For books, maps, charts, aníl all additionat informaiion, address W. O. HUGHART, Land Commissioner, Grand Rapids, Mich. Or Septer Rolerts, Traveüng Agent. GKT TUR Fire insuraíK f3L'$Á2,Q,00,OOÜ '? íksM for tbs iirrttseö n or tin ,¦ CHRISTfAN Í flepreseuis the foUo'wne Grot-cUti coaita aiof which oú,'tbe SI r, títi áíoDi . Soo.000,000 Sr loss n íxi .Ectna, of UartforJ { ;, ,., Cnhklln, Fhlladalpnlii ' . Germán American N. 7 Lo&dpn A-ur-nco Ccrporatli Satlonal, Ilurtrord North GAFman. Hambtfrtc.# j .... Phcsnlx, Brooklyo ¦ IJnderwrLU-rs Aorn;y a. Y .-¦' ' LoWeftlibC ! . .¦.,-i.i-.; . , .-.:.¦: pr i . Poüc'cj issuod.ut llio lewest catrspf iubh S7S-l:S QftBfSTIAJS V IC'ÍÍ. B. F. BOYLAN, P A ï N T E R aml l'enler n Frenoh, American & Píate Glass, áign Writiug, Papar HangUig, Uecorating, Frcscoing, etc. 16S. Main 8t, 2nd Floor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News