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¦ 'WHO !8 UMAC?UA!WTED WSTH THE CEOCRAPÜV CF THSS COUNTRY, WIL SEE BY EXAMININC TK!S BIAP, THAT THE Chbcago, fêo'CK Islasd Sl Pacifiö r% 3elng the Crent Centra! Lino, afloráis to iraveiars, by róasjan of lts unrlvaled gaoraphioal positlon, tha sborteot and best rcute betweon the Er-sf, Northeast and Southenst, and tho West, Northwest and, Southwest. St Is ütcrally and etrlctly true, thut lis 'conncctícii'is aro aü o! the vlncipal UnQO of rond öatweor tho Atlantic and tho Pacific, 3y lts' mam lina 'and branoho3 it reaohea Chicago, Jollst, Poorla, Ottawa, , La Salie, Conesoo, IViolino and Rock Island, In llllnölo; Dnvciipo't, Muscatlne, Washington, Keokuk, Knoxville, Oskalooaa, Talrfield, Das Mol nes, Wost Liberty, fowa Cty, Atlantic, Avoca, Auctubon, Harían, G'jthrio Center and Council Bluffs, !n lowa ; Callatin, Trenton, Cameron :nd Kansas City, In Missouri, and Leaven worth and Atchison In Kansas, and tlio hundreds of Oltlos, vlllsaes and towns Intermedíate. The "GREAT IIOG& BSLAIO ROUTE9" As It 13 nmlllarly called, offers to travelera all the advantageu and comforts Incident to a smooth track, safe bridges, Union Dopot3 at a!l connacting point6, Fast Expreso Trainc, corr.posed of OOMMODiOUS, WELL VENTILATED, WELL HEATEO, FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELEQANT DAY COACHSS - a line of the MOST WiACNSFICEMT HORTOSi RLC).IWlfilC CHAIR CA'3 cvor builx ; r-ULLMAN'S latest dosigned and handsomest PALACE 3LGEPI5ÍC C&KS, and DININC CARS that avo ackdowledged by pros3 and pcoplo to be tha FiHEST RUN UPON ANY ROAO IN THE COUNTRY, and In vhlch ouperior mealf re sorved to travelers at the low rato of SEVEW- -FIVE CENTS EACK. THRËE TRAINS each way bstween CHICAGO and no MISSOURI R1VER. TWO TRAINS eacl. way betwecn CKICACO and KÍ-NEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. vla tha famous ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A New and Direct Line, via Séneca nnd Kankakee, has recently bon opencd botween Nowport News, Richmond,!, Indlanapolis and La Tayotte, and Coupci! Bluffs, St. Paul, rvünneapoüs nnci intermedíate points. 'All Through Passengcrs earrlsd on Fast Express Trains. For morodotaüed inforrr;ation,seoiV!bp3anc! Folders, which may well as-Tickats, at all prlncipol Ticket Offices :i tho Unltod States and Canada, or of R 8. GABLE, E, ST. JOHN, Vloe-Pres't & Qan'l Manager, Cen'l T'k't & Paso'r Ag't,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News